Good morning, evening, or whatever applies to you!
Where to begin? It's been a while since I've participated in online discussions, ATS has provided some fantastic reading material over the last 6
months, and YouTube has provided pure comedy with its infamous comment section. So I feel now is as good a time as any to jump in!
I'm a male human, in my mid twenties, living in the "sunny" UK. I have spent some recent years of my recent life feeling a bit lost at sea, with
many questions, and few answers. I can consider myself lucky in many respects, but yet that doesn't stop me feeling like something better is around
the corner. I guess the optimist in me isn't dead, despite many personal challenges.
I lost a parent as i entered my teens, and whilst i believe it didn't affect me negatively, looking back at school, things were worse than i would
ever have admitted at the time, but ultimately I had to stick it out as I live with the belief that "tomorrow is a new day,and tomorrow could be the
best day of your life". I have struggled watching my father battle alcohol, cancer and various medical conditions. He should have died countless
times before and since I was born, but he's a hard barsteward, and certainly doesn't know the meaning of giving up.
I was lucky to be in a good school with good friends when I was a teen, by the time I was 15 I had almost forgotten the pain of the previous few
years and was beginning to enjoy life again, good friends, a little bit of cash to play with, (and a few beers
) Life felt good, until the last part
of my teen years came; When the recession started I had just left my previous, stable part time job to begin potentially my dream career. To cut a
long story short eventually it fell through and I was out of work, and struggled on and off, in and out of work for about 3 years. What a change to
life, I became socially withdrawn, each job rejection knocked my confidence, despite my best efforts, I felt as though I'd made countless mistakes
and started to dwell on my situation, "WOE IS ME!" LOL.
I'm in a good place now, I have a full time job, and consistency in my finances for the first time in years, my relationships with people closest to
me are on the mend and I still have some old friends who are still just as i remember, 2015 is going to be my year. (Sorry if you thought 2015 was
going to be your year, but... it's mine now
I realised the hard way that you need to grab life by the balls to get anything out of it, but that wont stop the shizz from hitting the fan every so
often, you just have to keep on truckin' through it.
Why did I join ATS? Well I've always had a feeling there is more to life than meets the eye, there's a treasure-trove of info to be discovered, some
excellent minds to probe, and interesting theories to be discussed.
I'm interested in politics, both world and local, the military, cars and technology (obviously, 99% of my generation is I think)
Recent events that have interested me include 9/11 and all that came with it, the infamous 2008 crash, MH370, the rise of UKIP, MH17 and the Ukraine
situation, plus much, much more!
I'm interested in space exploration and the study of our own home, and feel we have so much to learn, and that some (govts) know more than we are
ever allowed to know as mere "people" with regards to energy, technology, surveillance medicine etc.
At the risk of rambling, I'll pretty much leave it there, but I look forward to getting in the mix.
I probably won't post much, "I like to watch.." But who knows?
Catch ya later!