posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 01:11 AM
As we all know the world uses entertainment to desensitize us to the events that take place around us, and I wanted to point out some things from a
game I have played that came out not to long ago. Called Watch Dogs, while I enjoy this game drastically, I wanted to get some opinions from other
members of ATS to see if they too can see the obviousness between this game and reality. Even though it is a very high conspiracy game, it features a
system full of camera's that has full facial recognition, that uses advanced allgerithyms (h/e spelled) to even go as far as to identify the
activities you are doing as you are being monitored, I posted both real life links to news stories as well as links that line up with the game. The
very first night I played this game I had a really bad dream which is something i rarely have.. even though I still enjoy it.
Do you think this game will lead to our future, is it something that is to precondition us even more by mocking it. After all several companies have
already admitted to installing camera's into basic tv's etc. - going as far as hacking private messages, using social media, etc to id and locate you (advance 1 min
into video to avoid boring parts)
sample news story there's more out there across the grid for just about everything from gaming consoles to pcs, to tv's and even phones.
the results of camera's that scan your rooms, listen in to your conversations right there in a video game, this is a collection of 'gathered'
information from camera's hidden amongst the things you buy. This even in the earliest stages with the least amount of 'data' still can id who you
are, what you are doing, and not leave anything but a few byte trail on your bills. By keeping image recorded and sent light.
meanwhile you play this guy who gets caught up in a story trying to stop those who control ctos (the camera system they use)