if you look at the larger sat pictures of area 51 (2725x3063) it looks as if they are some sort of trench, but the picture is at a sort of angle so it
looks as if the trench has a wall in the center (looking at it from the front would look like -----UU----- )! This really has me interested now.
The black clouds are shaddow from the white ones. And i doent think it is a wall of any caind. And not a runway they use to normal. It is s cind of
road, or I relly doent know. And i relly doent care
as you can see here i have circled some sort of establishment on the outter rim of the lake, this leads me to believe that the establishment is some
sort of hangar, and that these in fact are small runways for small air or land craft to travel on.
you can clearly see that their is indeed a runway the connects to the facility, BUT look to the right of that, there is the UU shaped thing i was
talking about
I am seriously convinced they are just seperate runways, for god knows what purpose, they could just be private runways. There are a couple seperate
organizations that operate within this facility, so as i circled, which actually happens to be a little off-center, it could be a sub-contracted
agency developing highspeed land and air vehicles.
the UU thing looks like a hanger to me, also Groom lake has so much aircraft activity that it has to have more then 2 runways, a normal airport has
more then 2 runways, then compare a normal airport to Groom lake. i would expect way more. it's probably for JANET aircraft that need another area
to land in while there is an operation in process.
also on another note, has anyone seen JustaPilot ??? he says he worked at groom for a little while. i sent him some questions and he said that i would
not be able to get the answer to many of them but he said he would say what he could. he has not said anything, and i was wondering if anyone had
heard from him?