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CDC: Superbug Contracted at Doctors and Dentists Offices

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posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 06:58 AM
With infections of Superbug (C. diff) on the rise it is an underestimated topic that needs more attention. Antibiotics do not typically work against this deadly disease and could cause or make the situation worse.

Just when you thought it couldn’t get worse at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), after their deadly fumbling on Ebola and measles, new data show the agency vastly underestimated the threat of a superbug raging through our hospitals and nursing homes. Data from a leading medical journal show that 29,000 people in the United States are killed each year by Clostridium difficile, more than double what the CDC claimed just three years ago. Worse still, the CDC is dithering while deaths mount.

C. diff causes severe diarrhea, sometimes permanently destroying the lining of the colon and causing other deadly complications. The new data reveal that nearly a half-million people get C. diff each year. It kills almost twice as many people as AIDS.

How do patients get it? Oral-fecal contamination, meaning traces of a patient’s diarrhea get in another patient’s mouth. Sorry, but that only happens because hospitals and other health care facilities are inadequately cleaned. The germ lurks on bed rails, curtains, faucet handles, door knobs and call buttons where it can survive for two years. Patients touch these invisibly contaminated surfaces, then touch their mouth or food and swallow the germ when they eat.

a substantial number of people contracted the bug who hadn't been in a hospital, but had recently visited the doctor or dentist.

Patients should wash their hands after visiting the doctor's office -- with soap and water, because alcohol-based gels don't get rid of C.diff. Another tip: Question your doctor whenever you're prescribed an antibiotic. Powerful broad-spectrum antibiotics wipe away good bacteria in your gut that fight off the bad bacteria, which leads the way to C. diff.

The CDC study, published Wednesday in The New England Journal of Medicine, said 150,000 people who had not been in the hospital came down with C. diff in 2011. Of those, 82% had visited a doctor's or dentist's office in the 12 weeks before their diagnosis. The CDC is hoping its new study will help determine cause and effect, because it's possible the patients had C. diff to begin with and went to the doctor to get help. It's also possible that antibiotics prescribed during the doctor's visit, and not microbes at the doctor's office, caused the infection.

Here another thread about Superbug from a couple of weeks ago - Here

Superfoods loaded with probiotics
are used to build good bacteria in the gut.

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 07:09 AM
When we recently visited the ER of a major hospital here, they handed us masks to wear. Ostensibly the reason was measles. I don't really know what was up, just thought it interesting. If hospitals think they are having enough trouble with some bug in their facility to require masks…

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 07:19 AM
How long before it reaches public door handles,gas pumps and grocery carts if it hasn't already

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: gmoneystunt

The reason they handed us masks might be the threat was airborne.

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: gmoneystunt

I have to run out the door to work, but I wanted to make a quick comment for folks to arm themselves in general and for this particular issue of C-Diff.

Numerous environmental substances, pesticides, insecticides, glyphosphate etc... wreak havoc on our endocrine, nervous system and gut. In particular these items kill off the good gut bacteria that we need for good health and proper assimilation of nutrients and production of vitamins. C -sections, now 50% of births contribute heavily to a less than healthy population as we pick up our initial inoculation of good bacteria in the vaginal canal at birth, as a result we have infants and toddlers suffering from a whole host of problems. A lack of breast feeding and its replacement with soy based (conventionally grown and processed) "formula" do not provide the same level of nutrition, assimilation, or proper gut bacteria that the infants own mother would normally provide....our modern day digestive systems are infinitely LESS efficient and balanced in their function than ever.

Inflammation is the result of our poor environments and poor processed food choices, glyphosphate has been found to contribute massively to "leaky gut" an inflammatory condition that allows food particulate (IE various proteins) to breach the gut/blood barrier creating the perfect opportunity for our body to misidentify these various proteins as antigens(germs, foreign invaders)and develop histamine responses or worse to any number of normally healthfully received foods.

C-Diff, and the multitude of "allergies" we are seeing in the world today are a by-product of our overly industrialized food sources and environmental OCD for anti-bacterial substances. I have to run out the door, but will return later to make a bunch more posts and citations for you to reference for your and your families and loved ones health.

If you do ONE thing as a dietary supplement, go to a healthfood store, go to the refrigerated (only refrigerated) section and pick up a multi species (33-34 or more )refrigerated probiotic providing 30-50 billion population for maintenance and 200 -400 billion for a more therapeutic action and take these at least one full dose every 3 days...daily is optimal.

Garden of Life has twice what is listed on their box and I recommend them above all, however Renew Life, Standard Process Labs and a couple more are fantastic as well. My 1st line of defense and mitigation of C-Diff would definitely be a damn good probiotic...NOT a "shelf stable" variety.

I hope this helps.

Oh I better include this: The above statement is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or condition, consult your wellness professional. (Sheesh gotta watch out these days)
edit on 20-3-2015 by BlueJacket because: the law

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: gmoneystunt

i work out of a hospital and this really freaks me out,

I also wonder about the heavy use of antibacterials and how this might allow for other superbugs to thrive - bacteria or viruses that build resistance to our human "solutions"

S & F I also think this topic should receive more attention. Thank you for sharing gmoneystunt

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 07:41 AM
a reply to: intrptr

I would wear the mask, superbug and measles are both airborne. Measles virus can live for up to two hours on a surface or in an airspace where the infected person coughed or sneezed. Superbug is two years on surfaces

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 07:43 AM
Amazing information and advice. Really appreciate that. THANK YOU!

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 07:54 AM
a reply to: BlueJacket

Thanks for the information. Interesting to note that all these bugs are fought with antibiotics that kill off the good bacteria with the bad.

Another good idea to minimize intake of toxins is to drink lots of water, preferably distilled.

The body needs water to flush away the toxic soup we all consume these days. Stay hydrated.

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: intrptr

Probiotics are the pre-eminent killers of bad bacteria, without instigating bacterial immunity, a key differentiater.

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 08:03 AM
There's a decent video on gut bacteria I seen a couple of days ago but it doesn't get into the effect of antibiotics on the gut.

google: Catalyst - 'Gut Reaction'
edit on 20-3-2015 by gmoneystunt because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2015 @ 08:29 AM
a reply to: BlueJacket

I can see you are well informed about this. A good sure of knowledge about medicine. Question…

Do pro biotics kill off viruses, too? Or does a healthy immune system prevent super bugs from getting a hold? Once we contract a virus we must seek antibiotics for it?

posted on Mar, 23 2015 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: intrptr

No sir, probiotics do not in "particular" kill viruses. They do however manage/mitigate your systems healthy response and condition, making it more difficult for a virus to take hold and spread and easier for your immune system to fight a virus.

Modern medicine doesn't speak to "anti-virals" per say, however traditional medical paradigms like Ayurveda and the various other Oriental medical paradigms do, but not using the same terminology.

Western mainstream science knows of many anti-virals, some are insanely potent, but the research, and human studies have been left "unpublished" for whatever reason, I will leave that up to your conspiratorial logic to explain. In 1998 American Elderberry (Sambucus Canadensis) was originally studied on 11 known strains of the flu on humans and found to either kill the virus or significantly reduce its lifespan in every case. (I'm looking all over in my favorites files but my wife is not as dilligent at filing as I am...sigh) However Purdue and Cornell Universities repeated the studies and found the same.

The most powerful anti viral substance I know is Lomatium spp. The NW Amer-Indians chewed this root (known as biscuit root) during major viral outbreaks, spitting out the fiber (fiber gives a rash to many) the case of the 1918 flu epidemic, no known deaths occurred in tribes utilizing the aforementioned. The other adjunct approach is to use the appropriate "purgative". Our Western mindset is very "this for that" which is limiting in its scope for mitigating disease. My preferred purgative in cases of "Febrile" (fever causing like the flu) viral conditions is an incredibly powerful emetic known as Lobelia inflata. Bare in mind this product must be prepared correctly to be used safely (1:10 dillution), if not it can be dangerous in the wrong hands.

American Elderberry is probably the safest anti-viral, along with propolis for the less educated as the aforementioed Lomatium and Lobelia are VERY powerful plants, and I would be remiss to not make mention of the need for a qualified practitioner to prepare these....decent examples with great efficacy are available by Herb Pharm and Gaia herbs in most healthfood stores.

Again the above is not intended to diagnose, or treat any disease as the FDA has not qualified those statements.

I guess I need to find some extra time and write a proper thread and run with this theme a bit.

posted on Mar, 23 2015 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: BlueJacket

I guess I need to find some extra time and write a proper thread and run with this theme a bit.

I like what you have to say on the subject. I get the natural approach and support it, just don't practice it very much because I don't know much about it. Imagine that? In the modern world of big Pharma, thats not main stream knowledge.

posted on Mar, 24 2015 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: intrptr

The sad reality, is that prior "big Pharma" some of the greatest minds to walk this planet had already distinguished the best formats for treating chronic disease and in some cases acute. The biggest issue prior 1940 in my mind was these treatments raw material availability and clean drinkable water.

With the onset of refrigeration we began trading foods out of season and out of "growing zone" both of which lead to among other things...abuse of food for pleasure rather than sustenance and other forms, less friendly to our health for preservation. It's interesting to note that the incident for Colon, esophageal and rectal cancers has been on a steady increase since those times. In 2005 OSU proved the genus Vaccinium and Rubus held a a cure for the aforementioned cancers...oddly enough the substance identified as responsible (elagic acid) was a major part of the Northern Hemisphere diet until refrigeration, guess what those items were? Strawberry , Black Raspberry, Blackberry etc...all items consumed in huge quantities seasonally and locally prior modern food preservation.

Probiotics derived from "old school" preservation techniques IE fermentation (non-alcoholic primarily) were what lead to the discovery of vitamins and obviously todays isolated probiotics sold in health food stores and Doctors offices. The longest lived societies on earth had diets rich in local fruits and berries as well as fermented veggies and seaweeds. The facts are, that we had everything pretty well licked, that needed licked prior modern day, the problem was macroscopic understanding of the information and availability along with clean, fresh water.

The reason Big Pharma persists, is because you cannot patent a natural product but you can synthesize IE copy or emulate a constituent found in nature, you can patent that and own a cure... so the idea of profit has become synonymous with medicine.

posted on Mar, 24 2015 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: BlueJacket

I agree. I gardened and understand that planst are naturally resistant to bugs and blight if the soil is properly prepared and nutrients provided through organic compost. Also agree that locally grown is best for bolstering human immune systems.

Sometimes I think big Agro, Pharma and the Medical Industrial complexes are all in cahoots.

posted on Mar, 24 2015 @ 08:15 PM
a reply to: intrptr

They are my friend..big ag, big meds et not care about individuals..but I laugh... I know 500+ plants, and I am teaching everyone I know how to use them..they cant beat humans hearts. And killing me wont I have already taught far too many people

posted on Mar, 24 2015 @ 08:17 PM
I would come across something like this after going to the doctor's. News like this is the reason why I'm always washing my hands. You never know what could be on a person's hands when they touch stuff. I wish places like hospitals would take the time to properly clean common touch surfaces.

posted on Mar, 24 2015 @ 08:23 PM
a reply to: Rocketgirl

My friend
That is the need the inoculation of bizzare bacteria. You are doing right, let your kid eat dirt and lick your driveway.

posted on Mar, 24 2015 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: intrptr

They are my friend..big ag, big meds et not care about individuals..but I laugh... I know 500+ plants, and I am teaching everyone I know how to use them..they cant beat humans hearts. And killing me won't I have already taught far too many people

Outstanding. That stuff would make a good thread (hint, hint).

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