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School brainwashing kids into Islam with vocabulary exercises

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posted on Mar, 18 2015 @ 10:25 PM
Here's an update to the Fox News article that was referenced in some of the links that I followed from the original article:

UPDATE: I asked the school district if there had been similar vocabulary assignments about Judaism, Christianity or other religions. I also asked for the exact dates of those assignments. Here’s the reply I received from the school district:

"The class recently finished reading Night by Elie Wiesel. As part of the study of this book, students were exposed to Judaism. I'm told that one of the next couple of lessons that will be taught in this class includes an examination of Psalm 23 as part of the lesson. Additionally, the workbook in question has another vocabulary lesson with words used in a passage about India's three great beliefs (Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism). Keep in mind that this workbook is just one of numerous resources used in the course. Students are exposed to various cultures, values, and beliefs through the reading of multiple types of literature, but teachers certainly aren't advocating for any of them.”

Notice how the school district dodged my question?

So, the class is looking at a number of different religions in the context of a High School Senior level World Literature class. Therefore the students involved should have the ability to comprehend the context of the vocabulary exercise, without secumbing to any percieved indoctrination.

However, the following definition of mosque is somewhat troublesome for me:

In 630, after war with the Meccans, Mohammed entered the city of Mecca as a victor and proclaimed the sacred shrine, Kaaba, to be a mosque. He first had to destroy the pagan idols before he could declare Kaaba a house of worship.

The notions of "sacred shrine" and "pagan idols" are definitely relative to one's interpretation. I am concerned because these phrases are presented as factual terms, rather than terms relative to Mohammed's beliefs.

If I presented the definition of evil as:

In Gene Rodenberry's book, Captain Kirk fired a volley of photon torpedos at the evil Klingons.
then everyone knows that we are defining some fictional characters as evil.

On the other hand, if I defined evil as:

In Mein Kampf, Adolph Hitler defined Germany's problems as arising from the evil Jews.
then there is a bit more confusion because "evil Jews" is being presented in a more factual format.

Perhaps it would be best to just leave religious cultural studies to an elective social studies class.


posted on Mar, 18 2015 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: FlySolo

T is for Towel.

posted on Mar, 18 2015 @ 10:26 PM

originally posted by: eletheia

originally posted by: Unity_99

Its illegal. People can pay to send their children to religious schools, but keep all religion out of the school period.

You're assuming its illegal world wide, I 'm not sure it is.

The point I was trying to make is that school should be for educating

and include the basis of all religions.

But the individual religion of each pupil should only been gone into

and taught in the home, temple, mosque, church, synagogue, etc.

of the personal respective religion of the individual.

Do you understand the vast amount of religions out there? You couldn't just have Christianity, you would have to talk Lutheran, Protestant, Presb., Catholic, etc, same for many others. Noone should have to be taught about religion. When a person feels that the time is right for them to learn or read religious work then it is their obligation to do so. How many middle schoolers and even high schoolers could read the Bible and comprehend it? Noone reads it anymore, it gets preached into their minds, and the preachers are no different than soapbox cultists, spreading their own agenda in order to make a dollar off your fear. If you knowingly send your kid to a private school surrounded by a single religion then fine they can be taught whatever you want to pay for, but in public school where everyone else goes, no religion is necessary to be taught about. Wars were caused because of it, but no need to go into what each side was fighting for. They believe in different metaphysical beings which may be the same in the end and are willing to fight for that thought because they too are brainwashed into what is right.

BTW, there is no official religion or language in America, so technically anything regarding these can be taught in public school and it is not agianst any type of law. Out of generosity to parents it should be mentioned in some curriculum document before they let their child take the class. Imagine this. Your a teacher teaching the major religions of the world, but your also required to teach the religion of Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings or something a lot more interesting to kids. How much would that influence them to want to read on religions book over the other? To maybe believe it more, thus, confounding what their parents really wanted them to believe. LOL I wnat my kid to believe this and only this. That is tardando.

posted on Mar, 18 2015 @ 10:35 PM
a reply to: DexterRiley

Well said dex !

posted on Mar, 18 2015 @ 10:38 PM

originally posted by: Maverick7
a reply to: FlySolo

T is for Towel.

Towel Head Right ? That's what your getting at ?

I is for Ignorant and here is an F for a finger pointed directly at you !

edit on 18-3-2015 by Kapusta because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2015 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: DexterRiley

The notions of "sacred shrine" and "pagan idols" are definitely relative to one's interpretation. I am concerned because these phrases are presented as factual terms, rather than terms relative to Mohammed's beliefs.

Yeah good point. I noticed that too. Plus the fact the other day ISIL went ape sh!t and destroyed an entire museum of 3000 year old idols is disturbing they even talk about the 'radical' aspect considering the current popular beliefs.

posted on Mar, 18 2015 @ 10:50 PM
Get this crap out of our schools.

If the lesson was about cathedral or synagogue there would be a shtshorm citing violating the Constitution with separation of church and state.

posted on Mar, 18 2015 @ 10:52 PM

originally posted by: Maverick7
a reply to: FlySolo

T is for Towel.

Towel is for what the liberals have thrown in.

posted on Mar, 18 2015 @ 10:58 PM
If what she presented in te video is accurate and that is actually part of their curriculum then it crosses far over the line drawn by separation of church and state.

That is the kind of thing you see in bible class or its equivalent mosque class if such exists.

I am an Atheist and I am sensitive to religious indoctrination which it is.

Now I don't want to hear any crap from those who read this claiming this Atheist only is against Christianity as I see others being accused of all the time.

Religion does not belong in public school /period/

posted on Mar, 18 2015 @ 11:06 PM
a reply to: DexterRiley

Now THAT is creepy and has agenda written all over it. If insert the other faiths in there, then it's no problem. But if there is one Jesus missing, then God help us all!

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 12:10 AM
Another reason for people to fear Islamic takeover of America and thus hate Islam even more. *sigh*

I wouldn't be surprised if this was part of the status quo being pushed by those behind the scenes. Pay a teacher to put Islamic propaganda into their children's schoolwork then hope a parent finds it, sends it to the MSM and boom, Islam is invading America and being propagated in our schools. Now, let's go blow them all up overseas.

I'm not saying this is what's going on but I wouldn't be surprised if it is the case. Give someone enough money and they'll do whatever you want without ever saying a word about it.

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 01:04 AM
a reply to: FlySolo

I remember reading that they actually used the word "idols" in defending their actions with respect to destroying the museum artifacts. The thing I can't understand is how a 3000 year old wall can be classified an "idol."

I don't dislike Islam. However this insane interpretation of the principles of this religion is beyond reasonable.

On the other hand, I have to wonder; is this the action that Mohammed took when he cleansed the "sacred shrine" of its "pagan idols?"


posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: cenpuppie

I finally got a chance to watch the video. The presenter read off the definitions as presented in this document.

Then she read off the fill-in-the-blank questions. It starts by having the student imagine themselves in Mohammed's time. Then they roam around in their imagination and see various mosques, they see Mohammed giving a speech (sermon?) and then they visit one of Mohammed's battlefields.

Wait...What? Battlefields!?!?

And they are using visualization techniques to stimulate the student's imagination. Visualization is used to enter a trance state in clinical and self-hypnosis. I'm not necessarily a conspiracy theorist. But this has programming written all over it.

First question: Is this for real? Are we being punked here? Is this really part of the standard Common Core curriculum?
Second question: If the answer to the first question is yes, then who approved this train-wreck of a lesson?

Can anybody else get their hands on these worksheets to make sure this is for real? Because if it is real, I'll have to put this in the "You just can make this sh** up" file.


posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 02:30 AM
Can't be too different than what the Christians have done for hundreds of years if you think about it.
Many unbelievers were indoctrinated from the early times til this day. What do you think the missionaries do when they go abroad and teach the gospel of Christianity? They teach the children first. That's how it's done. Get it in their heads nice and early.

Perhaps this kind of thing will finally show our population how dangerous and wrong it is to allow any religion whatsoever into schools. I doubt the Christians can see that though.

So, enjoy a whole new religious perspective being shown to your little ones!
And just know that somewhere back in the line, someone did that to your ancestors as well.

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 03:20 AM

originally posted by: DexterRiley
a reply to: FlySolo

I remember reading that they actually used the word "idols" in defending their actions with respect to destroying the museum artifacts. The thing I can't understand is how a 3000 year old wall can be classified an "idol."

I don't dislike Islam. However this insane interpretation of the principles of this religion is beyond reasonable.

On the other hand, I have to wonder; is this the action that Mohammed took when he cleansed the "sacred shrine" of its "pagan idols?"


I can partially answer that for you. What many people don't know or talk about is that the idols in the Kaaba were from a local denomination/branch of Hanif (some think they may have been Sabians or Sabaeans but no one's sure). Many or all of these idols were of the Prophet Abraham, his family, and descendants (and I'd guess other figures from their beliefs). They virtually worshiped the Prophet Abraham & his descendants as being equals to God, kind of like how some forms of Christianity place the Prophet Jesus as an equal to God. The Prophet Muhammad's clan was incredibly powerful and had many Hanif in it (not sure how many were from this specific denomination), and I think his clan was in control of the Kaaba & the city of Mecca.

The Prophet's clan first fought against him & his companions (even forced them into exile), but eventually they all converted to his form of Islam. The idols were no longer relevant to them since that entire religion merged into the Prophet's massive array of followers. So it would be no different than pagans in the Roman Empire converting to Christianity, then destroying their former idols.

As for ISIS, they're liars & fools. Neither the Prophet, his companions (like the first 4 Caliphs), or any other Muslim leaders after them tried to destroy the Sphinx, pyramids, or these ancient sites/monuments/etc. Think about it- those museums are in areas controlled by Muslims for more than 1000yrs & yet not only were they not destroyed by Muslims, they were actually placed in museums by Muslims lol. Wahabis are the ones destroying Muslim & Christian shrines, graves, mosques, etc, just as they've been doing in Saudi Arabia. They (the Saudi govt) even destroyed one of the Prophet Muhammad's Mosques!

As for the OP. I'm not sure what to think. Assuming the example she read from is valid, it seemed to cross a line. I don't believe any religion should be mandatory in schools, but I do think it would be incredibly useful if everyone could take a voluntary 1 semester "world religion" class. It would have brief descriptions of the world's major & mid-major religions & where they're prevalent, as well as atheism (even though I know atheists don't see atheism as a religion). I think this would erase most of the misconceptions people have about each other.

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: theabsolutetruth

The US already has loads of faith shcools that preach hate, dont need any help from the UK for that.

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 07:59 AM
a reply to: FlySolo

Man, people really hate Muslims. How sad and what a waste of time this is.

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
Get this crap out of our schools.

If the lesson was about cathedral or synagogue there would be a shtshorm citing violating the Constitution with separation of church and state.

As long as other religions are covered which other religion were covered then there is no problem. They are not trying to get the kids into any kind of religion regardless of what some backwater town or FOX islamophobia news says.

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: FlySolo

Man, people really hate Muslims. How sad and what a waste of time this is.

You have to keep the Islamophobia alive so that way people won't feel bad when we invade Muslim nations and kill the people that live there for no reason.

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: DexterRiley
Is the person who wrote the FOX article just plain too stupid to understand what they are being told? Just because they didn't give exact dates they claim the teachers are dodging his question which is intellectually dishonest. They gave him examples of other religions being taught but he wants it to sound like they aren't teaching about other religions. Which just isn't true.

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