I have received a few private messages about adoption and finding ones birth mom or siblings. So, I thought I would share my advice. For what ever its
Several years ago, I found my friends birth mom. As well as finding my own son. I dont know if any of this will help anyone else, but:
Start by creating a free blog. (I use wordpress) In the first paragraph, put all the information you have, and try to think of the wording your
birth mom would use, or a sibling would use when internet searching. Dates, place of birth etc. Then add what you want to say to her and provide
pictures. You will look familiar, to the right family. A blog is good too, because you can add private pages where you can keep a diary of where you
have looked, etc to go back to later. It helps not to get caught in the same loop, as well as keeping records. Its easy to cut and paste records or
bits of information you dont want to lose, so you can come back and work on the loose ends later. (I had a stroke so I forget things)
Then I would take all you know and search Ancestry.com, and all genealogy sites for your date and place of birth etc. Concentrate on the area you were
born. If a women gave birth at the same time you were born, then write a letter. Take the names you find and see if there are any marriages or
divorces on the genealogy sites. So you can track new names if you need to. You might even need to check the social death index with these names to
see who is still living.
I would also, search the local newspaper archives from where you were born to see if there was ever a personal ad taken out by your other family. I
would also call the local library and just ask if there is anyway you could leave a message for your birth mom. You might even put a personal ad in
the same newspaper. Dont expect it to happen over night.
Put yourself in their shoes, and try to anticipate where or how they would look for you. What their internet search would say. Then put that into your
blog. Let your heart guide you to them.
Once you narrow down the possibilities, use a pay site to get the addresses, then start writing letters. I sent out a bunch of letters to my friends
possible moms, then one day, the call came in, and the rest is history!!
I found my son on the social network sites. But, it was an open adoption and I knew his name.
Creating a blog is easy, but if your old like me, there is a learning curve, so If you need help with it let me know. However, the only one I have
used is wordpress. I will be happy to help on the phone, and you can message me for my number, if you need me to walk you through wordpress.
Happy Hunting. Dont give up, it is worth finding your roots.
edit on 19-3-2015 by misskat1 because: awful grammer lol