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Woman beats hunter's pet falcon to death in a bid to save wild duck's life

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posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: Cygnis

I presume you don't eat meat, at all, by the way your action. And I presume you think hunting or fishing or any other sort of thing are barbaric, as for those of use who do eat meant, we should just get it at the grocery store.

i haven't eaten meat for 25 years

i don't think hunting is barbaric - i think it's wrong to kill a wild animal if you don't need to - so i don't do it

if i was starving i would kill to live

I presume, you are incapable of understanding just how all the old skills we used to have, are going away, because "they're not needed anymore". There are some fine old traditions, and skills that many of us hold dear.

i enjoy archery and general woodland skills - i don't need to kill wild animals to practice them

A bond between animal and human are rare, and good ones are even harder. They are less and less common in this day and age.

there are a number of domesticated animals that can provide that bond - i enjoy watching wildlife, with which i feel a very deep bond - i don't feel i have the right to control or interfere with a wild animal in any way if my survival doesn't depend on it

I presume, you will have a short existence should the supply chain to your local store, ever stops working for a extended period of time.

i'm a gardener and i know a bit about wild food sources that don't involve killing animals - if i had to i could and would hunt - i've never had to

I feel sorry for lettuce, as it feels and knows whats eating it too.

i feel sorry for them as well, but it's me or them!

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: Cygnis

Your presumptions, Aynock, is where some of us are having issues. Because you do not know, and unless this guy is your neighbore, or best friend, or such, you cannot know, and passing judgment is a rather, ugly thing to do

falconers don't hunt with gyrfalcons unless they are very experienced - they are large powerful birds - definitely not for the inexperienced

i have a number of good friends who hunt, fish and shoot - we agree to disagree on the issue - except for a bit of kidding around
edit on 17-3-2015 by aynock because: filled out

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: aynock

Nicely Done. And my hats off.

I hunt, but only what I can use, and use all of. There are uses for all of the creature. It is the only way to do it, in good conscious.

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 05:53 PM

originally posted by: aynock
a reply to: Cygnis

Your presumptions, Aynock, is where some of us are having issues. Because you do not know, and unless this guy is your neighbore, or best friend, or such, you cannot know, and passing judgment is a rather, ugly thing to do

falconers don't hunt with gyrfalcons unless they are very experienced - they are large powerful birds - definitely not for the inexperienced

i have a number of good friends who hunt, fish and shoot - we agree to disagree on the issue - except for a bit of kidding around

Indeed, I have a few friends who don't eat meat, we tease each other quite a bit, all in good fun.

However, I'm just a little mystified as to why you insist that he was doing this for his own pleasure, when it very well was likely he was doing this so the bird may maintain it's natural skill-set? We cannot ascertain this by simply reading a news story, at least not fairly..

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 05:55 PM
a reply to: Cygnis

if people respect the animal, and especially if you use the animal i've not got a major problem

i just find it hard to feel sorry for a man who has had an animal killed while using it to try and kill another animal - i just didn't think the woman was being more malicious than the man

for me it wasn't as one sided as the op made out

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 06:01 PM
a reply to: Cygnis

However, I'm just a little mystified as to why you insist that he was doing this for his own pleasure, when it very well was likely he was doing this so the bird may maintain it's natural skill-set?

everyone i know who hunts does it because they enjoy it - he could maintain the birds fitness and skills using a lure - many falconers do
edit on 17-3-2015 by aynock because: filled out

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 06:02 PM

originally posted by: aynock
a reply to: Cygnis

if people respect the animal, and especially if you use the animal i've not got a major problem

i just find it hard to feel sorry for a man who has had an animal killed while using it to try and kill another animal - i just didn't think the woman was being more malicious than the man

for me it wasn't as one sided as the op made out

Indeed, for me, I view it as the hawk-owner is allowing the bird to maintain it's own skill-set, and characteristics.

Now I'm not sure if the owner of this falcon had the bird trained to kill what ever it was told to, or if the falcon chose to kill it's prey on it's own.

That, would be where the pleasure, or destiny part comes in for me. If the Falcon downed the duck, and was eating it, on it's own. It was obviously hungry, and well. Otherwise, your presumption would be more likely.

-shrug- I don't, honestly, know.

posted on Mar, 17 2015 @ 07:23 PM
If I was in charge I'd throw her to the lions and let her see how nature really works.
What an ignorant woman.

posted on Mar, 19 2015 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

It was a hawk but still a nice video. I would have linked the thread but I couldn't find it in a reasonable amount of time.

posted on Mar, 20 2015 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: StratosFear

that is incredible! thanks for returning and posting the video for me to see. what a powerful and majestic animal. so bad-ass. i know eagles have a lot of strength in terms of what they can carry while flying. once while i was in Alaska i witnessed a bald eagle pick up a HUGE salmon from a river and fly off with it, i was amazed how quickly it was able to fly off while carrying such an enormous whole fish with it's talons dug in.

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