posted on Mar, 16 2015 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to:
Obviously UFOs exist. You find something in the sky that's flying but you don't know what it is. UFO. I'll quote what I said to 'Ridhya'.
"Billions of solar systems like ours in our galaxy, an estimate of 10,000+ galaxies seen in a 1inch spacing between stars each with trillions more
stars and solar systems just like ours." If you calculate that spacing and the number of galaxies found in it to the rest of the sky, you're looking
at a number of galaxies that pass any known number. We're constantly finding Earth like planets every month which could hold life. A universe so vast
with so much going on, things that we don't understand yet, and you think Humans are the ONLY ones?
But it really depends on what you define as Alien. If anything living then we've already found many living organisms on other planets that don't
originate from our own. Alien. But there is no doubt in my mind that from the amount of stars and planets in this universe that don't add up to a
known number, we are not alone.
And everyone may not "know" ETs exist, but you can be damn sure everyone holds the possibility to it, like yourself, otherwise, why else would you
involve yourself with a thread about alien disclosure? The questions tick in people's heads, some ignore them, others run away from them, and many
question them. Which one do you think will benefit our race more and help us in our journey to discovering where we're from and why we're here? I
guess time will tell, but learn to accept what could be before dismissing it, otherwise if you find out you're wrong, you may not take it
edit on 16-3-2015 by jonwhite866 because: (no reason given)