posted on Dec, 25 2004 @ 02:24 PM
This attitude really disturbs me.
I have a green lawn in front of my house. Because of the terrible condition of the world and the oppressions of satan, it keeps getting weeds, dog
poo, and crabgrass in it.
Now I am good Christian, so I went inside and said a prayer to God, and read some scriptures, and asked God most sincerely to heal my lawn. I trust
in God to take care of matters because I know His Will governs everything and Everything will unfold according to His good plan.
My neighbor has a nice lawn too. I know he doesn't go to church, and I've never seen him pray or read the scriptures like I do. When his lawn gets
weeds or crabgrass, I see him out on his hands and knees with a trowel, weeding and digging to get rid of the infestation.
I pray for rain, and he is out watering it with the hose, I pray for a verdant season, and he uses fertilizer.
Today when I woke up and looked out at the front yard, I could see our two lawns. His was all green and healthy, and mine looked like a meadow.
Why doesn't God hear my prayers?
There is no virtue in sitting around waiting for an action of God. God rests. Men work. Get up and start doing so. If evil has come into the
world, the only thing that will remove it is the act of justice. All we can do is speak about it right now, so why hesitate?
Americans, we are all householders, we are all citizens. We need to be a little concerned about our house and our inheritance. It's okay to address
worldy matters if you are religious. Religion is a rule to judge wordly matters by - there is no such thing as separation of reason and religion. I
happen to believe that nothing will occur by passive behavior.
I believe that the passive races of the earth will fall into slavery.
I also believe that God the Father encourages men to rule his household and his nation, and to judge matters righteously. In other words, be wary and