I'm pretty sure that men have experienced and figured out by now that what attracts them towards women is completely different than what attracts
women towards them. Put simply, I think we have all figured out that men are sexually attracted to women more than women are sexually attracted to
men. Don't get me wrong, ladies love a muscular body with great abs and dislike an overweight slob.
To get to the point, men are aroused very easily, it only takes visual contact upon a female to create sexual emotions and lust inside their heart and
mind. Women understand this - which is why if you go out into town on a Saturday night you will see most women in short shirts and 'revealing'
Women on the other hand are attracted to other things as well as physical and sexual attraction. They are attracted to pride, and also comfort.
Monetary value will provide the comfort. Everybody knows it is not uncommon for a sexually attractive woman to be with an unattractive millionaire.
Many women I know will not ever consider dating a man if he does not have an expensive car, no matter what kind of spiritual or physical attraction
they may have together: he could be her soul mate and God could come down from heaven to state it, but she would still reject dating him.
Men, overcome by emotions and defeated by the inability to have any control over another woman's openness to love him, have even come up with
techniques wishing to succeed in the unlikely event that a woman will actually want him for his character.
Effective steps that should be done in order to create an attraction between its practitioner and to almost any woman in the quickest amount
of time. Now, this is something every man wants.
Then we witness the psychological manipulation by women. First, if a woman knows of anything that a man wants she will do anything in her power to
prevent the man from getting what he wants. The root cause of this is jealousy because the role of men is more dominant than women (again pride is
held most important in contradiction to the bible). Known to the world as 'You will find love when you are not looking,' because they know that if
a man is looking for love a woman will reject him and not love him (it is an simple as that). Which brings us into the subject of mind games, and if
men play them, they have only created that as a last resort in defense against the actions of women.
The sad fact is that women play mind games all the time when they want to get men to do things that they want or need (and they may be doing
it subconsciously). (shows a picture of an attractive woman with a big smile on her face)
The bottom line is this: no matter what method a woman uses, you should never fall prey to a woman’s mind games.
The reason for me writing this post is because of a personal experience I had last week. I did not give time for a woman, for her to manipulate me, so
when I said 'No,' she shut me off (1), refused to talk to me forever (I guess) (2), ignored me talking to her by turning around as if she didn't
hear me (3), and flirted with another man in front of me (4)(which was not the first time, I had actually seen this woman talking with me and leave
the conversation to flirt with another man before I could finish my sentence). She is trying so hard with her tactics to manipulate my emotions, but
she does not know that 1: I do not want her, 2: I would never treat another human being that way, and 3: I understand that only my deeds have an
emotional effect on my conscious (which took me some time to learn). And to look at her face during this whole process, she had a frown bigger than
the Scrooge or the Grinch. Does she know happiness? Does she know what causes happiness within the human heart? (As if she cared). (I could go on for
many other examples that show women need the delusion of dominance and pride so much just to feel good about themselves that they will willingly
sacrifice their own integrity and become a hypocrite to come out on top of an argument, in that situation I let them be hypocrites because rejecting
pride like they reject truth and real love, I don't have any motive for winning arguments).
Truth. Love. Life. Light. Happiness. If you do not have an expensive car and a lot of money, you will not find any of these things from being in a
relationship with a woman. If you just want fornication to release the urges of your body see it as just that, because nothing 'good' will ever
come out of encountering the opposite sex in today's world. Over the 2,000 years of religious leaders lying to humanity about Christ, none of them
will tell you that Jesus excluded women from his council for one reason - They Could Not Be Trusted. This has not changed in since the world began. To
be 'righteous' one must give up the material things of this world, which one of you knows a sexually attractive woman who would give up their
cellphone and material things??
You will soon find that every action a woman has is for the manipulation of human consciousness, and every smile that a woman has is from the pride of
this manipulation towards the human species. In other words, every female that you see dressed promiscuous that Saturday night is influenced by the
spirit of Satan. That is why Jesus said it was a sin to look at one of them.
Now Truth. Love. Life. Light. Happiness. - I Am.