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Cold fusion is real, scientists claim

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posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 01:33 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: PadawanGandalf

Round n round. Fusing nuclei requires and releases enormous amounts of energy.

People that don't understand might be easily swayed…

There is no such thing as cold fusion. Neither is there such a thing as cold fire.

You make the assumption that fusing particles together naturally means heat must be involved, either as a byproduct of the fusing, or as what produces the fusing.

It, in fact, does not need to be present for fusion to take place.

This technology that the OP addresses, would revolutionize absolutely everything about energy. Free, easy and cheap to produce. Imagine that. It would be incredible for everyone.

Good OP, and very exciting news that they are beginning to take this seriously, once more. And great quote. This isn't the first time, either, I've seen that particular quote attached to this tech.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 01:39 PM
I think we must wait for a buyable product in the market, if indeed this tech does not get buried by the tptb.
a reply to: PadawanGandalf

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: tetra50

You make the assumption that fusing particles together naturally means heat must be involved, either as a byproduct of the fusing, or as what produces the fusing.

Thats not an assumption, its a known scientific fact. By the way fusing atomic nuclei is the claim, not just "particles".

It, in fact, does not need to be present for fusion to take place.

Well then, because you say so.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 01:45 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: PadawanGandalf

Round n round. Fusing nuclei requires and releases enormous amounts of energy.

People that don't understand might be easily swayed…

There is no such thing as cold fusion. Neither is there such a thing as cold fire.

You seem closed minded? The energy required to fuse nuclei is different for different forms of matter. Also the state of said matter can effect the amount of energy required. For instance perhaps certain matter when under extreme vibration or in proximity to other forms of matter require less energy to allow fusing. Humans do have not yet tried and measured everything.

Your statement that there is no such thing as cold fusion is based on what you know, and trust me you nor any other human knows everything.

Perhaps fusing nuclei could be induced by quantum entanglement. You know as well as I that we have just scratched the surface of what could be possible by manipulating the very particles that make up nuclei.

Perhaps similar to how we can manipulate DNA to form new or modified life forms, we can also learn to form new or modified matter that can be fused at low energy.

Experimentation, open mindedness and ingenuity can change what we know.

People who in the past, intelligent people at that, have been made to look silly throughout history because they declare something is not possible. That is a naïve position to take on just about anything.

Some believe humanity itself creates its own reality through thought. There are even theories that back up that position. Maybe if enough humans think about it long enough, it will become so...

It is hard to have ingenuity when you let what you think you know trap you.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: intrptr
We shall see, in the future, one way or another. But there is no doubt that the current power structure, highly invested in petroleum, will do everything they can to stop this. Anyone working on it seriously will need to be protected, somehow.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: tetra50

This ignores all of the other competing factors that make up our world. "Big Oil" does not hold the reins. Just look at battery tech, for example. The biggest, most profitable corporations on the planet have a vested interest in improving battery tech. The future of their products depend on it. You really think they're going to sit back and stifle their own economic growth because some nefarious boogeyman like Big Oil say so? Of course not.

There's MANY industries that would LOVE to see a near-unlimited energy source like cold fusion happen. It's not being suppressed. "Big Oil" won't be able to suppress it. The boring reality is that the tech just doesn't exist (and probably won't ever exist).

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 01:53 PM
Just going by the name alone, would cold fusion refer to an endothermic reaction? sorry, not a science guy, just curious.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: Xeven
trust me you nor any other human knows everything.
In God I trust. All others bring data, or better yet, in this case, tell me where I can buy a cold fusion reactor.

I don't claim to know everything, and obviously nobody does, but that isn't the question.

The question is, do cold fusion researchers know anything that is going to end up being of any practical value to anybody? I've never see any evidence they do.

When the cold fusion reactors go on sale at the local hardware store I might get in line to buy one, but I'll have to see it to believe it. Being open minded is good, but so open-minded your brain falls out, not so good. We are talking about a "discrepancy" with theoretical physics of 50 orders of magnitude here. Do you have any idea how big that is? "Discrepancy" is too much of an understatement.

originally posted by: Autorico
Just going by the name alone, would cold fusion refer to an endothermic reaction? sorry, not a science guy, just curious.
It means that the fusion that takes place in places like the interior of the sun require extremely high temperatures to take place. "cold fusion" claims that the conditions of temperature and pressure required are 50 orders of magnitude less than theory predicts, while "hot fusion" in the sun's interior is consistent with theory. 50 orders of magnitude is a 1 with 50 zeroes after it.

To put that in perspective, if the discrepancy with theory was "only" a million times less, that would be a one with six zeroes after it. So a one with 50 zeroes after it is an immense difference.

edit on 14-3-2015 by Arbitrageur because: clarification

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: tetra50
a reply to: intrptr
We shall see, in the future, one way or another. But there is no doubt that the current power structure, highly invested in petroleum, will do everything they can to stop this. Anyone working on it seriously will need to be protected, somehow.

Nah. Research is ongoing. The Chinese got them a chamber, I think theres one at Lawrence Livermore, too. Plus all the colliders around the planet.

The science is enormous and costly. The chambers themselves are thick walled to contain the enormous energies involved in fusing the lightest of elements. They choose the lightest like Deuterium because they require the lowest temperatures. Its still in the tens of millions of degrees.

Images of Chinese little banger

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: Xeven

You seem closed minded? [

Not at all. But you try breaking the bonds of earth gravity at slower speed, same with the sound barrier. Yah, they broke it.

The different between these slow crawl speed 'barriers' and the speed needed to fuse nuclei is enormous, even the slowest coldest temperature is enormous.

strong force definition. In physics, the force that holds particles together in the atomic nucleus and the force that holds quarks together in elementary particles. Note: As the name implies, this is the strongest force known in nature.

Last comment here about it.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: Arbitrageur

aah ok, thx dude/ette

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 02:23 PM
Meh. Follow the references back past the Kansas City tabloid, and you'll see it's Srinivasan hyping Rossi again. SOS

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: Blue Shift

"People are not going to be building cold fusion machines in their garages"

No they are not i completely agree and i would love nothing more than for semi-unlimited cheap energy to become available to the masses. But like you said we are not going to be building them in our garages so there will still be profit to be had. I understand that this type of energy production is the future, just pointing out the implications of such technology and the fact that nefarious governments, organisations and individuals will exploit the technology, should it ever come to fruition. Nothing new there aside for the potential for destruction increasing.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: stumason

"I guess I'm a glass half full kind of guy, while you just lob the glass out the window at a passing child"

Having children myself Stumason i find that remark to be offensive, in jest or otherwise. Sad really.

If a limitless supply of really cheap energy would indeed solve or curtail much of our worlds conflicts chance would indeed be a fine thing indeed. Sadly its not that simple, as im sure you are aware.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 03:45 PM

originally posted by: stumason

I guess I'm a glass half full kind of guy, while you just lob the glass out the window at a passing child......

Fair warning, I'm absconding with this one. Nice turn of phrase.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: MysterX
a reply to: intrptr

You gonna keep telling yourself that when the first home fusion reactors are being sold en-masse?

FUSION as we understand it is possible and has been done in the form of FUSION bombs. Lockheed Martin is working on a compact FUSION system that they hope they can use to power air and spacecraft of the future.

COLD FUSION is the idea that you can get the same benefits of HOT FUSION at room temperatures.

No experimental data has been created and no natural phenomenon has been observed that would validate the SPECULATIVE HYPOTHESIS of COLD FUSION.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 04:09 PM

originally posted by: tetra50
a reply to: intrptr
We shall see, in the future, one way or another. But there is no doubt that the current power structure, highly invested in petroleum, will do everything they can to stop this. Anyone working on it seriously will need to be protected, somehow.

That's just nit true even oil companies are constantly searching for new forms of Energy. That's why they call themselves energy companies.To them selling Nuclear reactors, clean coal, geothermal etc is all the same.But I will say the first one to design fusion plants will own the energy market. That's why even there scientists are involved in the search. What happens on the Web is cold fusion people claim there is a conspiracy so they can bilk investors.Because in truth you would have to rewrite everything we've learned to this point if cold fusion worked. We know how to create chemical reactions easy enough and this is used to fool many people into spending money not much diffrent than the wild claims of snake oil salesman.

Parting people from there money hasn't changed only the method of doing it.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 04:15 PM

originally posted by: projectvxn

originally posted by: MysterX
a reply to: intrptr

You gonna keep telling yourself that when the first home fusion reactors are being sold en-masse?

FUSION as we understand it is possible and has been done in the form of FUSION bombs. Lockheed Martin is working on a compact FUSION system that they hope they can use to power air and spacecraft of the future.

COLD FUSION is the idea that you can get the same benefits of HOT FUSION at room temperatures.

No experimental data has been created and no natural phenomenon has been observed that would validate the SPECULATIVE HYPOTHESIS of COLD FUSION.

No doubt it's possible we see it every day in our sun.Problem is sustaining it. The sun uses gravity to maintain the heat and pressure needed. On earth it requires us to use energy to do this Since we can't use a free source like gravity. To give people an idea in a thermonuclear warhead we have to create a fission explosion to give us the energy we need to create fusion honestly not very efficient.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 08:00 PM
Nature shows this, and its not through smashing molecules that are really waves, together, but by causing friction, or sound/hz, through molecules, ie like water, and forcing them to release their molecular energy in the little bucky ball clusters of magnets that everything is made up of, when its rendered into seeming molecular form out of the wave form.

Sort of like the humble and cute little pistol shrimp. He shows the way.....!!!! A Star in a Jar was a laboratory duplication of this. Inside that bubble the pistol shrimp creates by snapping his claws shut and by emitting a shutgun HZ, the temperatures reach the sun's corona, and duplicated in labs.

Now think on that. In a lab, they put a hz through a bubble, just like the shrimp, and the temperatures reached a star's corona.

Now why isn't the world being powered by this clean technology?

These problems have been solved for a long time now.

posted on Mar, 14 2015 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: Unity_99
Now think on that. In a lab, they put a hz through a bubble, just like the shrimp, and the temperatures reached a star's corona.

Now why isn't the world being powered by this clean technology?
It's not a source of power. The shrimp has to eat and it produces less energy than it consumes, and that energy lasts only a fraction of a second. The "star in a jar" thing is hot but it's not been confirmed to be hot enough for fusion with net energy output.

There was a professor who claimed it could be a source of power, who was found to have falsified data and was stripped of his professorship:

Bubble Fusion

Rusi Taleyarkhan and collaborators claimed to have observed evidence of sonofusion in 2002. The claim was quickly surrounded by controversy, including allegations ranging from experimental error to academic fraud. Subsequent publications claiming independent verification of sonofusion were also highly controversial. Eventually, an investigation by Purdue University found that Taleyarkhan had engaged in falsification of independent verification, and had included a student as an author on a paper when he hadn't participated in the research. He was subsequently stripped of his professorship. One of his funders, the Office of Naval Research reviewed the report by Purdue and barred him from federal funding for 28 months.

However as of 2007 NASA was considering both sides of the arguments. I'm not sure where they stand today, but here is NASA's 2007 summary of some research efforts into that area.

Development of techniques to investigate sonoluminescence as a source of energy harvesting

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