a reply to:
we are
missing the fact that we are not required to wage war on eachother
war is not the answer
how many people are the elite 0.0001% of population ? yet we let them make decisions for us? all it takes is to refuse participating in aggression I
understand we have extremist running around but again they only account for 0.0001% of population
me and u have a choice
what amazes me is the fact that we are the wallet to them
we allow ourselves to be and then we complain about it
I am hypocrit
but i know it is only because I have to compete and exist amongs others who would not accept me if I didnt have an iPhone 11 or the cool cloths or was
riding a bike
I would be better if I was not looked at as a loser
but I don't want to anymore I can't be bothered anymore to prove that just because I am not interested in iPhone 11 that makes
me uncool unadvanced unfit blah blah I am tired of apps and and updating of my iOS
if I don't do those things every 6 months I can not remain in touch with any of you
yet there are
no benefits and other bs
it is like common do we really Efin need it
we need to refocuses technical advancement into science medical research not into what will be the best new app to play kardashian on?
the biggest problem is that we have the power to vote
we can choose to have a transparent leader if we think they are corrupt don't offer ur voice
if we refuse to vote if we refuse to pay taxes and we would be willing to go 3 months without luxuries but with sufficient amount of supplies
the system will collapse
there will be someone who we can trust to do the right thing by us
what are we do terrified of?
eachother ?
it is up to an individual to learn to be self sufficient we can use power as is if we put in plan back up systems
oil seem to be drying out but there is easy of reserved we have no clue about
we have solar
we can have electric cars
we can have natural form of heat and light
but it is like no one cares to change
not elites but me and you have to figure thinks out for our selves
edit on 17-3-2015 by MimiSia because: (no reason given)