posted on Apr, 8 2015 @ 01:00 PM
I finally got around to checking out those youtube links ArchaBallet, some great food for thought there...
The scriptures are mysterious, I really enjoyed the exodus revealed link.It gave me a different yarn to spin over the long weekend, reflecting this
Passover on our Judaic roots with my children.The way the scriptures are written flow deep.I take a fractal perspective when it comes to trying to
gain understanding of the word.It was awesome to learn about the different ways, modern man theorized about how the story could be.I favour the idea
of unity consciousness playing with chaos, as dominos, chess, or otherwise aligning variables in the environment towards the greater good.It was
inspiring to see others using that same consciousness in an attempt to piece back together those events so long ago.They could of pulled it off, who
knows what help they have may gotten strategically, especially when it came to the ideas revolving crossing the sea.A part of me thinks they could of
been rolling the dice a little, and another part reminds me that Moses was probably much smarter then most give him credit for.Regardless, practicing
pure heart, right intent, and shear will power is often enough to sway the odds.
I wasn't able to watch the Judas link, the net doesn't like my location for that.I am familiar with it, and quite a few other apocryphal works.In
Gnostic thought, the Lord's more fiery side is emphasized in what is left for us, there.It's interesting the dialogue recorded in Gospel of Judas, I
imagine Micheal and Gabriel working together and how that could offer man the chance to ascend.(For those who put in work)I wonder if how much Judas
had the time to understand beforehand , how the Lord talked with himself.Judas is usually considered a scapegoat, though that isn't necessarily a bad
thing.Many tend to point the finger, without realizing the three pointing right back at them.Who would want to trade places with him?
The link going into The Book Of Enoch did a good job summarizing his visions.I echo many of the sentiments those who put it together shared with
us.It's an amazing read, and I feel that it helps to shed much light on the evolution of Christian thought and the spirit it is written in.I found
insight into the Book Of Revelation there, and that Enoch advocated for those who let down the Lord really highlights just how deep his love was.
Often it's easy to criticize the inspired word, when one takes into consideration the time that has elapsed and questions the motives of those
entrusted with that responsibility.Studying Apocryphal works, and Gnostic thought in general invited me to take a second look at that
position.Sometimes I think that some of what those had to say, may have suggested ideas that took away from the control system using religion as a
tool, by shedding too much light on areas that others felt should be more mysterious.Not so much politically, rather more so spiritually.
I like to think that our collective consciousness has moved forward however.I doubt that God didn't want his children to inherit the mysteries or
artwork.I feel that the watchers may have given into temptation by sharing their knowledge for the wrong reason or strayed from the Golden Rule by
sharing it prematurely.In those simpler times, it may have been an easy mistake to make due to the differences in their origins, and the seemingly
nascent human race.A collision of timelines or culture clash may have played into it.
I can definitely relate to windword wrote about repetition in the scriptures.If one takes a cyclical view of time, this may become more obvious.The
scriptures share the full range of human experience, in an archetypal sense.Depending on where someone is on their journey, they may not feel the same
way.The word has been a great tool, very helpful at different times in my life, being able to see how things panned out for others who have been in
similar situations.The events recorded may have taken place a long time ago, but the energies at play grow evermore as we grow collectively.Lust,
murder, confusion, melancholy, the lower and higher natures of man are all there.I'm grateful that the Bible and holy scriptures from antiquity are
there for us.If we don't take the opportunity to learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it.
The scriptures are a great source of inspiration, hopefully we keep in mind Enoch and his visions as we reach out to the stars and make a greater mark
on the universe.I'm curious about the forms unity consciousness could take for other intelligence, and learning their story of how they get
there.Humanity is a work in progress, I feel once our collective consciousness hits a certain point, we will graduate to learning on a more cosmic