posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 02:40 PM
Originally posted by JamesUK
Think about it they are iscolated and scared the only way they could ever hope to match our military power is more manpower and the easiest way to do
this is to grow soldiers in huge jam jar like containers.
This is not accurate. North Korea has a population of over 22 million and as such can field a respectable military by conscription with far less
expense than cloning.
For a nation in North Korea's position to produce super-soldiers would basically mean a forced breeding program with the use of fertility drugs and a
state program to raise the offspring from birth to be soldiers.
This would take about 30 years to produce a significant military force and it wouldn't be unlimited in size- probably a few divisions.
Cloning has the same limitations. Funding limits the number of "commie supermen" they can produce, the time it takes for a person to grow up slows
the availablity of the force, and last but not least the free will of a human being will create a certain percentage of the force which is
Almost no important historical military force has relied on its size. The Spartans at Thermopylae, the Mongols, the Swedes under Gustavus Adolphus, US
Marines in pretty much every battle from Tripoli to Chosin, the Israelis- these are forces which relied on superior discipline, superior
tactics/doctrine, and superior weaponry.
I'm not afraid that an enemy will clone people. I'm afraid that North Korea will develop clone soldiers. I'm afraid that they will develop a
professional military in the western tradition, a viable manuever doctrine, and 4th generation hardware.