posted on Dec, 18 2004 @ 10:04 AM
Well, look at it this way. If A51 is a test site for new military aircraft (which seems likely) then why would they tell us about it? You see, when
A51 was created, we didn't have all these nice satelites combing every inch of the Earth like we do now. It was far out, remote..people shouldn't be
able to find it with much ease. So of course, they wouldn't achnowledge its existence.
Later on when it could no longer be denied, there was only one option left for the govt. They must deny it further. If they were to say "yeah, we
lied. Our wrong" then there would be alotta whining and they would have to tell us what that site is all about n whatnot. But, if the deny the
obvious, they can just continue on their merry way.
Now, assuming A51 isn't a place where UFOs and aliens are kept, nor is the NEW A51, but just some other type of military instalation, then the public
still couldn't just stroll up onto their base. The perimeter would be guarded and intruders would be picked up and escorted off the property, at very
least. I mean, what militay base do you know of that you can break into and the govt won't care?
This is the age we live in, people generally don't even care about conspiracy related topics. The average mindset is "It doesn't affect me now, I
can do nothing about it so why worry? Life goes on." With such thinking, of course they deny its existence and get away with it. It's totally a
Until it become blindingly obvious (to us all) that our lives are directly affected by such secrecy in a negative way, nothing will change. I won't
even hold my breath for a map being created by a mainstream corporation which shows the location of any of these obviously real bases on them. Maybe
our Great Great Grandchilderen will be able to go to A51 type places when it is a museum. Though, that'll be a non-event as well. They'll probably
just look at that shiney UFO much as you or I would look at a Spitfire sitting outside of a World War Museum. Not a great deal of interest there.