posted on Mar, 11 2015 @ 01:48 AM
Offering a devil's advocate point of view here...
The mother, child, and news station may have thought that this was the best way to go. Judging from the news, this happened to another little boy the
day before and there were concerns of it continuing.
Who listens to kids the most??
Other kids.
If other kids watch this they may well listen to it more coming from one of their own, than from a bunch of adults who "never want them to have any
Getting this news out and having this little boy tell his story may very well help save another child.
I understand your reasoning as well. I'm a parent and I'm not sure I would have done this myself.
Hopefully they will catch this guy and put him away until the sun no longer shines and this little boy goes on with his life without any ramifications
resulting from the attempt or the attention afterwards.
BTW - That's the way I look going to the grocery store on any given day. Hoodie, baseball hat, ponytail, and all... Just saying.
edit on
3/11/2015 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)