Greetings once again, community
The moon has many anomalies and an unknown origin, some say a chunk of earth, some say aliens towed it over, I think it's remnants of an old planet,
which was destroyed, which is now the asteroid belt.
Regardless of where and what it is. I want to talk about some strange abstract ideas of Moon. This thread may seem out there, but the moon is already
out there so..
The moon cycles every 4 weeks, or 28 days (not counting when it's in the new moon state, but the phases between - hence not 30).
New moon, where the body is not visible of sunlight by the earthlings.
2 weeks later
Fullmoon, where the entire body is reflecting Sunlight, and is 100% visible.
2 weeks later, New moon, rinse and repeat.
Now, we live in a scheme, of 30 days. Beginning of month, a full moon cycle later, the end of the month.
By design, what do we do at the beginning of a monthly cycle? We pay bills, with money.
Money - Moon/energy - energy received based of your CURRENT-output within the 28 day cycle of the moon. You receive your money based on hours and
effort you put into this system during the moons cycle.
Our society is designed to be refueled by us, every 30 days, via moon energy or money.
We unwittingly accept; to give away our internal energy (thoughts, feelings, kinetic force, the electric CURRENT running through you) for
external-artificial CURRENCY, called Money.
What's our favorite day of the week!?
Well its MOONDAY of course! The day we wake up,have to shut up, stick our heads in the sand, and repeat slavery another week, another phase, another
moon cycle. (Yay!)
Now here I'm just relating how our society is designed by the cycle of the moon phases, in a month, in exchange for our internal energies
On to the next Moon relation.
28 days, is a scary period where people go ape # crazy right? Wait what...?
When the Moon is halfway through its cycle, as a full visible body in our sky, crime rate and human behavior is at its monthly climax!
Violence, crimes, arguments, lust, sex... humans get out of control! I guess there is truth to 28 days of the devil... this stuff can be verified.
Another odd connection I noticed with the moon, and I told you this is far out there stuff so bare with me, is tides / periods.
Yes laugh! Now listen.
We know as the moon cycles, it's gravitational pull affects earth's body of water en mass, what we have termed tides.
There is another cycle of another fluid, within the human, and that is the female period/blood.
Some reason I think the females period is connected to Moon.. drawing the blood of her, and agonizing her until the cycle is over.
I wonder if earth gets such pains through tides, that we are unaware of?
Obviously pure speculation and mental entertainment. But is there truth in any of this?
Another moon anomaly. . I have noticed throughout my brainwashing experince - TV shows and movies, where the camera will focus on the moon/current
phase, after a scene or before a new scene.
As if Mr Camera man is hinting at the current cycle. So many movies, so many TV shows, all different genres and producers... someone in hollywood
follows moon cycles.
No doubt some people live in the lunar cycle, rather the half ass calendar that was made up for the society-cattle (Moooooo), or tax payers.
Me thinks there is a faction who knows the truth and nature of the moon. It's not always what you see is what you get... sometimes things are
disguised as "normal" to leave us clueless.
Anyways some of my thoughts are put out there now, hope it was worth a giggle if nothing else