posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 04:25 PM
Well, considering time as the 4th dimension isn't all science fiction, it is part of Einstein's relativity theory too, I believe.
As for this universe, I don't think we will ever come close to understanding it until we evolve and have more brainpower, or, through technology,
figure out a way to tap into that extra brain power. Who knows.
There is also from the planke dual-slit experiment the theory that there are infinite universes even, and that endless possibilities happen for every
moment of your existence. So in this version, you may decide to go read a book later on, in another version, you may not. And in another version youm
ay have a completely different life because of a decision you made long ago in that universe that changed it.
Personally I think there is just this universe and that Planke's dual slit experiment just isn't understood because light itself is not understood.
No one knows WHAT exactly light is.
But yeah, this is a weapons forum.