a reply to:
I guess we all have business that we try to avoid out of principle, but money talks when you don't have a lot to spend.
Wal-Mart is the biggest for me, I avoid it as much as possible, due to it put a lot of Mom and Pop store out of business in the small town I live in,
but from time to time I need to go in there and get a few things and see the wal-martins.
Target- ever since they came out and said they would not let the bell ringers ring there bells during the holidays, or the toy drive for the marines,
if I recall their Corporate HQ is in Minneapolis but its a French owned company.
Menards (Home improvement Store), everything seems like its made in china, his logo is to save you money, sure does but things keep breaking and you
need to go back and do it again and again, were is the savings.
US Government, I rather pay them a few hundred dollars at the end of the year, instead of them giving me a refund, I rather have my money during the
year, and its less of my money they have.
Fast food joint, its not because as some say they are unhealthy, its just that the cost is outrageously high for something I can make at home, but
from time to time I like a big mac, its a choice healthy or not.
State Farm Insurance, their prices have sky rocketed, and their agents are annoying, and don't listen, example I written the corporate HQ requesting
a different agent, and asking why their month service charges on a life insurance policy had gone up, they sent me a statement and said to discuss
with you agent, they never read a word of the letter. I dumped them.
Financial consultants, if they are not licensed I won't deal with them, they are just out for their own commission not really working for me.
When you really think about the original question are our decision based on how much we can really afford?