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3 days of darkness: life or death

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posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 10:46 AM
Whether it is spiritual darkness, why not.

Now it seems pope and Vatican move towards negative ruling on the most popular ongoing apparition in Medjugorje. I will not comment that here, but it is enough to stir controversies in the already divided church.

Another expected move is the official release of the first "ecological encyclical". Delayed several times, it is scheduled for June 18. Speculations abound about including more than earthly environmental issues, from global policy to may be multi -world agenda. Only time can tell where the church and the world are heading to.

As you know from my previous posts, I am rather in favor of multi-world reread of the Bible. Only, who will be the positive ones in a plural universe? Is Our Lady in Medjugorje negative, according to Vatican? Is it alien apparition therefore, not of the Virgin? I don't know. I want to believe it is real. I want to believe whoever comes "in the name of the Lord" is blessed. Not vice versus.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: 2012newstart
Now it seems pope and Vatican move towards negative ruling on the most popular ongoing apparition in Medjugorje.

The apparition hasn't ended yet so they can only make a negative or neutral ruling at this time. They can't approve it until after it is declared finished. No apparition can be approved before it's completion ... but they can be condemned.

I agree that Pope Francis seems negative towards it.

But I'm willing to bet the Vatican goes with a neutral ruling at this time. And they'll issue some further 'guidelines' ... like stricter guidelines on who can travel there and that visiting priests can't 'officially' do mass or confession while there, or something like that.

They'll go neutral instead of full out 'condemned' because it's a popular pilgrimage site and there is a lot of money flowing into the area and the Catholic church there because of the apparitions.

That's my guess at this time. We'll find out sometime this week ...

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan

originally posted by: 2012newstart
Now it seems pope and Vatican move towards negative ruling on the most popular ongoing apparition in Medjugorje.

The apparition hasn't ended yet so they can only make a negative or neutral ruling at this time. They can't approve it until after it is declared finished. No apparition can be approved before it's completion ... but they can be condemned.

They'll go neutral instead of full out 'condemned' because it's a popular pilgrimage site and there is a lot of money flowing into the area and the Catholic church there because of the apparitions.

Exception is Akita, Maria Esperanza, and actually Fatima, because Lucia continued to have visions after 1917.

Well I have to agree on your second statement. Sadly, the motivation is that, and not the truth itself.

I appreciate your friendly answer, and it is good to know someone who cares on supernatural, writes her own view. Regardless of whether you are mod now.

In the next post I will elaborate on the encyclical.
edit on 8-6-2015 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 12:29 PM
Nobody knows what exactly the new encyclical contains. It was promised some insights this week by Vatican. Perhaps they won't get to the alien stuff. Human environment and ruined ecosystems or even the planet ecology as a whole are big enough issues. Still the expectations of some off-church writers, such as Tom Horn and Steve Quayle, run hi of announcement of multiworld universe. (what the popes never explicitly rule out since Galileo).

Of coyrse we have to wait and see. But some coincidences appear and I want to share them to the intelligence of the people in this forum.

First of all, the encyclical was delayed unusually long, for months. Such documents are written in silence, and once ready they are not "delayed". Does it mean a match with another event is being sought?

There are many events, but not so many in the ET sphere. One such event was the UFO conference, and there someone leaked the wrong date 5 June. A test or not, it stirred the pot to the boiling point. Perhaps it was intentional by Vatican?

Another event that comes only 2 days later, on June 20, is long awaited premiere of Star Wars Rebels Season 2. It may be fun for a forum like that, but it is the living scenario for millions of kids, mostly US kids. The tensions go hi with the introduction f a new character young Ezra who have the Jedi force, without being conceived by midichlorians, as Anakin was. I will not retell the entire Season 1. The point is, should an important message is set to be released to wide pubic, all means will be used. And in some cases Star Wars is more convincing to the youths than the encyclical. For every train there are passengers.

Does it mean the ET contact will happen "coincidentally" shortly after these two events? I will not set any date, for obvious reasons. But once it must happen. It is better not to await for the protestant's new doom date Sept 23 blood moon, for reasons not to make it apocalyptic. Whatever arrangement does exist, it is better to be materialized right now, in June. The world is mature enough.

So I wonder, will the encyclical with its quite many elaborations, or the simplified movie following right after it, be those harbingers of the new era expected in the last 15 years to start?

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 01:17 PM
Going back to apparitions: there are at least 4 big ongoing apparitions in Brazil. One of them, in Itapiranga and Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, was already approved by the local bishop, who crowned the statue of Mary. The seer continues to receive messages, I haven't heard that to have stopped. However his messages are less apocalyptic. In one of the past messages though, OL said AMASONAS will be providentially spared during the Chastisement, making it a big (biggest) refuge on Earth.

Another apparition is to bro. Eduardo at Sao Jose dos Pinhais, in the south of Brazil. Bro. Eduardo who is stigmatic, received a written blessing from pope Benedict.

Anguera is neither approved nor rejected. The amount of messages released there for 25 years already surpassed those in Medjugorje. There are others as well.

A number of apparitions in Argentina:. Lanus, Argentina, as far as I know it stopped already. Salta, Argentina.

There are apparitions in the Northern part of S. America, that I cannot quote right away.

Let alone the many seers and locutionists in USA that in most cases the Catholic church preferred to ignore them, silence them or said they preached their own views and devotions. As it was the case with Our Lady of Emmitsburg who preached the Eucharistic kingdom of Jesus to come.

Is that all true, not true, or someone else appears? In all, the Catholic church is seen as more conservative when dealing with the hardline catholics, including those of them who have visions, than when it comes to deal with liberals or noncatholics on moral issues. I don't even mention the most scandalous cases of banned apparitions. Perhaps the ratio is 1:100 of approval rate. The lucky exceptions are Fatima (with all Fatima gate that I talked already), Akita (where you have a cloistered nun that doesn't speak to public afterwards), and Maria Esperanza (who recently died, in process of canonization).

Does it mean the apparitions differ so much of the incoming extraterrestrial disclosure, so the Church want to silence them beforehand? Or they have their own disclosure hidden in secrets? I don't say what is right, and I will repeat, that I will see and believe when all happens.

Because from ship to ship there will be difference, from agenda to agenda, and from apparition to apparition. The mass sacrifice talked by Fatima-3 official is just not something that I will embrace - ever. Even if I die in the process. Is there something else the heaven offers, and if yes what it is? Perhaps the Vatican have all those scenarios and some of them are their favorites.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: LotToTell2

When did Russian consecrate ?

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

the simple answer to that question is Never. Not that the popes lack desire, but they didn't do it by name anyway. Whether the already done public prayers suffice, as we saw from the following collapse of USSR, or not, is hard to say. Many as the late Fr Gruner deeply believed the worst has not been lifted in the Fatima prophecy.

I don't know. I'd wish the new pope to release everything about Fatima, before ever going after other apparitions. Because the catholic (and non) world knows Fatima quite well. I can't stand when people like Tom Horn speak much more erudite than a sunday preacher or common catholic about Fatima, only to accuse the Vatican and pope of being servants of the evil.

I wanted however to talk about Anguera more. Anguera has benevolence of two subsequent local bishops. Anguera's diocese of Feria enters into the arch-diocese of Sao Salvador da Bahia. Whoever archbishop is appointed to that archdiocese, he becomes also the primate of Brazil and usually followed by cardinal's elevation.

Murilo Sebastião Ramos Krieger, S.C.J (19 September 1943 - ) is the current archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia and therefore primate of Brazil since his appointment by Pope Benedict XVI on 12 January 2011

Archbishop Krieger is one of the most fervent defenders of Medjugorje. "MEDJUGORJE IS A GREAT CENTRE OF SPIRITUALITY!" - The Holy Father's comment during a February 1990 conversation, as reported by Bishop Murilo Krieger, Auxiliary Bishop of Florianopolis, Brazil, made prior to His Grace's fourth Medjugorje pilgrimage. The Holy Father assented to Bishop Krieger's request and gave his papal blessing to the visionaries (National Catholic Register, April 29,1990)

How about other notorious cardinals defenders of Medjugorje? How about card. Maradiaga who built mega Cross on a hill of Honduras, replica of the Cross mountain in Medjugorje? Millions have been spent for that. Now Maradiaga should have proposed a reform of the Vatican with his team of 8 cardinals. The world is waiting, and just doesn't happen. Will cardinal Maradiaga accept a negative ruling?

Another prominent defender of Medjugorje is cardinal of Vienna Schoenborn. He spent a retreat there as private pilgrim. Twice or more he invited Medjugorje seers int he cathedral of Vienna to have their visions there, followed by his mass. That all was streamed online live. Once he said, if Medjugorje was ever banned, he should have closed his seminary because all the vocations were result of Medjugorje.

OK I would have talked about Anguera. in literally thousands of messages there are many warnings. It is noticeable however, the warnings given in the year 2008 because all 150+ messages that year warned on only one topic Rome, Vatican, pope, consecrated people, war on Rome, destruction of the palace, few survivors, and so on. I think I posted some of them in this forum, but you can also google it. Not that the other warnings of "fire from heaven, rivers of lava, experiments deep underground, giant from the sea, tsunami wash the coast-lands, collision in space, new heavens and new earth(s)", are not any less important. But the warnings of Rome seem to precede by time the other planetary events.

Well the warnings have been given in more general way. Anguera has only 5 secrets unlike the 10 in Medjugorje. They are to be released to a bishop, cardinal or pope 8 days before each of them materializes

Perhaps the last general warning before the actual start of the sequence of events will be only 3 days in duration, different from Anguera. Perhaps Medjugorje, or not.

May it be the papal encyclical itself? What better warning for the world, than from the pope himself, who apparently know what we don't? Time will tell.
edit on 8-6-2015 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

Wouldn't the Rapture occur anyway before that?
We would notice it happened wouldn't we?

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

We would of course. Only I don't think it will be protestant rapture of fying in the air and leaving jacket and shoes on the bench. It will be with convenient chariots of Elijah. It will be called UFO deception or rapture of satan. You can check internet, THAT terminology is already present, but not the things I am talking about, of connecting dots between rapture, chastisement, and extraterrestrial angelic help. No one wants to hear about that, not even those of the catholics/christians who would like to see good ET.

I don't know when the rapture/ ET rescue is, and nobody knows. I hope it is soon. It is possible an enlarged period of time, not just overnight, to be granted to humanity to understand where it stands and to choose without mess on its conscience from outside. A period in which we could take a rest from the nightmare we live thru in the last decade. Or may God decide the humanity doesn't deserve such a period (call it whatever) and proceed without any delay directly to the 3 days of darkness and rescue of His own. I don't know and am not the person who has the quality to say which of all those scenarios will take place, or combined more than one. The gross failure of the churches is they do their own things and never think of what their faithful will do. "They will sacrifice their lives in example of early martyrs, Fatima and Jesus Christ". Well that will make on Day 2 the absence of the Church from the world after, isn't it?

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 03:22 PM
Spiritdaily is very informed source, and if you have money to participate in his programs you will learn much. Unfortunately, I don't have money, and made all to collect messages from different sites, and connect the dots.

Thus, the latest several messages given in Anguera (3 a week) have both repeated things of the past and given something new. Here are the excerpts in bold (warning) from G-trans. English trans comes a month later.

4139-Message of Our Lady, transmitted in 13/05/2015
The silence of the righteous will strengthen the enemies of God.
4138-Message of Our Lady, transmitted in 05/12/2015
The great suffering for men will come with the great persecution of believers. The cross will be heavy for the men and women of faith, but the righteous will have special protection.
4136-Message of Our Lady, transmitted in 07/05/2015
The devil will throw discord among chosen to defend the truth, but victory is of the Lord. This is the time of the Great Spiritual Warfare. ...

And here one full message translated in English, so you get the entire words and blessing 4.128 – Message of Our Lady, delivered on April 18, 2015 transmitted in 18/04/2015

Dear children, I ask you to live looking toward Paradise, for which alone you were created. Be led by Jesus, for He is your Way, Truth and Life. My Jesus knows your needs. Trust in Him and He will take care of you. Do not forget: in everything, God in first place. Any conquest without God is just a conquest, but conquest with God is victory. I ask you to keep alight the flame of your faith. Do not allow the things of the world to separate you from the Way of the Lord. You belong to the Lord and He is the only One you should follow and serve. Be strong against temptations. Seek strength in Confession and in the Eucharist. In the Gospel, listen to my Son Jesus. He wants to speak to you. Courage. Tomorrow will be better for men and women of faith. The definitive triumph of my Immaculate Heart will bring peace to humanity and everyone will live in joy. Go forward without fear. This is the message which I transmit you today in the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Thank you for allowing me to reunite you here once again. I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Stay in Peace.

I think, if Medjugorje is ever banned, the spirituality of the seeking part of the catholic world will be redirected towards the Brazilian, in first place Anguera messages, also others. They started 1987, shortly after unusual message to Mirjana that said Our Lady may decide of whether to give graces there or what God will permit her to say more. (I don't remember it, you may search for it in index) This is not the first time when Our Lady warns Medjugorje seers that if not answer is received in enough number of people (not only the seers of course) then Our Lady had the permission of God to decide to stop appearing there. The Medjugorje defenders use every opportunity to say the Medjugorje apparitions were said to be the last ones of Our Lady on Earth. But when looking at the larger picture, one hears OL saying different, and appearing elsewhere in the following years.

I am not the one to comment on all those apparitions. They are something that cannot be ignored. It is quite possible, the post-cataclysmic world (post nuclear or otherwise) to have a great continental refuge in Brazil and other countries today considered inferior. A number of films of end times showed how it was the Northern hemisphere struck much more than the South. OK I don't know where it is safe etc. I know Our Lady appears in Brazil, approved by church in Amazonia, and that will be a refuge too. Other refuges are promised, including off world (John Leary, the late Carol Ameche). To deny that is to deny our own salvation. I take my chance in the refuges off earth, no matter what.

posted on Jun, 8 2015 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: 2012newstart

If it is a UFO effort HOW are we to know them in faith?
I myself am no candidate for sainthood, nor do I seek such a lofty position but I DO keep Jesus in my heart.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 12:59 AM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

the problem with the modern Christianity it makes = UFO= demons.
The ancient Christianity didn't call the angels = demons.
I keep the faith in Jesus Christ.
Discern by who holds the name of Jesus Christ and who doesn't.
I never said there aren't evil aliens.
But if you call every ET ship = demonic, then you practically cancel your chance for rescue before the Chastisement/Trib.

By publishing the new story of Lucia of planetary cataclysm and pole shift, tzunami etc, the Vatican practically released another portion of the Fatima secrets. Of course a cloistered monastery cannot publish on its own that controversial text without explicit order by superiors, in that case by Vatican.
Then, why don't they do more to tell us how to prepare? How to get out of here?

Instead, they spent the last 2 years talking of divorced and remarried couples, while the world waited for reforms. I am tired of that!

Here is a testimony of a boy who saw heaven and God, angels 7 stories hi, and buildings "earth size".

Everyone discerns by himself. I can't decide for you.
I have said many things in these threads and changed my views many times. You have to make your view based on your understanding not someone else's.

The Roman church' sayings about that don't help much. They had their ups and downs in the most recent history. Mgr Balducci said more of the ET nature, than anyone who spoke after him. Apparently much is kept hidden. If the Vatican stops being part of the solution and becoming a part of the problem, or a part of the barrier to get the truth out, let alone offering fake info, then let everyone make his own conclusions. Perhaps we will know it more clearly in 10 days.

Because almost no one believes me, according to the flags given, I wash my hands. It is you the Christians who should discern. If you find something supportive info in my posts, praised be to God! If not, sorry for taking your time. But that is a road to go, and I think I did my part to the best of my knowledge.
edit on 9-6-2015 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 03:50 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

Is there a satement or test you can think of at contact?
If a Gray shows up at my door what is a way to figure out if he is service to self or others?
They're ALIENS and can do what they want with us,due to a higher technology.
Supposedly including displacing SOULS in other bodies not unlike Avatar.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

IMO Grey are mostly evil, those who operate on earth. But not the worst. The End times will see much worse races on earth. Locusts = some insectoids, Dragon = draconians, Beast of Iron = transformers.

To transfer one's soul, to be a sin, it needs free consent. I doubt any of the aliens have permission by God to do so. They can't have it up unti the final End times.

Alex Collier, who is very controversial, and who speaks for a race that is Human ET yet opposing Jesus and the Bible, have said about that: the technology exists in the universe but is not being used on earth. Was it about the transfer of souls, or was it about shapeshift cover.

I have to say, it seems to me we are indeed approaching the end times. What makes me think so? Sir Isaac Newton estimated the 70 weeks of Daniel as being 70 jubilee periods of 49 years each. From the first jubilee celebrated by the Jewish people, 70 jubilees make the Fall of 2015. Whether Newton was right about that or not. Whether the End times will be played out, or they will happen in real. We don't really have ways to discern. In other words, if rescue spaceships come tomorrow, we will not know whether those are rescue vessels from dying planet, or raptute chariots of Elijah before the antichrist. We just can't determine with the current level of knowledge we have. What we can do is to ask the pilots ET do they acknowledge Jesus as the son of God the Creator. They can answer yes or no.

More probably, they themselves will make the announcement. May be via TV and internet, or may be in the air. They will say why they are here, are we in the end times, and so on. At least for those who will be saved. Whether they will look as beautiful angels from the paintings, I don't know, hope so.

Let no one be deluded with the exterior look of races. Andromedans are Human ET and they still reject Jesus Christ even as true historical person! (they say there were 3 persons instead). There might be odd looking ETs who accept Jesus Christ!

Well it seems I contradict myself once more in this forum. Hope it is for education purposes of both myself and the patient readers.

Thank you for provoking my thoughts and actually making that journey together. A discussion is useless if someone thinks he is 100% right and gives ready answers. It is useful only if we are ready to review again our view and possibly to accept parts of someone else's view as part of the grand picture that none of us knows.

The 13 min video above is just wonderful! A boy has spent sometime in heaven during meditation. Whether it is the final heaen, or just image of it, it just doesn't matter. We know no one could see God face to face while being in mortal body. Obviously, it is in spirit, as Paul talks about himself being taken to the 3rd heaven.

Many who believe we are in the end times, try to figure out who is the antichrist. The choices are not so many, but they might all be wrong, i.e. Obama obviously not, Putin, pope Francis or Benedict in the role of false prophet. Those are all too obvious to be true. Although we can't be sure. It may well be a new leader that some say already appeared to Israel and will declare himself to the world as "Christ". I.e. a false Christ, as predicted by Jesus in the Gospels that remained until our days. Unfortunately, we are not lucky enough to know all words Jesus said. We have what we have, and God knows what we have to believe.

Some will say, the NWO will play out the false rapture with alien spaceships to kill the good ones. I don't think so. To eliminate the God's chosen people, one needs the permission of God. An act of rescue, as it will be the physical removal of people from planet Earth to another planet, is not the same as their "killing". Rather they might be killed by nukes if they stay where they are. Even if God uses for the purpose of rescue the spaceships of non-angelical ET, or even those spaceships built by the secret space program. It just doesn't matter. Those people who work there, many of them are believers, belonging to churches. Some being devote catholics (Andrew Basiago), others including MJ12 members being devote protestants who expect the End times and delay Disclosure for that purpose. (according do Dr Greer's words). If the secret sapce program and the allied ET races help us out, that is great! In recompense, we may bring baptism to them, if they still don't have it and need it. Not everyone in the Universe is created perfect, as we are not either. Therefore many races will need baptism and will partake in the heritage of Jesus Christ.

That is the short answer how to discern any race: do they believe or are they willing to accept Jesus Christ? How about the rest? They should not be blamed automatically to be enemies and antichrists. They may convert at some point of their history. As the earth's own history shows. We don't need the wrong experience on earth to bring the Good news using methods contrary to that good news in first place. Having such a large galaxy, having other galaxies (Andromeda already contacted), it is logical not everyone over there accepted or even heard of Jesus Christ. It is a requirement for those who will come to save us. Not for everyone in the Universe. And here is our role as God's people - "go to the entire universe, teach and baptize" said Jesus just before He ascended into the cloud.
edit on 9-6-2015 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

I haven't seen ANY aliens claiming Christ at all, only the "Source" and calling religion a ploy to control the masses.

posted on Jun, 9 2015 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: cavtrooper7

Grey may be the first ones to want to be baptized, but they have to get rid of ideas of genetic update using human genome.

Obviously, the rapture/rescue angels haven't come yet, otherwise we would have known and the rapture/rescue would be a done fact

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 08:24 PM
This is may be my last post in the forum ATS. May be many people will be glad to see me goo, including mods and "friends".
The reason is not they however, rather my fulfilled mission. Whatever had to be said, was said. There weren't many replies as well, many positive replies. I have the feeling I talk in a desert to the stones, who would have understood me better, or show me why I am incorrect better. I don't want to hurt anyone.

By now I am convinced a last opportunity will be given to the world, before any cataclysmic event occurs or before the end times sequence. It will be a rescue (rapture) event, but not in the form of a "protestant rapture" that one flies in the air and usually leaves his shoes on the ground. It is too simplified view of the Gospel words that reached to us.

Instead we have Elijah's chariots prepared to take us the way they took Elijah, while he was still in his mortal body (we haven't heard of any resurrection process going on at that time). That implies he goes to another planet not to heaven of God. How otherwise he would come again before the Second coming of Jesus, to witness and to DIE for 3 days, if he is already resurrected. Those are details the clergy persistently don't want to talk about in any homily.

The Star Wars Rebels Season 2 premiere of 1h film shows much. It shows the siege and leaving of the home planet of the heroes - Lothal. They escaped several times from the imperial forces.

That signifies our escape from Earth too.

It may take a longer period though. Weeks, even months. I don't think it will be years. But I may be wrong. Purely technical issues, such as announcing the spaceships, having the people understand what is going on, and then taking decisions, will take more time. It can happen overnight, but then too few people will be saved. If it takes months, some will wrongly assume that is the arrival of the invading force of the antichrist, and thus they will refuse the salvation prepared by God - only to face what is coming next on earth, be it spiritual or physical.

From now on, I will concentrate on my personal improvement to be worthy of God's salvation. To preach to others, I already did so, and the fruit is not that big. It doesn't deserve the efforts, if someone though that I would continue endlessly without reward, only to pour out precious knowledge and unique viewpoint and analysis, that someone miscalculated me. I have been in other big forums, and I saw some of them falling before my eyes. There is nothing eternal on this world, even less on internet, that is pretty new as a whole. Tomorrow we may wake up without communication. Whoever has been told, should have known. How many of those people will apply in their real lives the things they heard? I don't know the answer. Perhaps the people saved will differ from people who pretend to be saved here on earth, will differ from Western churchgoers.

Thank you for bearing with me and reading so far. God bless

posted on Jun, 22 2015 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse3 days of dark and then you posted not a peep from God....
it's all in the instruction book.....all.....

posted on Jul, 23 2015 @ 11:39 PM
Well, we have today a partial disclosure on MSM announcing NASA discovery of a planet and star closely resembling our own system.

"Earth 2.0 found, Kepler-452b orbits at a very similar distance from its star, its radius is 60% larger than Earth's." you can read in today's headlines of BBC, CNN, the news is equally well presented in headlines on the Russian side of the spectrum. It is the news, it is the event, it is true. No more discussions IF there are such planets. They are there, perhaps many more than one single suitable planet for life.

I guess that is the maximum the official science will disclosure, and it deserves our respect. They may add later the chemical composition or even the continents/oceans if such exist on that Kepler 452b planet.

But it is unlikely at this moment to expect they will show us a live conference of an alien. They ar enot meant to do so by today's standards.

So we get what we have and make decisions based on that. I suggest unscheduled by any MSM Alien appearance, may be ina way unexpected by us. Depending on the particular message it will be interpreted in this or that way.

For ex. a rapture could be interpreted as abduction, an intervention, as alien invasion, all depending on one's point of view.

In such a light, all recent prophecies should be reviewed. I don't think we were told everything that should be available as prophecy, by popes, cardinals, seers, Malachi Martin or by anyone else. Instead, we were mislead sometimes intentionally. Fatima gate is bright example how that could be done even with approved apparitions and beatified seers. We don't have more time to lose. Perhaps it is good to know what John 23 saw as landing saucer and alien contact by himself. But Im not expecting the full revelation to come from the people on the top. Because if they want it they can do it any day. We see how they lost 26 years after the end of the Cold War, and nearly 100 years after Fatima, for things not of primary concern.

I am tired to explain that again and again for the sake of those people who both believe in God and want to find solutions to current world problems, including but not only based on prophecy.

I write again only because it is an extraordinary day when part of the truth has been said loudly from the rooftops. Jesus said we should say all the truth from the rooftops. It is delayed truth, overdue by some 20 centuries. When if not now? We may not have another chance.
edit on 24-7-2015 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-7-2015 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-7-2015 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2015 @ 09:56 AM
I have to add to this already long thread that discusses much more than the literal 3 days of darkness.

New seer the 11 year old Eshua says, after the rapture of Jesus Christ, comes Planet X with evil aliens -demons.

In another vision he saw a number of planets, not necessarily in the Solar system, marked with T true/good, and the Earth and Mars marked with J judgment, by Jesus Christ himself.

I never defended ALL aliens as only good ones. There will be all kinds of them. It is very likely after a spaceship rapture the remaining left behinders on earth to encounter exactly the evil aliens they are so much afraid of.

Eshua speaks of the 3 days of darkness as well.

To go back to the basic 3 days catholic messages, recenty published article about Marie-Julie said:

FIRST: There will be TWO DAYS of DARKNESS before the dreaded catastrophic Three Days. It shall be sent as a warning for the faithful. - See more at:

That is to tell us, there will be repeated earth changing events, with 2, then 3 days of darkness, with many more details that no single seer can encompass. Therefore the seers do not contradict each other when they seem talking different stories. Of course I mean the true seers only.

The ET topic is so much avoided by the Church who should have known of it back then in 19th century, that everything we say could be true. With 200 or more ET races you could have candidates for every job on the planet and beyond. For rescue spaceships of Jesus Christ in a rapture, for locusts on earth, for servants of antichrist, for cleaners after nuclear disaster or war (St John 23). Everything could be true and we could be stil far away from the entire fulfillment of the Biblical prophecies. That doesn't mean they cannot start fulfilling NOW, having large spans between. 2000 years pause in Daniel's weeks counts for an empty space between two paragraphs in prophecy. Think of how many events happened in those 2000 years that Daniel doesn't speak of. The same is possible in the future. We could have the start with a rapture like event now, and the fulfillment after thousands of years, if that is the will of God. If only He knows the time...then we just don't know. What is given to us now is what we need it now.
It is good the seers of today could go on internet directly and speak.
edit on 28-8-2015 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

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