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3 days of darkness: life or death

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posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 03:08 AM
Malachi Martin, ex-jesuit, talks about the 3rd Secret of Fatima and 3 Days of darkness.
on the question of what kind of danger the 3 days of darkness pose: civic, natural or spiritual, he answers, "spiritual". Furthermore, he says, we don't understand the role of the demons and the angels, and he needs another interview of that.

Earth Sized UFOs
Nassim Haramein talks of SOHO images of Sun Ships using our sun as a "Stargate" portal to other systems, making solar flares in the process.

My interpretation:

The much discussed 3 days of darkness could have a more real explanation. A mega flare or killshot of the sun will be somehow stopped by a very advanced ET civilization, covering the Earth with some kind of shield for 3 days. Everyone who want to be saved physically in those 3 days, will have that opportunity.

The frightening stories of catholic seers "do not look thru the window and go outside the door or you will die on the spot from the poison in the air" could mean their opposite:

The unwillingness of those ET who communicated to the catholic and other seers, to have the human race saved from earth. Their fear of rival ET who are ready to save us.

The seers, much more their superiors who promoted that idea, like Malachi Martin himself, prefer to see the desolated Earth after the Chastisement (ELE of some sort) rather than to see their doctrines ruined by extraterrestrial physical intervention and salvation of the human race that do not fit into them.

Seems that goes against the centuries old rules that the earth is the only place to live, suffer all life and die, not to enjoy life, because the afterlife is the only place the humans must long for and have happiness at. Served perfectly thru the darkest ages of human history, that doctrine seems to fall apart even before the public contact with the ET.

The first contact with advanced ET who will respect our philosophy and religion, but who will also tell us the real truth of many things, including of Jesus, will create disastrous impact on world religions, particularly on their fundamental wings. That seems to be a much bigger danger than the extinction of human race, for people like Martin.

Some will say, but he is a former jesuit, expelled from the order and later "killed" (not proven), therefore he must be right at least partially. Well, you never know who serves what agenda. For me, in this interview, he defends the agenda the humans must stay and die by the following Chastisement because his view of God says so. The spiritual danger of the 3days of darkness that he connects to the demons, cannot be otherwise qualified as his view of danger of extraterrestrials, that he stopped short of naming them. Good he is not the only speaker for the catholic church, and other jesuits did it better in terms of recognizing the extraterrestrial reality that is not demonic.

The demonization itself is nothing new and continues to go on especially in ultra-fanatic groupings of all denominations. I do not shiver anymore when someone with pre-set agenda would call "the evil nephilim-giants come with their ships to eat or genetically modify us". I want the facts that repeatedly were denied for thousands of years by those same people and their predecessors.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

The argument that the first ET who communicated messages like 3 days darkness, are God's angels, and the second ET who would like to save physically human race, are the demons, lacks any credibility.

If those same ET advised the papacy to burn up Giordano Bruno and thousands of other people during the Inquisition, starting right after the Roman empire adopted a CHANGED Christianity as State religion, if those are the same spirits or ET, then better keep away from them!

On the other side, if the ET who would finally offer escape way of humanity, are those same who saved Noah, (with or without the movie effects), the same who saved the Jews thru the sea, the same who gave to Elijah a chariot of fire and showed up to Ezekiel the turning wheels, etc, etc, then where is the logic to deny they are the good ones, serving God and humans, and who want to save us in near future.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 03:34 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

do not worry yourself

the dark days and the mass cleansing does NOT come first and won't surprise you

other bad bad bad things will happen first and believe you me you will notice, we won't have electricity at that point but you will notice it

and then you will need to worry about days of darkness

one thing at a time boyo, one thing at a time

I can PM you details if you wish

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 03:40 AM
related info Spun off from the 3 days-of-darkness meme

this was from Discus some months ago I discovered & saved the resource of related material

here's the snip I copied:

But allow me to mention or note here some interesting revelations and warnings from Catholic mystics, stigmatics, and

I don't think that any reasonable person can dismiss what is shaping up to the event of a WW3.
But allow me to mention or note here some interesting revelations and warnings from Catholic mystics, stigmatics, and saints.
- Sister Lucia of Fatima said April 7, 1990: Because Russia was not converted (meaning that Russia's new found morality is nothing but a ruse and a facade to cover their preparations for war) Russia attacks both Europe and America.
- Blessed Sister Elena Aiello (1895-1961), Italian mystic and stigmatic warned from her revelations in 1959 & 1960: Russia will attack and overrun all of Europe and will attack America with her "secret" armies, among other apocalyptic revelations of whole countries, cities, and provinces being swallowed up in massive earthquakes and tidal waves.
- In 1984, Pope John Paul II asked a German mystic of unquestionable reputation, what he had seen in his visions, to which he replied: I saw the sky black with planes and missiles coming out of Russia towards the West (Europe) and two submarines surfacing on the East and West coast of America and firing their missiles at the coastal cities.
- Marie-Julie Jahenny (1850-1941), French mystic and stigmatic, was shown by Our Lord in 1888, WWI, WW2 and WW3 in detail, among many other revelations: She describes the three fold attack of Russia, suddenly united with all of Islam on the West. 1. Russia attacks and overruns all the Scandinavian countries: (note: The Scandinavian countries have been complaining of the recent mock attacks on their countries by Russian planes). 2. Russia attacks from the east through Germany towards France and Spain. (note: The reason Russia needs the Ukraine to move it's forces closer to the European border without due notice of their real intentions). 3. Russia attacks through and with Iran to Turkey, Greece and then to Italy. (note: Pope St. Pius X had a vision of the Russians raising their flag over St. Peters in Rome with the Vatican littered with the dead bodies of all the priests). Many other mystics and visionaries have seen the same scenes in their visions also.
According to the many mystics and stigmatics, God is going to allow our enemies to punish us severely for our sins, for abortion, homosexuality, contraception, immodesty in dress of women, pornography, drugs, corruption, oppression of the poor, etc, but mostly for the "great apostasy" the abandonment of near 2000 years of true faith and doctrine by the hierarchy of the Church themselves, "up to the Top". Man has abandoned God and attempts to create a new god made of mans desires, passions and lusts, a modern pagan god. When all seems lost, when both the Church and world seem doomed, then when God's justice has been appeased, when over one third of the world is dead, then God will intervene and turn the tide. The most violent civil war and revolution in all of history, will break out suddenly in all the Western nations for three to four months, and when all is in turmoil, Russia and China, with their allies attack the West and America. Russia wins everywhere for the first year or so of this three to four year war before the tables begin to be turned in the favor of the West. All America troops overseas will be killed, all American supply depots captured. This because this world has now abandoned God, that the world and even all of Christianity is now filled with the total corruption of morals.
In America we get attacked from six sides:
1. Florida: Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil, and other S. American Marxist/Socialist countries side with Russia and as of today these countries have already make agreement with Russia and are in the throws of preparations.
2. Mexico: As above - sides with Russia.
3. Alaska: Russians attempt to drive from Alaska to the US/Can. border but are stopped by US/Can forces.
4. Pennsylvania: Russians and "other ??" forces, i.e. internal traitors and sympathizers, attempt to drive from the east coast to and through Pittsburgh to meet the others in the interior.
5. Minnesota: Russian and Muslim forces and units strike out to sabotage railways, bridges, dams, utilities, airports, the electrical grid, etc. (note: Minnesota, the Dakota's and Mich have tens of thousands of Muslim and Russian immigrants)
6. California: A one million plus Chinese amphibious landing "with help from within our own government". They take to the Rockies for six months, killing tens of thousands men, women and children, before we drive them back into the ocean. (note: Read the "Speech given by the Chinese Minister of Defense in 2005, to Chinese military officers on how they are going to attack America and kill every American man, woman and child to make way for the needed space they need for themselves - a must read)
- Read well"
1. The Prophecies of Blessed Elena Aiello
2. The Prophecies of Alois Irimaier: Austrian mystic, who even the Austrian government stated to be an authentic seer.
3. WW3 Prophecies and Visions from Central Europe: Catholic mystics.
4. The Prophecies of Marie-Julie Jahenny.
5. "The Three Days Darkness": Foretold by St. Padre Pio, Blessed Maria Tiaggi, Marie-Julie Jahenny: This even forces and end to WW3 and kills all remaining enemies of God, His Church (including those within and at the highest levels) and our countries.
You might even read the short prophecy of St. Nilus in the 5th.century, who warns that in the "20th. cent" when women "shamefully dress like men" deep drenched in blood the world shall lay. Many Catholic mystics such as St. Nilus/5th. c. - St. Hildegard/13th. c. - Venerable Marianna de Jesus Torres/17th. c - Blessed Elizabeth Mora - 18th. c. - Blessed Catherine Emmerich/19th. c. - Blessed Maria Tiaggi/19th. c. etc. among many others - all warn that in the "20th. century" that the world will be a cesspool of immorality and sin, that even the majority of Christians will have lost the faith, that the priests and hierarchy of the Church will attempt to abandon God and His laws, and that following that century will come a most terrible punishment which many describe in varying detail. The idea or fact that so many of these Catholic mystics going back to the 5th century, have warned that in "our century" all this will happen is a testament to their authenticity.....

there is more

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 03:45 AM
my continued snip:
jarhead1969 • 6 hours ago
According to Russian defectors, especially KGB Major Anatoliy Golitsyn, who was the co-author of Russians long terms strategic planning, and GRU Colonel Lunev, former Officer in Charge of all North American Russian Intelligence, among several other Russian defectors, Russia and China were and are planning to attack both Europe and America around 2016-2018. However, the greed of the West for both a Pax-America and for oil, the attempt to surround Russia, and the squeeze of sanctions, is going to force Russia and its allies to attack before their plans have been completed. What one sees is that there is no good guy here, both are evils, so to speak, much like Nazism and Communism


No electricity, gas, stores, utilities, transportation, etc, for over a year in America when all suddenly breaks out, nothing but oppressive martial law, gangs, mobs, neighbors once docile and tempered, turning into monsters, starvation on a level never imagined in America, and when all is in turmoil, Russia and China attack with their allies along with the coming of large movements in nature. Some of these mystics warn that every major city in the world will be destroyed by civil war, revolution, WW3 and upheavals in nature, of earthquakes and tidal waves of immense proportions. Those happening now are just small warnings to man that are going unheeded which will bring on the wrath of God. All those people who support homosexuality, pornography (in near every home via movies, internet and media), of women dressing immodestly (mothers and daughters dressing so immodest as to call on the vengeance of heaven), feminism, contraception, abortion, divorce, etc, will be severely punished, most will die. All those who support these vices, by their actions and even their non-actions, those who vote for a Democratic Party that publicly endorses these vices sin by association at the least, not that the Republicans are any better in different ways with their greed and endless wars.
Get ready, arm yourself now, get what you need while you have the time, ability, availability, and resources to acquire the necessary means to protect yourself, your family and your country, there will be no neutrality, "you are either for Me or against Me, and I will vomit the lukewarm from My mouth" - Scripture.
Pray the Rosary every day, wear the Brown Scapular and be enrolled for its promises, and search the "Scapular of Benediction" given to Marie-Julie Jahenny in 1800's, for our time now, that all those who have this Scapular, blessed by a "traditional" priest, and hung in ones home with the accompanying prayers to be said, all in that home will be protected from all the calamities and harm soon to come, but when one leave the home, to have its promise and protection, one must wear it.
Notwithstanding other major events to happen soon, the major events will start when this pope dies. A prophecy: When a pope dies in the late spring, a new pope is elected, when immediately two angels appear to him privately and tell him what he is to do from God Himself. This pope then condemns Vatican II and all its aftermath and all its adherents, the whole Church is returned to its former disciplines, condemnations, doctrines and the Latin Tridentine Mass of St. Pius V and St. Gregory, all the enemies of the Church "within" are condemned and excommunicated, along with all the heresies eradicated. Then the Devil, realizing his time is up screams - WAR.
In the 1950's, Pope Pius XII, said that the world then was worse than before the Great Flood - Our Lord told Blessed Sister Elena Aiello in 1959, that the world was worse than before the great flood - and it is emphasized that this was no exaggeration; imagine now our condition in the eyes of God, that we are so lost, so mesmerized, so indoctrinated into filth and vice, that we do not even recognize it anymore or don't want to.
Get ready:

the disqus link touches on many other tangents of the 3 days of darkness huh

one forecast leads into another...

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 03:55 AM
Id like some details if you can PM them to me...a reply to: LotToTell2

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 03:58 AM
a reply to: St Udio

But Russia WAS converted

Soviets DID collapse

Berlin wall DID fall

The bad guys this time pushing for World War are American Neocons and Israeli Zionists

If you really are not able to see US government and the evil it does as the BEAST of the modern times, then I can't help you nobody can.

You can blame Russia for all the world problems.


Whatever, keep believing what you want
edit on 4-3-2015 by LotToTell2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 04:05 AM
So are you saying little green big headed aliens are going to save humanity??? a reply to: 2012newstart

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 05:15 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

3 days of Darkness-anyone remember ex ATS member "D4rk Kn1ght"?
He had threads about a deathbed confession that there would soon be 3 days of darkness..

Thing is,I can't come up with anything which would cause such a thing.

And why now are we deserving of such a hammer blow from God?
I mean the last one hundred years has seen some of the most horrific behaviour humans are capable of,WW1,Eugenics,the rise of Nazis,WW2,Nagasagi/Hiroshima,the development and use of chemical warfare,mass sexual slavery,the wanton destruction of our environment to make the rich richer and the poor suffer,death squads,false wars,etc etc.

And not peep from God.
Not a peep.
So why after so much evil is this supposed end time event apparently just around the corner?

Also-the famous third secret of Fatima was deemed so bad that the Vatican hid it away from the world-so how does this Malachi Martin guy claim to know about it?

Sorry to sopund so sceptical,I just don't buy the 3 days of darkness idea..

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

I have listened to Fr. Malachi's radio interviews and read his books since the late 90's. What a shame he was murdered.

Fr. Malachi never really came out in detail about anything but hinted at certain ideas because he was still being restrained by the Vatican even though he was released from his priestly duties.

I recommend you read: The Black Awakening written by Russ Dizdar.

It can be purchased as an ebook as well.

He goes into detail about the three days of darkness.
edit on 4-3-2015 by DeathSlayer because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: LotToTell2

Neither the 'west' nor the 'east' are the the 'good guys'.

Each of the players in the world domination game believe it is they that fight the good fight, believing themselves righteous in their endeavours but the truth is; the world stands on the brink of the final conflict, where evil confronts evil for one last time.

And the victor shall not be 'west' nor 'east' but rather, the meek. Individuals that in the secret places in their own hearts, do not seek after their own desires but justice and succour for the weak, the broken and the dispossessed.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: teapot

I agree with you

but keep in mind, historically, God like to use one power to destroy another

Who do you think can take care of Mighty United States.

Sure God could

But God likes good theatrics, through it, gives us all a chance to learn

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: LotToTell2
a reply to: St Udio

But Russia WAS converted

Soviets DID collapse

Berlin wall DID fall

The bad guys this time pushing for World War are American Neocons and Israeli Zionists

If you really are not able to see US government and the evil it does as the BEAST of the modern times, then I can't help you nobody can.

You can blame Russia for all the world problems.


Whatever, keep believing what you want

your confusing the manipulated reality of MSM and propagandists with the true nature of events...
mis-interpretation is one wide road without lane markers to guide you and you might realize somewhere on your journey that your actually going in the opposite direction than your orchestrated brain tells you

a lot of those non scriptural warnings are just legend/folklore/generally accepted myth and not prophecy of the future given from some supernatural source...

so don't equate the actual posting of that material as my worldview or belief system.... the posts were info that are outtakes from predictions from seers/mystics/psychics/ visionaries, etc.
from a broad swath of different peoples...not just Catholics

please adjust you information prejudice filter, friend

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 09:12 AM
There are no ETs ready to save Earth. Save us from from what? Ourselves?

We created this convoluted mess. So how would anything save us from our self when it's only us here, creating our own chaos.

People who put faith into ET or a god to "save us" are very lost mentally. There will never be such thing. This is our created-chaos,.and we are the dominate species of Earth.

As for three days of darkness. .. of course he would say spirtual, it's a mental escape from abstract ideas in his mind to find justification for his ideas and agendas.

Saying spiritual, is the most broad and extensive excuse one can use to cover their reason, because it can't be verified by material measures.

The 3 days of darkness, is deffinately not a spaceship. That is so far out there.. the three days of darkness probably wasn't translated very well.

Only thing I think of is winter solstice when Sun travels our sky, and is southern most in the hemisphere. There is a 3 day period the sun's degree in the sky does not change, it stays idle/dead.

This is the story of Jesus dying. After this short period the sun starts to journey back to the northern hemisphere, hence spring. Hence, a resurrection.

People look into old scriptures too literally.. we refer to a time religion had reign and people were pretty dumbed down en mass.

How else would you explain the Suns journey across the sky, and it's idle position in the sky during winter solstice (longest days of night)? Especially in those times..

Also, keep in mind , three days darkness could be one hemisphere of earth, not the entire planet. As Whoever wrote about the 3 days, didn't travel out of that country/land they lived in. How could they know the other side of earth was darkened too.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: 2012newstart

The sun will obey it's maker. As it should.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: ATF1886
So are you saying little green big headed aliens are going to save humanity??? a reply to: 2012newstart

they could be tall beautiful blond human ET. Or Angels

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 01:54 PM
Maybe the 3 days of darkness is a parable for the suffering (Dark Night of the Soul) caused by the mind in faith mode not having "perfect spiritual information", and therefor make the assumption that because it does not know "perfect spiritual information" but a view (idol) of "perfect spiritual information" there can be no spirit.

edit on 4-3-2015 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 02:21 PM

originally posted by: St Udio
my continued snip:
jarhead1969 • 6 hours ago
According to Russian defectors, especially KGB Major Anatoliy Golitsyn, who was the co-author of Russians long terms strategic planning, and GRU Colonel Lunev, former Officer in Charge of all North American Russian Intelligence, among several other Russian defectors, Russia and China were and are planning to attack both Europe and America around 2016-2018. However, the greed of the West for both a Pax-America and for oil, the attempt to surround Russia, and the squeeze of sanctions, is going to force Russia and its allies to attack before their plans have been completed. What one sees is that there is no good guy here, both are evils, so to speak, much like Nazism and Communism


No electricity, gas, stores, utilities, transportation, etc, for over a year in America when all suddenly breaks out, nothing but oppressive martial law, gangs, mobs, neighbors once docile and tempered, turning into monsters, starvation on a level never imagined in America, and when all is in turmoil, Russia and China attack with their allies along with the coming of large movements in nature. Some of these mystics warn that every major city in the world will be destroyed by civil war, revolution, WW3 and upheavals in nature, of earthquakes and tidal waves of immense proportions. Those happening now are just small warnings to man that are going unheeded which will bring on the wrath of God. All those people who support homosexuality, pornography (in near every home via movies, internet and media), of women dressing immodestly (mothers and daughters dressing so immodest as to call on the vengeance of heaven), feminism, contraception, abortion, divorce, etc, will be severely punished, most will die. All those who support these vices, by their actions and even their non-actions, those who vote for a Democratic Party that publicly endorses these vices sin by association at the least, not that the Republicans are any better in different ways with their greed and endless wars.
Get ready, arm yourself now, get what you need while you have the time, ability, availability, and resources to acquire the necessary means to protect yourself, your family and your country, there will be no neutrality, "you are either for Me or against Me, and I will vomit the lukewarm from My mouth" - Scripture.
Pray the Rosary every day, wear the Brown Scapular and be enrolled for its promises, and search the "Scapular of Benediction" given to Marie-Julie Jahenny in 1800's, for our time now, that all those who have this Scapular, blessed by a "traditional" priest, and hung in ones home with the accompanying prayers to be said, all in that home will be protected from all the calamities and harm soon to come, but when one leave the home, to have its promise and protection, one must wear it.
Notwithstanding other major events to happen soon, the major events will start when this pope dies. A prophecy: When a pope dies in the late spring, a new pope is elected, when immediately two angels appear to him privately and tell him what he is to do from God Himself. This pope then condemns Vatican II and all its aftermath and all its adherents, the whole Church is returned to its former disciplines, condemnations, doctrines and the Latin Tridentine Mass of St. Pius V and St. Gregory, all the enemies of the Church "within" are condemned and excommunicated, along with all the heresies eradicated. Then the Devil, realizing his time is up screams - WAR.
In the 1950's, Pope Pius XII, said that the world then was worse than before the Great Flood - Our Lord told Blessed Sister Elena Aiello in 1959, that the world was worse than before the great flood - and it is emphasized that this was no exaggeration; imagine now our condition in the eyes of God, that we are so lost, so mesmerized, so indoctrinated into filth and vice, that we do not even recognize it anymore or don't want to.
Get ready:

the disqus link touches on many other tangents of the 3 days of darkness huh

one forecast leads into another...

So RUssia is the bad guy from what you wrote. If so, then consider her dates and heroes to determine how her generals think of all that.70 anniversary of Great patriotic war that lost 28 mln soldiers and civilians according to latest numbers that only increase. One in every Russian family.

The next celebration is 2017 October revolution, but it is no more celebrated in Russia. It will be 100th. The body od Lenin is carefully maintained in stable mode, as we speak it is outside Kremlin in medical center. Kremlin was renovated for 70th anniversary of Victory day May 9, 2015.

If that is not enough to signal Russia is preparing for something BIG and GOOD, don't know what it is. ET Disclosure may be? Or the final war?

I oppose the idea of 3 days of darkness as something terrible, and didn't see someone to say arguments other than already known mystics. What if they are all deluded by evil ETs not necessarily demons, who want to see humanity dying in religious canons but not saved with ET and not learning the truth of the life and words of our Lord Jesus Christ. They should have it recorded voice video and may be 3D from the clouds. The lies about Jesus's life and words spread for centuries are about to fall. Not a word for the time before 30 with few exception as a child. Isn't it just strange that Virgin Mary will repeat "Magnificat" word by word to Luke to write it down, Magnificat that doesn't even mention Jesus, and at the same time the HUMBLE Mother of Jesus will skip important events of His beloved son for all those years before 30? I can't believe that!
Or Luke simply wrote it much later, better say the writer who wrote in the name of Luke...
With things like that, our best option is to start from the beginning to search the truth of Jesus. If the Angels help, good! If hidden books help, Good!

I hope someone in position reads that now. Too much time was lost and the clock is ticking towards the end of Malachi and the selfimposed end of Fatima. Was it all about that the Christianity to end in that way, in a pre-determined mega doom? Can't believe it is true! No it isn't. God is still in control and will send His legions of angels-extraterrestrials. They may be already around.
edit on 4-3-2015 by 2012newstart because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 03:09 PM

originally posted by: randyvs
a reply to: 2012newstart

The sun will obey it's maker. As it should.

Who or what is the maker of the Sun?
And all the trillions upon trillions of other suns or stars-who or what made them?

No offence,I just cannot comprehend such notions.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: Silcone Synapse

Do you have a comprehensible explanation for the universe and
the existence of everything in it? If so I'd love to read about it.
Mind you, the account should provide at lest as much detail that
the Bible provides. If not, then the fact that ancient scripture
gives us that account is perfectly viable to consider IMO. I haven't
heard of anything that sounds less fantastic in fact, every thing
I have heard. Is even more unbelievable. So please present an
account that is more believable? I beg you.
edit on Rpm30415v432015u24 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

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