posted on Mar, 5 2015 @ 09:24 PM
a reply to:
I said I can't wait for God's Light to take over *BUT* some will be ashamed. I didn't say I wanted it to happen. This is why I hope people choose
Light and reject darkness instead of being deceived by it.
I don't believe in the war god (yahweh) but only in The Most High (Elyon) who is The Merciful Heavenly Father.
Luke 6:35-36 says love your enemies, do good to them, give from your Heart instead of trying to get something back THEN you will have the Reward of
being a child of The Most High who is kind even to the unthankful and evil; so be merciful like your Father in heaven is merciful.
It makes sense why I reject evil dark destructive behavior - because it leads to pain and suffering and is against The Merciful Heavenly Father; but
why would some be trying to get someone to ACCEPT darkness/evil/non-compassionate behavior? Because they are evil themselves and want that darkness in
the world OR they are deceived.