posted on Mar, 2 2015 @ 04:56 AM
I saw a report on police figures for drivers using mobile phones whilst driving last week. It's thought the majority were not taking or making calls
but were instead surfing social media sites whilst driving.
That is one of the things I find so crazy, that people seem to have become so addicted. They seem to need to be on there posting selfies, pictures of
that they are about to eat or drink, their latest bowel movement stats and many more pointless events. I fail to see how it is in any way interesting
to others, and more to the point, I find it amazing that the people posting it seem to think others will be interested in any way.
In the case of the selfie craze, I find it all a bit creepy and it takes narcissism to whole new levels, but that seems to be the way society has been
heading with this "look at me everybody" crap. People have been conned into this hyped and well marketed "connected" BS. We all need to be
"online" and "connected" 24x7x365 in order to be part of the "digital revolution" so as not to look like knuckle dragging luddites from some
hillbilly shantytown.
I remember happier times, where if people didn't hear from us or we didn't answer the phone for more than 24hours, they'd refrain from calling in a
missing persons report. If we didn't respond to a message within a few hours they didn't think we no longer cared about them. The world kept
turning, business was booming - without the internet, mobile phones and instant messaging - and people had more interest in more important matters.
Oh, happy days!