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I have reason to believe ISIS is a personal project of Satanist David Myatt

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posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: InSatanIsisServes

When I first read your title I thought, how absurd, let me set this rapscallion straight.

....then I read your post and...... By golly you got something here, very interesting.

.......Then ! I read your screen name !

So my question is, whats up with that ?

Are you this David Myatt character ?

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: thesmokingman
Nice theory and great work, but I cannot agree with it. The US, and even now with help of other nations, have been seemingly unwilling to actually destroy/dissolve ISIS. Sure, there are airstrikes happening, but they are just part of the show. You mean to tell me, that the strongest military the world has ever seen, along with the "help" of many other nations, are unable to stop this group of desert vagabonds, but we have utterly destroyed actual countries with actual millitaries, with relative ease within a shorter period of time? No way! The US went in and hunted down Saddam, cowering in a spider hole, with relative ease, but ISIS, the guys mind you that are fighting the rest of the world with knives, and fire and cages, so far seem to be an unstoppable force. I just cannot believe that the US is that incapable.

The US, especially under Obama has been gunshy about taking on Islamic Extremism because the effects are so unpredictable. There is a feeling that for every terrorist killed 3 more become radicalized to take his place. Brothers, sons and sometimes even mothers and daughters previously sympathetic to the cause suddenly become devoted fighters. Because of that, and because these problem are not yet a direct threat to America, or her close allies, Obama is taking a wait-and-see approach. With less than 2 years left in his presidency it is much easier to let the Syrian regime and Iraqi police handle the situation for now than for Obama to risk a direct conflict which could proves to be a bigger mistake than Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: IntastellaBurst
a reply to: InSatanIsisServes

When I first read your title I thought, how absurd, let me set this rapscallion straight.

....then I read your post and...... By golly you got something here, very interesting.

.......Then ! I read your screen name !

So my question is, whats up with that ?

Are you this David Myatt character ?

No no not at all. I created this account solely to start this thread and discuss this Idea and I wanted something snappy. I though the nested acronym was neat

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: vonclod
Interesting..I looked him up and it seems he has rejected his extremist past..Here is a paragraph from his Wiki page..take it for what it's worth?

Since 2010 Myatt has written extensively about his rejection of both Islam[25] and his extremist past,[26][27] writing that: "What I [...] came to understand, via pathei-mathos, was the importance - the human necessity, the virtue - of love, and how love expresses or can express the numinous in the most sublime, the most human, way. Of how extremism (of whatever political or religious or ideological kind) places some abstraction, some ideation, some notion of duty to some ideation, before a personal love, before a knowing and an appreciation of the numinous

No offence but I think the OP is a day late and a dollar short.

Why keep playing a dangerous game when you have already won?

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 11:55 AM

originally posted by: InSatanIsisServes

originally posted by: thesmokingman
Nice theory and great work, but I cannot agree with it. The US, and even now with help of other nations, have been seemingly unwilling to actually destroy/dissolve ISIS. Sure, there are airstrikes happening, but they are just part of the show. You mean to tell me, that the strongest military the world has ever seen, along with the "help" of many other nations, are unable to stop this group of desert vagabonds, but we have utterly destroyed actual countries with actual millitaries, with relative ease within a shorter period of time? No way! The US went in and hunted down Saddam, cowering in a spider hole, with relative ease, but ISIS, the guys mind you that are fighting the rest of the world with knives, and fire and cages, so far seem to be an unstoppable force. I just cannot believe that the US is that incapable.

The US, especially under Obama has been gunshy about taking on Islamic Extremism because the effects are so unpredictable. There is a feeling that for every terrorist killed 3 more become radicalized to take his place. Brothers, sons and sometimes even mothers and daughters previously sympathetic to the cause suddenly become devoted fighters. Because of that, and because these problem are not yet a direct threat to America, or her close allies, Obama is taking a wait-and-see approach. With less than 2 years left in his presidency it is much easier to let the Syrian regime and Iraqi police handle the situation for now than for Obama to risk a direct conflict which could proves to be a bigger mistake than Iraq and Afghanistan combined.

Obama and the US, have never been gun shy to go after ANYBODY. Especially a bunch of guys fighting with knives in the desert. Like the member that pointed out your screen name, I as well would like to know exactly who the hell you are...Why are you here and what is your purpose?

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: thesmokingman

Obama and the US, have never been gun shy to go after ANYBODY. Especially a bunch of guys fighting with knives in the desert. Like the member that pointed out your screen name, I as well would like to know exactly who the hell you are...Why are you here and what is your purpose?

My purpose is to bring this story to light. I may not be correct but the more people who see this idea and the more people who research it the better. If he is responsible for this chaos in any way I would love to see him brought to justice or at the very least learn enough about his tactics that someone like him be prevented from doing something similar in the future. ISIS is an organization that brings nothing but horror into this world. Murder, terror, rape and political(possibly global) instability. The more we know about how they got to the point the better.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: InSatanIsisServes

originally posted by: thesmokingman

Obama and the US, have never been gun shy to go after ANYBODY. Especially a bunch of guys fighting with knives in the desert. Like the member that pointed out your screen name, I as well would like to know exactly who the hell you are...Why are you here and what is your purpose?

My purpose is to bring this story to light. I may not be correct but the more people who see this idea and the more people who research it the better. If he is responsible for this chaos in any way I would love to see him brought to justice or at the very least learn enough about his tactics that someone like him be prevented from doing something similar in the future. ISIS is an organization that brings nothing but horror into this world. Murder, terror, rape and political(possibly global) instability. The more we know about how they got to the point the better.

Explain your user name if you would?

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 12:24 PM
I dont know, but as I read your expose, the words "Hes an undercover agent provocateur working for the secret services" kept popping into my head.
To be involved in Combat 18, Satanism AND Islam, to me thats obvious.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 12:34 PM

originally posted by: OneManArmy
I dont know, but as I read your expose, the words "Hes an undercover agent provocateur working for the secret services" kept popping into my head.
To be involved in Combat 18, Satanism AND Islam, to me thats obvious.

I would certainly not rule that out. The fact that he is still on the streets with no current legal troubles certainly gives a lot of weight to that theory. It just seems like such a long time and a massive body of written texts for such a simple honey pot operation to me personally.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: thesmokingman
Nice theory and great work, but I cannot agree with it. The US, and even now with help of other nations, have been seemingly unwilling to actually destroy/dissolve ISIS. Sure, there are airstrikes happening, but they are just part of the show. You mean to tell me, that the strongest military the world has ever seen, along with the "help" of many other nations, are unable to stop this group of desert vagabonds, but we have utterly destroyed actual countries with actual millitaries, with relative ease within a shorter period of time? No way! The US went in and hunted down Saddam, cowering in a spider hole, with relative ease, but ISIS, the guys mind you that are fighting the rest of the world with knives, and fire and cages, so far seem to be an unstoppable force. I just cannot believe that the US is that incapable.
We couldn't do crap to the Vietnamese, either. And all they had were AKs.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: thesmokingman

Explain your user name if you would?

It's a nested acronym. A word game. I am not using my usual handle because I have been using that one for nearly 15 years and it is way too easy to find my real name from it. I live in a city with a very high Muslim population and if using this name gives me an extra 1% peace of mind it is worth it to me.

You seem to be implying that I am David Myatt but I am confused as to why you think I would be trying to expose myself.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: InSatanIsisServes

originally posted by: OneManArmy
I dont know, but as I read your expose, the words "Hes an undercover agent provocateur working for the secret services" kept popping into my head.
To be involved in Combat 18, Satanism AND Islam, to me thats obvious.

I would certainly not rule that out. The fact that he is still on the streets with no current legal troubles certainly gives a lot of weight to that theory. It just seems like such a long time and a massive body of written texts for such a simple honey pot operation to me personally.

So what is your opinion of Anjem Choudary?
He is paraded on national news, giving a voice to the crazy radical ideologies?
He has been doing it for years, as was Abu Hamza.

Which led to the name "Londinistan" being used sarcastically by the french. We protected these nutters in some misplaced idea that they would never attack us.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:06 PM

originally posted by: OneManArmy

So what is your opinion of Anjem Choudary?
He is paraded on national news, giving a voice to the crazy radical ideologies?
He has been doing it for years, as was Abu Hamza.

Which led to the name "Londinistan" being used sarcastically by the french. We protected these nutters in some misplaced idea that they would never attack us.

As an American I have much less exposure to Choudary but I do not see a conspiracy in the fact he exists. He has radical beliefs but is careful in his wording and apparently does not directly aid Jihadists. The reason he is trotted out on TV is because as disgusting as his ideas are to most Westerners, there is still an interest in how these people think. The idea of Shariah law and suicide bombings and the like are so alien to most western people that someone who is able to articulate them serves a purpose both to the Media, who are so used to presenting political disagreements as point-counterpoint they have forgotten how to do anything else, and to the public who get a chance to at least hear the arguments of Jihadis before ultimately rejecting them.
edit on 1-3-2015 by InSatanIsisServes because: typo

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: InSatanIsisServes

Huh? This guy is a Nazi, a Muslim, and a Satanist? Talk about a wacky hat trick!

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: InSatanIsisServes

Reasonable conjecture since there is no proof that he is a member of ISIS

Of course anything is possible

Since he did support Bin Laden and violent Jihad and he did have an ideological affinity to ISIS and their ilk.

Though according to Wiki he has left Islam


n 2010, Myatt publicly announced that he had rejected Islam,[94] having developed his own weltanschauung,[37][38][95] writing that "the Way of Pathei-Mathos is an ethical, an interior, a personal, a non-political, a non-interfering, a non-religious but spiritual, way of individual reflexion, individual change, and empathic living, where there is an awareness of the importance of virtues such as compassion, humility, tolerance, gentleness, and love",[96] and that "living according to the way of pathei-mathos [...] means being compassionate or inclining toward compassion by trying to avoid causing, or contributing, to suffering".[96]

Anything is possible this guy may have ran into some ISIS members and influenced them when he was a Muslim running around the ME

He also may be attached to MI6 since they usually concentrate on creating religious radicalism in the ME

edit on 1-3-2015 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 01:25 PM
a reply to: InverseLookingGlass

The Islamic concept of Satan, Iblis, would never partake in these horrors...

He is, too clever to do so, risking his position on the Day of Jugdement...

Iblis' downfall was a refusal to acknowledge Humankind as the best of Allah's creation...

When he fell from favour...

He asked Allah for mercy until Judgement Day...

Allah being merciful granted him this request...

Now in line with scripture...
I've read nothing to fit the claim he would sin again, nor would he have a part in horrific actions like that of ISIS/Boko Haram...

But he did vow to whisper to mankind...
To mislead them down the path of darkness...
To test their free will...

In a bid to prove that Humankind was not worthy of the praise asked of him by Allah...
He promised Allah he would prove this, & fill Jahannam (Hell) with Humans to exonerate himself for his original transgression...

So while he may whisper/telepathically communicate a misdeed to Man...
He would not go so far as to possess them into doing so...
This would lead him to fail in his endeavour...

Overall a Shaytaan/Satan in Islamic tradition is much more in line with the Judaic version...
Just an adversary, wrongdoer, anyone between bad & outright evil...

Where as the Christian version of Satan is literally a being all into himself...
The ultimate evil... Dwarfing the likes of Hitler/Stalin/Pol Pot etc...

That is not Judaic or Islamic...

So I don't know what Satan this guy believes in... Or worships...

In Muslim minds, he would be a Shaytaan himself...
If the OP theory is correct, he would be a soldier of Iblis...
Whispering evil into others, never taking part in the act himself...

Or, he could be a ritualistic Satanist, firey pentagrams and curses etc...

Although I'm not sure which "Satan" that is supposed to be if I'm honest...
I've never heard of such a Satan in any of the Scriptures that mention him/them.

Apologies for the digression...

I do feel this is all important if we are to follow the OP line and work out the purpose of this Satanist "converting" to Islam rather than Judaism or Christianity, & his end game.

I'd expect a Neo-Nazi infiltrator to go Judaism if I'm honest...
So his motives to choose Islam are strange imo.

Unless it was a plan to lead people into an anti-Semitic position for the WWIII plans credited to Albert Pike...

This is all round bizarre...
I'm surprised any Muslims accepted him knowing his past...
& his doctrine of infiltration mentioned by the OP...

Maybe they were unaware of this, I feel certain if they had known...
This guy would be dead before he could convert.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: InSatanIsisServes

This is the most interesting thing ive read here in a long time.

His writings, if you can stomach them, advocate violence and any method of breaking the law possible, as well as infiltrating or creating adverse movements to commit said acts. He says outright that you should pretend to be a member of another group and commit crimes toward the satanic agenda.

There is an intriguing link between satanists and their admiration for nazis. Lavey allegedly joined the National Resistance Party, Aquino went to worship at Himmler's personal castle, Marilyn Manson was an honourary satanist and has a swastika tattooed on his chest.

Helnwein paints nazi imagery (including a painting where he implies Hitler is Jesus) and wears pentagrams and so on...

edit on 1-3-2015 by Ridhya because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: InSatanIsisServes

Did you create the Wkipedia page on David Myatt? Seems it was last edited February this year.
2nd Line.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: Xarian6
I normally just read anything Isis related as i have no vested interest in the topic other than condemnation of their actions and bafflement at the way they work.. and that's a rather common sentiment..

But this.. this explains much. It's almost a *bingo* moment.. but for many to even understand the gravity they must also realize where we all are in the game, and that satan.. or at the very least, hardcore satanism/blood ritual is a very real thing.

They may run under a false banner (muslim) but from the very first moment they were plastered over the media i had the feeling they weren't truly what they say they are.. as we've seen religious extremism in many forms (sects) over the years but isis takes it all to a level that even garners them condemnation from those they (supposedly) align with.

On a tangent.. and slightly OT but inline with the OP and it's implications i have a few questions for anyone that's knowledgeable in such matters.

Do you think boko-haram is in on this too? they seem to *conduct* themselves in much the same manner.. in some respects a far more "in your face and smiling" evil.
If this is as feared, do you think they are going to try to climb the steps?
Based on what we know, how do we calculate which step they reside on at this present time?

Just FYI for those baffled by what i just asked.. I've known and consorted with many satanists, and I've read a far bit of that theology.. im not aligned with that however, It's just a path i walked at one time trying to understand the esoteric.

I almost don't want to press reply, to be honest.. as i know the world has it's blinders firmly in place and this post will possibly get torn up in a fury of "nothing exists other than my iphone.. stop saying the scary things"

and that.. is exactly how we got to this point... so i AM pressing reply, and folks would do well to listen.

Since you bring it up, nothing is real but that iphone (obviously not being serious.. yet). stop saying silly things. Nothing scary about nonsense imo.

posted on Mar, 1 2015 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: Swills Ive always believed them to be following the same being, at least billions of years old. Its no alien, because the scriptures say the angels cheered when Earth was created. They were here. Yeshua quoted scripture when Allah took him up to tempt him. He made it very clear that allah was not to tempt the Lord God Almighty, by quoting scripture. The deciever can call himself anything he wants, and can and does infiltrate many religions. So how to you know what type of tree you have? By its fruit. These all behave the same, and have the same outcome. To attack children of the Son of Man (Yeshua), and the true Jews, and wreak havoc on the rest of the world. Its perfectly natural for Lucifer to lie and decieve. He is a very powerful being. I believe many world leaders and famous wealthy, and Hollywood are possesed by choice for the love of money and power. Abuse women? Satan! Slaughter? Satan! Mislead the population? Satan! Offer human ? Satan! Attack Christians and real Jews? Satan!
There is only one creater, and his name is not allah who was peddled by a pediofile murderer. The Living God tented among us as the Son of Man, with a purpose which he fulfilled. All those who further Lucifers deception are in for a rude awakening in the not so far off future

edit on 1-3-2015 by visitedbythem because: (no reason given)

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