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Black Men Commit Nearly Half of the Murders in the United States

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posted on Mar, 3 2015 @ 12:47 AM
a reply to: Spider879

Those sound nice....If I was a black one percenter, maybe even a five percenter, that's where I would live, one of those enclaves...nice and safe from the elements ya know

I think he meant Washington Chicago St Louis Milwaukee Memphis Birmingham Little Rock Detroit Baltimore Richmond Philly Portland Oakland ATL Tampa New Orleans Houston DFW Buffalo Boston Stanford and....shall I go on?

If people in East Tennessee or Kentucky are killing each at the rate that young urban males are, then yes, there is a problem that needs fixin' as you say. This is America, and there must be a rule of law, and since we are all just souls trapped in different colored cages, it should not make any difference what color your skin is if you oppress me or I oppress you. But you and I both know that people in East Tennessee or Kentucky are not killing others at the rate that young black males are in any metropolitan area over 50k in America. I also think you chose those two areas and imprinted your own racial stereotype of poor country whites into your own response which is not exactly benign my friend.

posted on Mar, 3 2015 @ 01:29 AM
a reply to: Reasonablefeller

What makes you think those communities are black 1%ers I didn't include them, and off course the O.P is concentrating on poor and dysfunctional Black communities but still the fact remains that no one thinks that white on white crime is something that white people should address, " white" is not a factor it's just crime..lets say every last black person got their shttt together and committed 0 crime, would crime still not be a factor.

posted on Mar, 3 2015 @ 02:28 AM

originally posted by: Spider879
a reply to: Reasonablefeller

What makes you think those communities are black 1%ers I didn't include them, and off course the O.P is concentrating on poor and dysfunctional Black communities but still the fact remains that no one thinks that white on white crime is something that white people should address, " white" is not a factor it's just crime..lets say every last black person got their shttt together and committed 0 crime, would crime still not be a factor.

If all the sudden black folks got their thing together as you put it, and commited zero crimes, the violent crime rate would plummet dramatically. Suddenly 50% of the violent crime would be ...poof! Actually if this miracle was only applied to UBM's 16-28 it would be about the same. Those are the ones killing each other and driving the murder rate up.
What I think the OP is getting at is "look at this" and "why"? He is recognizing the problem. No one has denied that white violent crime exists. Many are denying that the black crime in America's cities is not an epidemic. If it is not, then do you consider this kind of normal, not so bad?

The AG said white people were cowards about discussing race and I agree with him. A lot of white people are scared to do this.

posted on Mar, 3 2015 @ 02:56 AM
a reply to: Reasonablefeller

If people really want to address Black crime then address the root cause of it, namely throwing young black males behind bars for mostly Bull shtt were they get an education in how to be a gangster by hardened criminals which when release will go out to do murderous stuff,which caused them to end up back in jail teaching others, and the cycle continues but my guess is not many folks want to hear that.

posted on Mar, 3 2015 @ 05:01 AM

originally posted by: Spider879
a reply to: Reasonablefeller

If people really want to address Black crime then address the root cause of it, namely throwing young black males behind bars for mostly Bull shtt were they get an education in how to be a gangster by hardened criminals which when release will go out to do murderous stuff,which caused them to end up back in jail teaching others, and the cycle continues but my guess is not many folks want to hear that.

If you are speaking of Draconian drug laws impacting non violent offenders I agree with much of what you say. It's a symptom to me though, and not a root cause. Some of the root causes have been eloquently illustrated in this thread so far. Just remember, a true white racist would be out there lauding planned parenthood, and denying black on black genocide in the cities.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 07:51 AM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: Foderalover

Skin color is not a valid unit of measure. Skin color has absolutely zero influence on criminal behavior, just like baldness, freckles or hair consistency have zero influence on domestic violence. To imply otherwise is irrational, stupid, and lazy.

I am not so sure about that. I only read recently how one gene is usually responsible for more than one trait. So a gene for blue eyes could affect also hair colour and sense of humour [made up to show principle]. So there is ample evidence that certain physiological traits DO have influence on some behaviours.

This has been known for 1000s of years by breeders. They have bred dogs to be calmer, good with kids and also violent ones with short fuses. Meaning that a certain trait, such as long or curly fur or certain eyecolours can be a pretty good indication of behaviour. Go ask a breeder about details.

Why this is suddenly not true for humans is beyond me. Either breeders are full of s4it and just make it up as they go or maybe genetics are wrong and there are no multiple actions for a single gene [go take on the scientists] or saying that physical traits in humans are irrelevant to behaviour because we are so completely different from animals [not], someone is talking BS.

I know that dogs can be bred to be nice, I know that one gene can express more than one trait, but I am not so sure that humans are exempt from natural rules. The sooner we realise that, the easier it will be to understand [all] human breeds.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

Your post puts me in mind of eugenics arguments from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Good to see we're firmly post-racial in America.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 08:14 AM
Here's the thing.

There are a certain amount of crimes committed in this country every year.

If you're going to look at the numbers per capita, then do so fairly.

That is hardly an important comparison though ... unless you're trying to say, as many are above despite protestation, that there is a DIFFERENCE between the races.

Some want to do that to make political points. Some do it because they really feel that the races are different.

There is ZERO scientific evidence for anything other than superficial differences between human "races."

Therefore, I prefer to look at vectors that are NOT racially motivated, logical factors like "economic status."

If the provision of a social safety net were really the cause of Black crime as some here have asserted, then explain please why no one ever mentions Whites of lower economic status who face the same "corruption" by that system?

That is, if the primary issue is NOT one of race.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 11:43 AM

edit on 4-3-2015 by Oouthere because: delete

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 11:44 AM
I'm amazed that with all the gangstalking and advanced surveillance technology that crime could exist. Also, let's not try to divide people, the true enemy isn't your neighbor, even if they gangstalk.
edit on 4-3-2015 by deloprator20000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: Foderalover

Skin color is not a valid unit of measure. Skin color has absolutely zero influence on criminal behavior, just like baldness, freckles or hair consistency have zero influence on domestic violence. To imply otherwise is irrational, stupid, and lazy.

I am not so sure about that. I only read recently how one gene is usually responsible for more than one trait. So a gene for blue eyes could affect also hair colour and sense of humour [made up to show principle]. So there is ample evidence that certain physiological traits DO have influence on some behaviours.

This has been known for 1000s of years by breeders. They have bred dogs to be calmer, good with kids and also violent ones with short fuses. Meaning that a certain trait, such as long or curly fur or certain eyecolours can be a pretty good indication of behaviour. Go ask a breeder about details.

Why this is suddenly not true for humans is beyond me. Either breeders are full of s4it and just make it up as they go or maybe genetics are wrong and there are no multiple actions for a single gene [go take on the scientists] or saying that physical traits in humans are irrelevant to behaviour because we are so completely different from animals [not], someone is talking BS.

I know that dogs can be bred to be nice, I know that one gene can express more than one trait, but I am not so sure that humans are exempt from natural rules. The sooner we realise that, the easier it will be to understand [all] human breeds.

Oh ferfuksakes humans are not dogs and were never bred as such, look I usually make history my guide, insatiability and violence is usually due to circumstances in one era, the direct ancestors of some new world Blacks were viewed as followed.

Ibn Battuta judges the character of the people of Mali

The blacks possess some admirable qualities. They are seldom unjust, and have a greater abhorrence of injustice than any other people. Their sultan shows no mercy to anyone who is guilty of the least act of it. There is complete security in their country. Neither traveller nor inhabitant in it has anything to fear from robbers or men of violence. They do not confiscate the property of any white man who dies in their country, even if it be uncounted wealth. On the contrary, they give it into the charge of some trustworthy person among the whites, until the rightful heir takes possession of it. They are careful to observe the hours of prayer, and assiduous in attending them in congregations, and in bringing up their children to them.

Even earlier the illiad
The Ethiopians or Blacks in general, are the most just of men and favorite of the Gods, the annals of all the great nations of Asia minor are full of them.

Such was the image of atleast some of the direct ancestors of AAs.
During the same era robbery and violence were common in parts of Europe , one would take ones chances dining with a Viking or travelling on a English road.
Today the North countries are among the most stable and happy and those of the south like Mali of today is among the most unstable and dangerous...such is the way the pendulum swings.

edit on 4-3-2015 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 11:59 AM
Dbl,staff if u could pls delete this post right here I made a boo boo.
edit on 4-3-2015 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2015 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: Hecate666

Your post puts me in mind of eugenics arguments from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Good to see we're firmly post-racial in America.

Not with any word did I say anything about black people being stupider than whites.
That's what you thought wasn't it, with your snide remark about history?

I am telling you about science. YOU however made my genetic comment into an issue about black slaves and me being utterly racist.
[If you said none of the above using the exact words, then you know how I feels when someone misinterprets completely what you actually wrote].

You are a stereotype and you are doing it so well...sigh.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 03:49 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

The truth is the only thing that will help.

The reason black people think "white" people don't want to discuss these things, is because they know the average black person doesn't care what the numbers are. They want to focus on the emotional and racist side of it. You can't further an agenda without being biased to it.

If you are black and get killed by a white officer, it immediately becomes somehow newsworthy, and keeps people focused on race. Why do you think the MSM plays nothing but stories about white on black crime? It isn't to try and get people to talk about the issues, because white on black crime ISN'T the issue.

Everybody needs to step back, and understand what the real problems are. This unfortunately is impossible given the inherently infinite vehemence that is man.

edit on 10-3-2015 by c0gN1t1v3D1ss0nanC3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 03:57 AM

originally posted by: Foderalover
Wow I never knew this, I just happened to see it . On top of being responsible for nearly half of the murders in the US, black men only make up 12-13% of the population, could it get any worse ? *SNIP*

Mod Edit: Snipped Snide Staff Jab

How is this not race baiting?

All races commit crimes none are any different than each other period.

What your talking about is culture which can be seeded into anyone, not just blacks.

i will flag this thread to the mods as it looks like it could be hate speach against black males.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 03:59 AM
a reply to: c0gN1t1v3D1ss0nanC3

So black people think white people don't want to discuss these things?

They know the average black person doesn't care what the numbers are?

You're either generalizing or making this up.

Racism makes many people emotional, and rightly so.

If "you" are black and "you" get killed by a white officer, I doubt "you" are concerned about it any more.

However, for those who are left, for whom such occurrences are, year after year clear evidence of an organized system of racial profiling, hatred and abuse on the parts of police departments and other official representations of "power" ... may also be what keeps people "focused on race."

We have a racial problem in this country.

Pretending that it only exists as part of a conspiratorial fiction promoted by the "MSM" is far, far from the "truth" you pretend to favor in your post.

Why isn't CRIME the issue? Why does race matter at all ... that is, if race doesn't matter .... at all?

I agree we need to look at the real problems, but you aren't outlining any in your post.

You're simply claiming "there's no problem it's all a conspiracy."

And that's about as far from the truth as you can get.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

You're not talking about "science," not with any word you used.

You're pointing to some unknown quality associated with race that you would like to peg on undiscovered genetic reality.

That's about as far away from "science" as one can get ... heck, it's not even good pseudo-science.

That's the same thing the "eugenics science" of the late 19th and early 20th centuries did; that's precisely why your comments put me in mind of that garbage.

Point to a claim of mine that says you "said anything about black people being stupider than whites."

Point to a claim of mine that says you said anything "about black slaves" or that you are "utterly racist."

Since I didn't say anything like that about you or anyone else, one wonders where you pulled those phrases out of.

But, they came from somewhere, and it wasn't from me.

I'm a stereotype? LOL. Right back acha. Using a scientific term does not lend scientific credence to your hoodoo.

Now, let's leave what we think of each other out of it and discuss the issue.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 04:17 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

I think you misunderstood the tone of my post. I was focusing more on the fact that the MSM agenda is obvious, and currently a huge factor in what the US, and the World considers important.

This isn't a conspiracy. The MSM controls the flow of information. It controls what issues we focus on.

The current rhetoric is white vs black or black vs white. It isn't about the crime and statistics. Why don't we care more about the actual crime? I wish I knew.

I am not claiming there's no problem. The opposite in fact. Given the world we live in, it is impressive we have come this far this quickly in terms of equal rights for both men and women, regardless of race, sexual preference, or belief.

The only reason these advancements have been possible is because the average person around the world is decent, and hard working. The average person doesn't want to bring any harm to anyone else, and lives by the golden rule.

The average person doesn't control the money. The average person doesn't control the media. The average person doesn't control the government. The majority is the minority when it comes to personality traits that are advantageous on the path to becoming part of the elite and powerful.

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 06:11 AM
a reply to: c0gN1t1v3D1ss0nanC3

I didn't miss the tone nor the content of your post whatsoever.

Your claiming that issues with race in America result from the fabrication of the "MSM."

I am not aware of anyone who believes what they hear or see or read in the media.

Focus on crime ... what it is, what causes it, etc. is the basis for stopping it.

And the racial issues are hardly as simple as "one color vs another."

posted on Mar, 10 2015 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: Gryphon66

Again, you aren't understanding me. There are no racial issues beyond what is normal human nature. You or your few friends don't represent the majority population.

Let me break it down for you. Most people don't have the time or ability to wade through endless amounts of information to form a solid and balanced knowledge base on world issues. That or they just don't care. That is NORMAL human behavior.

World events and politics are for the most part depressing, and stressful. The very limited amount of information the average person picks up generally comes from a MSM source.

It doesn't matter where you go for your information. The majority of topics on ATS still revolve around the MSM.

If you consider the MSM as NBC/MSNBC/CNN/FOX/Reuters/BBC/HuffPo/RT/The Guardian are missing the point entirely.

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