posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 12:06 AM
Been there mate, I'm naturally lazy, naturally nocturnal and love all things unhealthy... I still battle every day with my bad habits... still too
much drinking of ginger or 'pop' if you're an American and I've never been the type to exercise naturally but I make myself do it as much as
When I was aged 13 through to 20 I was chubby, not fat but chubby but like yourself if I wore a jacket etc I just looked quite built, and I worked as
a labourer back then so it seemed to fit the image... but it bothered me, I've tried exercising on and off for years but I've never found anything
that I could do everyday, I run from routine... but sporadic exercise is alright as long as the gap between isn't too great, I'm 26 now and I'd say
I am reasonably healthy, I'll list what I do at the end of this post but firstly, on the shirt question you posed, I use a back brace, simple one,
wraps round from the back then you pull it tight and it's got a velcro bit to hold it together, when I'm exercising and it's heavy on my back then
I wear it on my back but if I'm running or doing other cardiovascular exercises, I put it round my chest, it creates more resistance, but also used
to stop a flabby chest from jiggling about... so I think it's a good option for you if you are conscious of your chest whilst running or just going
out and it's good for your chest and breathing also.
Remember that you are only 19 and everything seems permanent at that age and it really Is not, you will lose the weight because you want to lose the
weight, you will meet someone because you want to meet someone and you know what you have to offer, you just have this slight confidence hurdle to
overcome but it is hardship and adversity that creates character, so by overcoming It you will gain more knowledge of yourself in the process and also
then have more to offer someone else anyway,.
This is my 'routine' anyway;
Nootropics (amino acid compounds etc "smart drugs" more for the brain than the body but feed the goose, feed the gander as they say....)
Vitamins (all of them are important but vitamin c, d and b1 and b2 are particularly important)
Macaroot (read up on It of you haven't already, good for blood pressure etc)
Magnesium (for muscle development and energy levels)
Pure oxygen - every once in in a while and especially before and after exercise or just first thing In the morning, a few breaths of pure oxygen makes
you feel great, fully alert and aids the muscles in recovery or growth.
Meditation - speaks for itself, try it for 20 minutes in the morning and at night if you can, promotes good health and balance, improves the body /
mind connection in general.
And in terms of the actual exercise I like T25, by shaun Williams, it's a 25 minute intense workout although you can do it at your own pace, I've
never been the gym type so doing this at home is ideal for me.
I also lift weights, sporadically .. and I sleep 10 hours a night because... you just should.
I'm not pretending to have have a great routine or that this is the 'perfect body workout' but I don't think that's what you are looking for and
this works for me, isn't too hard on me, doesn't feel like a chore or obligation and isn't particularly regimented so I won't run away from it,
all the things I mentioned are available on amazon btw, but you'd get them anywhere else easy enough. Hopefully I've typed at least something of
interest to you that you might adopt bit either way, I wish you all the best with this and I was in a similar situation at the same age (not that I'm
that much older now...) so I'm sure it'll work out.
All the best, regards,