posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 09:49 PM
Stealth might be Overrated?
Generally when I hear that statement I start warming up the 'you don't know what you're talking about' missiles. Stealth has been an extremely
useful technology for the US military since the day it was put on an airplane. The number of lost planes in battle has dropped significantly due to
stealth bombers like the F 117 and B2 taking the vanguard and wiping out anti-air facilities, clearly the way for everyone else to fly in and unload
relatively safely.
However Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert told a Washington audience Feb. 4 that stealth might be "overrated" for future fighters.
Since I don't like telling Admirals they don't know what they are talking about I find myself at a loss. This guy just doo doo'd on the best
advantage the US Airforce has had since it's creation.
"What does that next strike fighter look like?" Greenert asked. "I'm not sure if it's manned, don't know that it is. You can only go so fast,
and you know that stealth may be overrated. … Let's face it, if something moves fast through the air, disrupts molecules and puts out heat – I
don't care how cool the engine can be, it's going to be detectable."
Of course the airforce boys rushed to correct his mistake politely. Words like 'Hugely Important' were repeated. Even Lockheed Martin jumped in to
declare Stealth foundational technology for the upcoming 6th Gen fighter.
I am starting to think the Admiral Greenert knows capabilities of enemy weapons systems have caught up to the advantage that Stealth once supplied.
That over the next 20 years, the short timeline for a Gen 6 Fighter, he expects anti-Stealth technology to advance so much and spread so far as to
make Stealth much less relevant. That Stealth technology is limited by the sheer physics of flying objects through air at high speeds.
It's a sad day to be honest. Stealth is dying. A once amazing advantage is slipping away. I don't know what the 6th Gen Fighter will look like but
I'm suspecting it won't rely on Stealth anymore. Eventhough some still try to cling to that advantage.