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2004 fourth hottest since records began

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posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:09 AM
"The year 2004 was the fourth hottest ever recorded and the past decade was the warmest since measurements began in 1861, the World Meteorological Organisation said Wednesday.
It came just below 2003, 2002 and 1998, with the average world temperature exceeding by 0.44 degrees Celsius the 14 degrees (57 degrees Fahrenheit) for the 30 years between 1961 and 1990.

But October 2004 was the warmest October on record, indicating that the phenomenon of global warming was continuing."

Global warming is real. Make no mistake, but man has little to do with any of it.

[edit on 17-12-2004 by DrHoracid]

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:14 AM
Why is it getting hotter? Isn't the sun getting bigger or somthing.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:18 AM
Currently the sun is in a strange cycle of almost no sunspot activity. Little data exists.

[edit on 17-12-2004 by DrHoracid]

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:21 AM
No alians are using there ray beems to heat the planet up to a higher temp they like so as they can move in.

accutly at this faze the sun is shrinking not growing and these from can spout sun and volcanios all they want to but the fact is co2,methaine gas do infact keep in more heat and humans are incressing the amounts of these gasses . you can stick your head in the sand but your but is still going get hot .

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:22 AM
Funny..That YOU should bring this particular issue up..I thought you were a hard core Democrat.that had pitty on the Libs,thumbsuckling indeed you're doing now!

Apparently 'YOUR' beloved goverment just argued the opposite and told the rest of the World that they are all fools...

Tell me where do you stand on the International Child's Rights,being that the U.S. is denouncing that too..Or did'nt you Know...Get a perspective & research that ....and enlighten the rest of US...

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 06:30 AM
Horus_Re....what are you asking? I am confussed. Please speak slowly into the keyboard. Ask a question in a complete sentence and perhaps I can provide some enlightenment.

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
Horus_Re....what are you asking? I am confussed. Please speak slowly into the keyboard. Ask a question in a complete sentence and perhaps I can provide some enlightenment.

your right I should slow down and be clearler in my posts replying to you specifically.;for starters I keep making the mistake of writing Democrat instead of Republican..I just noticed that I did it again ..
Anyways...From what I gather You are'nt in favoure of the current policies on the that's fine..thank 'God' you still can be objective atleast on the Earth's need of our consideration,all of us can do our bit to help improving the current break down of the Ozone....
What I was reffering to was the fact that Once again the U.S. has denounced the Kyoto Agreement and told the rest of the World that We are Over reacting ..etc...

But the other point I mentioned was the refusal of the U.S. along with Somalia to denounce the 'Childrens Rights' ..that was created by the U.N. in 1989...
This I read in a magazine called UVV-info...about a year ago.It's a Dutch I don't know if you'd know anyhing about it..

It's a good point that you are trying to make about the Global Warming and I'm with you all the way On This One...

posted on Dec, 19 2004 @ 10:05 PM
Yes, you guys have to look deeper into the knowledge that's available to you. People will deny that humans have anything to do with the planet heating up, when :-o 6 billion can't create HEAT!

Fight back, because ignorance is what lives on these boards. Have you spent a whole year researching this stuff? If not, I should find it safer for all of you ignorant people to research it and come back here with some real fights.

posted on Dec, 20 2004 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by DrHoracid
"The year 2004 was the fourth hottest ever recorded and the past decade was the warmest since measurements began in 1861, the World Meteorological Organisation said Wednesday.

WOWWWWW!!! All the way back to 1861. *drips sarcasm* Now, if they went back two thousand years, I might be impressed.

For the record, Michigan has had cool summers the last two years. Just ask any gardener.
What I notice is 30-40 degree temperature swings in a day happening MUCH more frequently. Which to me means more unstable weather patterns.

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