posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to:
I would question the prosecutor's reason for bringing that up in court. The prosecutor's office align's themselves with the police department. It
could have easily been a tactic to help detective Gomez beat the charges and get his job back. Of course that would look bad in the eyes of the jury
and may have played a part in Gomez winning the appeal.
Let's play the devil's advocate here. If this guy was out of control and let's say the guy was even guilty, does this detective have the right to
overstep his authority and beat a person to a pulp when they're already restrained? If you watch the video, it seems to me Gomez was ticked off
because the guy got in his face. Whether Gomez was already upset that a 7 month-old was possibly killed by this guy, the guys confrontation pushed
his buttons. His conduct and actions were totally unprofessional and against the constitutional rights of this guy. This detective decided to be the
judge and jury when he savagely beat this guy. Gomez could have easily backed-off or called another detective to help calm him down.