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Ten Vitamin Purchases

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posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 06:50 AM
a reply to: Jonjonj

Not necessarily...conventionally produced foods are grown in depleted soils, chock full of phosphates and other agents that do not provide your food with the same bounty it should have in regards vitamins and nutrients.

If you arent consuming Certified Organic and Verified GMO free foods as often as possible, then you certainly require supplementation...and perhaps a psychiatrist.

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 04:02 PM
a reply to: BlueJacket

That same company now makes a vitamin that is 100% food USDA certified Organic and Verified Non GMO called My Kind, which is by far and away the best vitamin available on earth.

After 23 years in the industry as a serious player on the inside...I can tell you are mostly throwing your money away unless you buy Garden of Life, New Chapter, Mega Food, some Country Life (food conentrate and cutivated combo) and perhaps...being generous a couple others. I consider Garden of Life without peer in this catagory.

Thank you for the informative professional insight!

posted on Feb, 23 2015 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: Asynchrony

You are welcome and thank you for an excellent thread topic. There's alot of information out there and its hard to separate the chaff from the kernel.

Don't misunderstand in regards NOW...they are a fine brand, but be informed and understand raw material and quantity needed are not optimal for health as they could be in my school of thought and experience...mileage varies, but the cutting edge of science IE Dr. Perlmutter presently...all support the notions I have been expounding on previously.

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: BlueJacket

That same company now makes a vitamin that is 100% food USDA certified Organic and Verified Non GMO called My Kind, which is by far and away the best vitamin available on earth.

Thank you for the recommendation!!!

I ordered a 60-day supply from Vitacost, which arrived today, so I will begin taking it in the morning with breakfast. I've been using Nature's Way Alive! for several years now, but I'm happy to do better when I know better. I paid $35 for the 60-day supply. A little more than the Alive! brand, but it's worth it for better quality. As I tell my husband, we're not getting any younger, and we can pay for it now or later, one way or another... but if we don't take care of our bodies, where will we live?

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

You are welcome! Great decision. FYI remember since this is not an isolate and actually food, there are occasional reports of a Niacin flush, however I have never had one, regardless it's not harmful. the reports I have heard came from taking both tablets on an empty stomach after drinking, so taking one in the morning and one in the evening which is a superior method will alleviate the possibility of a flush.

Wait till you see the new Doctor formulated probiotics coming out the end of June...mind blowing!

posted on May, 20 2015 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: BlueJacket

Thank you. I will keep that in mind. I've been trying to take only whole-food supplements for many years now. I had an awesome D.O. that recommended whole-food iron instead of ferrous sulfate for anemia -- and for that alone I will forever love that doctor! I absorbed twice as much taking about 27 mg as opposed to 40 mg.

May I ask if you have any words of wisdom regarding calcium/magnesium supplements? I began supplementing for nocturnal leg/foot cramps (Rainbow Light) and it has been a Godsend. The Rainbow Light has a 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium, but I recently read that a 1:1 ratio may be optimal, so I also ordered a magnesium citrate supplement to take with the calcium/magnesium formula to create that ratio. Any truth to that? (I think I read it at the Weston A Price Foundation website.)

I'm amazed and thrilled at the ever-increasing research and knowledge about nutrition and nutriceuticals. It's pretty exciting! But it's so hard to keep up!!!

posted on May, 21 2015 @ 12:10 AM
I take chewable bariatric vitamins. They provide more than the "USDA recommended" -- and because they're chewable I'd like to think they absorb better.

I tried the liposomal C thing...can't say I noticed anything except a lighter wallet.

One thing that I do notice is ZMA before bed (zinc/magnesium). It helps me get better quality sleep to recover from intense gym workouts.

I have some multivitamin transdermal patches...seemed like a novel idea.

posted on May, 21 2015 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Calcium from food is the safest and most absorbed. The My Kind vitamin is food...all other calcium is sourced from minerals for the most part and combined with citric acid for a citrate etc...the problem with calcium kinda like what you learned with iron is that if you are not getting K2 as MK7 your calcium could very well contribute to heart disease as K2 as mk7 directs the calcium to your bones etc...where it belongs, not your arteries.

Iron with C is grown in India by growing curry plants under Almla trees...the tamil tribe have wrapped these curry leaves around almla for millenia to optimize iron absorption and to counter oxidation.

USDA numbers are not a solid platform for analysis to many of us in the industry as they are based on blood work done on poorly absorbed isolates so ratios etc...are very high and vastly higher then you could ever consume from food...literally by factors of 30-100x.

Vitamins that are called whole food are not all food in the least...Alive is USP vitamins with dehydrated food added in milligrams. Bear in mind there are 454000 miligrams to a pound, 60 or 100, or 400 miligrams doesnt even make up a bite of actual food...a half pound hamburger is greater than 220,000mg.

Hope that helps.
edit on 21-5-2015 by BlueJacket because: spelling

edit on 21-5-2015 by BlueJacket because: sp

posted on May, 21 2015 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: BlueJacket
a reply to: Boadicea

...the problem with calcium kinda like what you learned with iron is that if you are not getting K2 as MK7 your calcium could very well contribute to heart disease as K2 as mk7 directs the calcium to your bones etc...where it belongs, not your arteries.

Thank you so much! I've also been researching K2/mk7 quite a bit lately, so I'm glad you mentioned it. Though I began looking at it for my mom (Diabetic, heart pacemaker), I now understand how important it is for everyone, and I was excited to see it in the MyKind vitamin (80mcg). It sure wasn't in the Alive! vitamin -- just 60 mcg of K.

I'm a big milk drinker -- whole milk! As well as butter, yogurt and all kinds of cheeses, and leafy greens. So I do get a good amount of calcium from food. I think I'll leave my calcium intake as is for now, and see how these new vitamins with the mk7 work out. My bones are pretty strong. I know that because I am an absolute klutz and if they weren't, I probably would've broken every bone in my body by now!

I'm fascinated by how the Indians grow curry with almla. My DO also told me that iron needs Vit C to be absorbed and processed, and that intaking different types of iron at the same time helps too. So I find it so amazing how different peoples have learned to maximize nutrients -- even when they didn't understand all the underlying processes. Good old-fashioned cod liver oil comes to mind, or fermented shark livers.

Hope that helps.

You have been a huge help, and I appreciate it tremendously. Thank you so much!
edit on 21-5-2015 by Boadicea because: formatting

posted on May, 21 2015 @ 01:39 PM
Vitamin supplements should be taken with caution, if at all; the medical world is cottoning on to the fact that there is a big difference between ingesting vitamins from food sources and ingesting them from supplements. Always try to get your vitamins from food sources rather than supplements, or you may be increasing your risk of cancer.

Apart from that, there are very few vitamins you need to be worried about not getting enough of, unless you have a very eccentric diet.

Vitamin D is the biggie, because nature intended us to produce our own from exposure to sunlight. Problem is, you need to be exposed to direct sunlight (sunlight through a window wont do) for about 20 minutes a day in order to obtain your minimum daily requirement. If you live in a cold country, or it doesn't fly with your lifestyle, you need to get it from food, and very few foods contain it. If you don't care for oily fish (let's face it, who does?) then you're really stuck with getting your vitamin D from supplements like cod liver oil, fish oil, etc.

Otherwise, avoid supplements.

edit on 21.5.2015 by CJCrawley because: (no reason given)

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