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Sabine McNeill Interview Part 2! - Whistleblower for Hampstead Child Abuse Scandal!

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posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: OneManArmy

If I ever met Abraham in person, Im pretty sure my self restraint would be seriously tested. I hope he pays for this. Because the kids will for the rest of their lives.

And you believe its Abraham how? The Police force they are with can coerce the children to retract what they said to blame Abe? The Grandparents are saying the Children are not the same and have to ask their handlers what they can and can't say. The Cops are not letting them be themselves around the Grandparents. Its pretty Obvious here.

I'm sure Abraham would agree to a lie detector test before any of the accused would.

The Truth will come out because this is now the global trend. ALl the dirty, corrupt, B.S, that's going on is coming to the surface for a transparent world.
edit on 27-2-2015 by dominicus because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: dominicus
The Truth will come out because this is now the global trend. ALl the dirty, corrupt, B.S, that's going on is coming to the surface for a transparent world.

The truth has already come out, but some people are too deluded to see it.

Transparent world? If you really believe that then you are more deluded than I thought, and I thought you were pretty well gone to be honest.
I really dont want to be rude to you, Im having a hard time restraining myself.
I hope you understand.

It will be decided in a court of law. With all the problems our justice system has, it is all we have, otherwise will we have groups of vigilantes on the streets lynching innocent people on an emotional whim.


posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: OneManArmy

It will be decided in a court of law. With all the problems our justice system has, it is all we have, otherwise will we have groups of vigilantes on the streets lynching innocent people on an emotional whim.

I don't think you understand how the justice system is biased, where money talks, where the UK GOvernment has to bring an an independent organization to start investigating the rampant pedophilia that's being reported in MSM, because it reaches far up into THAT SAME JUSTICE SYSTEM!!!!

Update on the Hampsyead Whistleblower Children via Reddit Post

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: dominicus
a reply to: OneManArmy

It will be decided in a court of law. With all the problems our justice system has, it is all we have, otherwise will we have groups of vigilantes on the streets lynching innocent people on an emotional whim.

I don't think you understand how the justice system is biased, where money talks, where the UK GOvernment has to bring an an independent organization to start investigating the rampant pedophilia that's being reported in MSM, because it reaches far up into THAT SAME JUSTICE SYSTEM!!!!

Update on the Hampsyead Whistleblower Children via Reddit Post

I well aware of the problems with the justice system, but the alternative is innocent people being burned alive for taking photos of vandals destroying his prized garden.

So what do you suggest?
Maybe would should tie up dad, throw him in the river, if he floats hes guilty and we can burn him at the stake, if he sinks and drowns hes innocent.

Is that a plan?

How about this one...

We could torture him, pull out his fingernails, drill through his kneecaps, break every bone in his body until he admits it.

Do you like that idea better?


Im not sure how much you follow UK news, but I will let you know that since Jimmy Savile, the police take these allegations much more seriously. As evidenced by the fact that just today, Gary Glitter was sentenced to 16 years, Father McSweeney was found guilty of sexually abusing a boy at Grafton Close care home(this care home is linked to the Westminster Paedophile scandal). And in the last week it has been reported that more accusations have been directed at Sir Cliff Richard.

But I suppose its ALL one big coverup?
Oh wait.
edit on 20152America/Chicago02pm2pmFri, 27 Feb 2015 14:32:25 -06000215 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

edit on 20152America/Chicago02pm2pmFri, 27 Feb 2015 14:35:22 -06000215 by OneManArmy because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 03:26 PM
a reply to: OneManArmy
Okay, listen. First off I Love you and have love, respect, unity, and a sense of responsibility towards humanity and this world and I want us all united and One, equals with justice served and humanity being transparent. We need the truth no matter what that is yes?

I well aware of the problems with the justice system, but the alternative is innocent people being burned alive for taking photos of vandals destroying his prized garden.

Of course that's wrong as well. There is a right way to do this.

So what do you suggest?
Maybe would should tie up dad, throw him in the river, if he floats hes guilty and we can burn him at the stake, if he sinks and drowns hes innocent.

Transparency + Fast Pace to wrap this up + Independent Investigation + Have all parties come forward to prove their innocence

Like I said. Those accused, can easily put together a transparent and independent investigative inquiry to clear their names. Indy medical examinations, lie detector tests, etc. Why? Because this is the first thing I would do myself if I was accused because I know there are vigilante types out there ready to kill, which is scary because their may be non-guilty parties in all this.

Gary Glitter was sentenced to 16 years, Father McSweeney was found guilty of sexually abusing a boy at Grafton Close care home(this care home is linked to the Westminster Paedophile scandal). And in the last week it has been reported that more accusations have been directed at Sir Cliff Richard.

Yeah I'm aware of this and like I said, this is what is coming regardless, people becoming convicted. So if all the Hempstead stuff is for real, then they will all be brought to justice, but it has to be done independently

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: dominicus
There are other witnesses coming forward.

Who are these other witnesses?

Have they only come forward online?

If so, why only online?

If their claims are legit but being ignored...

Why aren't they kicking up a bigger fuss about it?

Example: Going to the media?

Thanks in advance.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 05:47 PM
Guys, the 3rd interview is in a new thread here. Please feel free to carry on the discussion here but I would appreciate it if you could spark some discussion in the new one!
edit on 26/10/2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer

originally posted by: dominicus
There are other witnesses coming forward.

Who are these other witnesses?

Have they only come forward online?

If so, why only online?

If their claims are legit but being ignored...

Why aren't they kicking up a bigger fuss about it?

Example: Going to the media?

Thanks in advance.

its an ongoing investigation and people are scared of ramifications. there's a reason its on TOR and not here

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 05:59 PM
a reply to: dominicus

So in other words no way to actually know if they are honest to God victims of the same scandal or not? Just curious how to verify whether or not they're trolls. It is the internet after all.

Also just want to add..

An independent investigation would really convince you?

How could you be sure it wasn't all set up to look that way?

Short of the accused undressing for the whole world.. And even then.. photoshop and all that. I mean if there is a cover up as well connected as you believe all those things would be easy to do, don't you think?
edit on 2-27-2015 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: dominicus
a reply to: OneManArmy
Okay, listen. First off I Love you and have love, respect, unity, and a sense of responsibility towards humanity and this world and I want us all united and One, equals with justice served and humanity being transparent. We need the truth no matter what that is yes?

I well aware of the problems with the justice system, but the alternative is innocent people being burned alive for taking photos of vandals destroying his prized garden.

Of course that's wrong as well. There is a right way to do this.

So what do you suggest?
Maybe would should tie up dad, throw him in the river, if he floats hes guilty and we can burn him at the stake, if he sinks and drowns hes innocent.

Transparency + Fast Pace to wrap this up + Independent Investigation + Have all parties come forward to prove their innocence

Like I said. Those accused, can easily put together a transparent and independent investigative inquiry to clear their names. Indy medical examinations, lie detector tests, etc. Why? Because this is the first thing I would do myself if I was accused because I know there are vigilante types out there ready to kill, which is scary because their may be non-guilty parties in all this.

The bit I dont think you are getting is that innocence isnt proven, guilt is.
Its a fundamental principle of a fair and just legal system. A fair and just legal system that you yourself might need one day to protect you from the totally untrue and libelous claims of somebody else.
Being known as a paedophile is bad enough when its true, you can multiply that many times if it isnt.
Or maybe you hurt a girls feelings and she accuses you of rape, it happens a lot, wouldnt you expect fairness and equality under the law?
Rather than the interwebz getting its pound of flesh from a tragic case of manipulation by a control freak where the only real losers are the children. Being blown up out of all proportions only to be broken down when the realities become apparent, making the whole concept of satanic elites remain in the realms of ridiculousness.
All the while a satanic elite rapes and murders young boys and girls but mostly boys and not a single person of high profile EVER gets prosecuted for it. Evidence disappears into the hands of the police chiefs or MP's or MI5, never to be seen again.
The deviant nature of some top judges, some police chiefs, some MP's, some priests, some teachers, some doctors, some care workers is an open secret in the uk.

The scale of child sexual abuse in the UK is MASSIVE. It has many faces, it isnt always part of a huge satanic conspiracy though. That is another matter that needs addressing, without wild speculation and tales of fantasy destroying the lives of innocent people in the process, and destroying any chance of a fair and just examination of the FACTS.

When your whole case is built on the testimony of 2 children, and those 2 children tell you it was what Abraham told them to say, then you have no case. You have nothing.
Whether you like that or not is not up for debate.
Now the release of the police videos of the children I would think is against the law, for simple protection laws, in place to protect the childrens identities. The google not showing the school website is simply to protect the school from crazy lunatics that read wild speculation on the internet, think its the truth, and start harassing totally innocent people just trying to do their jobs. Harassment that can go as far as death threats or requests for global public showings of very personal body parts to prove ones innocence.
Would you like to be harassed with death threats?

Im not claiming to be judge in this case, firstly because Im not a judge, secondly I havent seen ALL OF THE EVIDENCE, thirdly this isnt a court of LAW.
How many times do I have to say it.
The day we reach trial by internet, I fear the future of humanity.

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