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would you in the UK know how to spot Martial Law?

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posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 04:48 AM

originally posted by: paraphi
Can the OP give an example where there is total state control in the UK and how this relates to martial law.


No I can't because you have misquoted me.

I inferred that TPTB are working towards absolute control.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 04:55 AM
I like the UK. I liked it more in the 1960's and 70's.

Therefore, I am an older person. I remember how it 'used to be'.

Marshall Law in the UK?

Perhaps it will begin with CCTV cameras.

Then, perhaps, people will be arrested and incarcerated for what they say rather than what they do.

Then, the bars of this 'Marshall Law Prison' will be inlaid in the minds of the people rather than as physical bars.

The People in this New World Marshall Law Prison will imprison themselves with their fear of words and finally their fear of thoughts.

No extra police officers would be required as people would 'police' themselves and eachother. They would report eachother to the authorities for 'punishment' if they heard 'words' that were not 'allowed' and thoughts that might not be obedient and believing enough.

Not sure if I would recognise that if it ever began..............

Glad I am old............glad I still remember how it used to be.................How my heart aches for the young, all trapped in their electronic prisons.

You can't tell the young, as they would not understand. You can't help them because they do not want to be helped and don't even know that they hold the keys to their own prison.

Birds in a cage believe that flying is an illness.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 04:58 AM
Here is some food for thought.

We have all aware of the vile murders recently commited by the supposed Islamic State. But do we really know who is behind the masks of the murderers?
The only information we have is supplied by the main stream media and who ultimately controls that media ???

What if we are all being played ?
We react only to what we see reported .

edit on 22-2-2015 by Gideon70 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 04:59 AM
a reply to: Gideon70

Mate you can't even fart in the uk for fear of upsetting someone

It all started with the so called loony left wing councils in the 80s and then expended on from there. Thatcherism gave rise to absolute fear of losing what you had and then not having enough. Now since
The mid to late 90s under the guise of health and safety and so called human rights, You can't have an opinion out in the work force that may upset someone. Obviously that is subjective and in essence anyone can take offence at anything and you are I the excrement for it.

I have three kids, and they are all under 6 but I'm sure that you will know someone who's health visitor now demands that guidelines are followed and we are told what and when to feed kids etc etc. this despite billions of adults growing up from babies completely differently.

We are told that if we don't do this that or the other, then x,y or z will happen. After 9/11 it got worse and since about 2008 it's been just a control state.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 05:08 AM
I have to say I agree with AngryCwmraeg on this one - what particular event caused you to believe that we are on the brink of martial law in the UK?

My own experience tells me we have a great number of exceptionally well-intended people withing the power structures of this nation. Of course there are those who support fascist ideologies, but I sincerely believe there is a well-equipped, resourced & motivated fifth column who will do everything in their power to prevent the enslavement of the British people. They aspire to the principles of righteousness, and many are connected to positive, mild occult involvement, in addition to deep connections with the Anglican church and military intelligence circles.

I also know that 99% of soldiers wouldn't countenance acting against the people of the UK in any way, shape or form.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: Gideon70

You clearly know nothing about the ideological incompatibility between Islam and Christianity.

The West is founded on traditional Judeo-Christian principles, at the level of the majority (discounting the Luciferians at the top). Islam is a deliberate inversion of Judeo-Christian principles, and as a result, sadly, where Islam is fundamental instead of moderate, we will ALWAYS have an enemy. It really is that simple.

Yes, sometimes the security forces screw up. Sometimes there are insidious plots. But mostly they work night and day to stop people getting blown up, knifed in the street, decapitated, or abused by a cross-section of our society who care NAUGHT for our common values.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 05:16 AM
The people were outraged by the events of 9/11 . So much so that their sense of outrage lead to the blind support of the invasion of Afghanistan and the introduction of the Patriot act.

The media in this country are playing their part in creating outrage against the supposed Islamic state. Where will it lead ?

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 05:21 AM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: Gideon70

You clearly know nothing about the ideological incompatibility between Islam and Christianity.

The West is founded on traditional Judeo-Christian principles, at the level of the majority (discounting the Luciferians at the top). Islam is a deliberate inversion of Judeo-Christian principles, and as a result, sadly, where Islam is fundamental instead of moderate, we will ALWAYS have an enemy. It really is that simple.

Yes, sometimes the security forces screw up. Sometimes there are insidious plots. But mostly they work night and day to stop people getting blown up, knifed in the street, decapitated, or abused by a cross-section of our society who care NAUGHT for our common values.

That is because i don't give a rats arse about religious or political ideology.
Once you buy into that rubbish you automatically become part of the problem.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 05:31 AM

originally posted by: funkadeliaaaa
You may not realise it but we already do have martial law to a (unknown) degree in most western countries.

Our spy agencies, MI5, MI6, etc, for example, guess what they mean?

MI = Military Intelligence

Actually those are not there names any more.

They became civilian agencys a while back.

Mi5 is now the security services

MI6 is now the SIS

Mi6 and mi5 are just nicknames now.
edit on 22-2-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 05:41 AM
Here's couple of things that spring to mind :

1. Armed police.
2. The mandatory carrying of id.
3. Showing your ID in order to travel around.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 05:44 AM
Martial law..the anarchists wet dream.
No we are nowhere near it in the uk.
Given that the ultimate sanction is to be disposed and disenfranchised the majority still live comfortably with a sense of limited choice rather then freedom.
edit on 22-2-2015 by Borisbanger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 05:52 AM

originally posted by: yorkshirelad
Here's couple of things that spring to mind :

1. Armed police.
2. The mandatory carrying of id.
3. Showing your ID in order to travel around.

1. Already happening to a degree.
2. Certainly already happening in the UK in the form of photo driving licences.
3. I can certainly see this on the horizon.

Only the totally blind ignorant can't see the Fascist state we are fast becoming and we are all powerless to stop it because the minute an individual or group stands up against it they automatically are labelled subversives urgo fueling the TPTB ultimate plan.

edit on 22-2-2015 by Gideon70 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-2-2015 by Gideon70 because: (no reason given)


posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 05:55 AM
Must admit, in the nine years i spent in the military police, i never once heard the topic of martial law even come up, or at least i can't recall it.

Never trained for it, or were ever lectured on it.


posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 05:57 AM

originally posted by: Borisbanger
Martial law..the anarchists wet dream.
No we are nowhere near it in the uk.
Given that the ultimate sanction is to be disposed and disenfranchised the majority still live comfortably with a sense of limited choice rather then freedom.

If the majority only have " a sense of limited choice " then it has already begun.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: CX
Must admit, in the nine years i spent in the military police, i never once heard the topic of martial law even come up, or at least i can't recall it.

Never trained for it, or were ever lectured on it.


I have the greatest respect for the job you did .
However i find it hard to believe that the military do not train for martial law.
what if say for instance , there was a natural disaster , a coup , mass terrorism or rioting . All are possible , but you state that the military do not train for it.

I find that most puzzling...

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: Gideon70

Martial law has come in through the back door under the auspices of our colleges in teaching kids how to 'think and political awareness' so they accept MT's ideals.

If you take the subtloe way the police have been totally changed in their approach to the public whow now appear to be their enemies along with the fact that police today are no longer simply members of our community, like the butch, baker etc but choose to lead anonymous private lives outside of the community, you suddenly see a force that, without its own knowledge is being groomed purely to protect the elite from the public.

Their role in public protests changed with maggie thatcher and they seem to forget they are nothing to the elite except people t put their lives at risk to protect them and their property or means of making money and enforcing payment.

Our politicians operte martial law by sliding laws they know the public wouldn't agree with into bits of legislation that allows them to operate and manipulate methods of detection such as those allowed under the anti-terrorism laws, not against would be terrorists but against their own citizens in order to get convictions in. Under our new martial law makers and enforcers you are not innocent until proved guilty - you are guilty and arrestable whether innocent or notl.
By enforcibly taking your dna, which we still don't really know how much this gives away about ourselves, our rights are militarised as our freedom is stolen - none of us gave our sovereign rights away but they hae been taken.

I could go on etc but our country has changed so fundamentally all I am hearing from others of my age group is regret and a desire to leave.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 06:35 AM
'The military' is always training, cannot let fit men sit about getting fat and out of condition, once one subject is exhausted, on to the next one, jungle warfare, desert warfare, URBAN warfare, counter-terrorism, riots, public order management, seize and control, winter warfare, on and on.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 06:46 AM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg
I see that the paranoia levels are high this morning. No, I don't think that martial law is around the corner.

Ño, thats right its been here since ww1

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 06:51 AM
a reply to: Gideon70

If the majority only have " a sense of limited choice " then it has already begun.

Not really the majority still have much to lose

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: funkadeliaaaa
You may not realise it but we already do have martial law to a (unknown) degree in most western countries.

Our spy agencies, MI5, MI6, etc, for example, guess what they mean?

MI = Military Intelligence

Actually those are not there names any more.

They became civilian agencys a while back.

Mi5 is now the security services

MI6 is now the SIS

Mi6 and mi5 are just nicknames now.

The name dates back to the First World War. For part of the war, MI5 was the fifth branch of the Directorate of Military Intelligence of the War Office (the predecessor of today's Ministry of Defence, shown in the photo on the right).

A number of other "MI" branches existed within this directorate (see " What happened to MI1 - MI4? "). They were later discontinued or absorbed into other organisations, with the exception of our colleagues in the Secret Intelligence Service (MI6).

MI5 was renamed the Security Service in 1931 when it merged with Scotland Yard's Special Section, which had similar responsibilities for domestic intelligence. We are no longer part of the UK military establishment, although we do still contribute - along with the military - to the overall national security of the UK. We still use the name "MI5" as shorthand for our official name, the Security Service.

ë The Security Service has had a variety of names, most famously MI5, since it was established in 1909. This has often led to confusion about what the Service has been called at various points in its history.

This page provides a quick reference to the evolution of the Security Service over the past century.

October 1909

The Security Service is founded as the Home Section of the Secret Service Bureau, under Captain Vernon Kell. (See "The establishment of the Secret Service Bureau"). It is placed under the nominal supervision of the Directorate of Military Operations of the War Office, the predecessor of today's Ministry of Defence. The branch of the DMO responsible for the Secret Service Bureau is called MO5.

April 1914

The Secret Service Bureau is absorbed into the War Office for the duration of the war. It becomes part of section 5 of the Directorate of Military Operations and is given the name MO5(g).

September 1916

MO5(g) is moved across to the newly established Directorate of Military Intelligence within the War Office. It becomes section 5 of the Directorate of Military Intelligence - hence MI5.


MI5 is renamed as the Defence Security Service.


The Defence Security Service becomes the Security Service, the name by which it is still known today. However, "MI5" is still widely used as a short alternative to our official name.

See also "SIS or MI6: What's in a name? " on the Secret Intelligence Service's website. You can read more about the history of the Security Service in our history pages.

edit on 22 2 15 by funkadeliaaaa because: (no reason given)

During World War II, the Security Service played a key role in combating enemy espionage, intercepting German communications and feeding misinformation back to Germany.

The Service achieved great success in uncovering enemy agents in Britain, some of whom were "turned" by the Service and became double agents who fed false information to the Germans concerning military strategy throughout the war. This was the famous "Double Cross" system, a highly effective deception that contributed to the success of the Allied Forces landing in Normandy on D-Day in June 1944 (see also Agent GARBO).

When captured German intelligence records were studied after 1945, it was found that almost all of the further 115 or so agents targeted against Britain during the course of the war had been successfully identified and caught. The only exception was an agent who committed suicide before capture.

For the first time, the Service also confronted the issue of loyalty of British Communists in sensitive government positions, in the certain knowledge that Party members were under instructions to "share" their information with Communist Party HQ. This was to have important repercussions following the war (see The Cold War).

Wartime turmoil

The Service's success only came after an initial period of great confusion. The Service was inadequately prepared for the massive increase in work that came with the onset of war. It had far too few staff to deal with its new responsibilities. At the end of 1938, the Service had only 30 officers and another 103 secretaries and registry staff.

These problems meant that, when war was declared, a flood of reports, vetting requests and enquiries overwhelmed the Security Service. During the second quarter of 1940, the Service received an average of 8,200 vetting requests each week. The Service also had to contend with fears of a "Fifth Column" of Nazi sympathizers in Britain working to prepare the ground for a German invasion. This resulted in thousands of reports of suspected enemy activity, each of which had to be investigated.

The problem rapidly worsened with the introduction of internment (imprisonment without trial). Within the first six months of the war, 64,000 citizens of Germany, Austria and Italy resident in the UK had to undergo security interviews to confirm that they were "friendly aliens". In addition, suspected British Nazi sympathisers such as Sir Oswald Mosley were imprisoned to guard against the threat of domestic subversion.

In May 1940 the Service's chief Sir Vernon Kell was retired on the orders of the newly-appointed Prime Minister, Winston Churchill . He was replaced by Brigadier Oswald "Jasper" Harker, who was himself replaced by Sir David Petrie in April 1941.

Under Sir David, the Service underwent major reforms that greatly improved its ability to deal with the demands of wartime, and its major successes against German espionage followed. Some accounts of notable cases from this period are provided on pages linked below.

Wartime records in the National Archives

Collections of the surviving records from this period have been released to The National Archives , and further tranches of historical records continue to be released twice yearly (see The Security Service at The National Archives). More recent releases concerning the war have included personal files for German intelligence officers and agents, and files concerning "renegades" (British subjects in enemy or enemy-occupied territory who assisted the enemy in various ways, notably by broadcasting on behalf of Germany).

Included in the latter category were the personal files for the writer P.G. Wodehouse, and William Joyce (better known as Lord Haw-Haw). Many of the personal files contain details of the interrogations of German agents and officers carried out at Camp 020, the Service's wartime interrogation centre at Ham in Surrey.

There is also a range of associated material, including photographs, censored letters and recorded conversations. Also recently released are files on British Fascists, including Sir Oswald Mosely and Lady Diana Mosely.

Stories from World War II

The battle for the Rock of Gibraltar (1942-45)

How the Security Service defended Gibraltar from German and Spanish spies and saboteurs.

Agent GARBO (1941-44)

The story of Jean Pujol Garcia, codenamed GARBO, one of the most successful double agents in the history of espionage.

Hitler's last days (1945)

Eyewitness accounts of the last days of Adolf Hitler, gathered by Security Service interrogators following the end of the war.

edit on 22 2 15 by funkadeliaaaa because: (no reason given)

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