posted on Mar, 5 2015 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to:
Hi again!
Sorry for not responding sooner; I've not spent much time on ATS the last few days. Anyway I wanted to thank you for your comments about writing in
general and yes, it's just like you say: getting it finished is the hard part! (Like a lot of things in life, really.) I can see that you must have
put a lot of time and creative energy into your own published work.
More on topic to the thread, I've now caught up again and it's great to see members giving you feedback. It's a shame some haven't but that's the
way it goes sometimes.
Also, a couple of very specific key words/phrases you mentioned in readings for others not too long after my last reply to you had my jaw
metaphorically hitting the floor, because they were
precisely words/phrases that I had used in my writing during the prior 12 hours or so. It
was not just those words/phrases, though. It was their combinations within your posts . So, possibly a bit was coming through. I won't go into
details now because that could create unwanted overlay for anything you may read for me when you reach me on your list (and I know it's a long list!)
but I'll fill you in on them afterwards.
Meanwhile, best regards! I think you're doing great. No-one gets 100% hits all the time. If they claim to, frankly they're just spinning BS.