I hope they took measures against rabies! If you get him, get him tested.
My husband had a bad encounter with my folks' neutered male and it left him with a serious infection and a splint. He hates that cat with a passion,
but he loves our three.
Sometimes, cats are just bad news. I agree that this one needs to go, but get him rabies checked when you do.
Hi all, feeling much better now, can type with two hands. I think the antibiotics have finally kicked in so the swelling that was half way up my
forearm has gone down. Still real sore though.
I think I can wield a garden fork now....wink wink.
We had some feral cats around our house in France some time ago. There was one large black cat who would camp right outside the cat flap of our front
door and refuse to move until he was given at least three meals. Our cats couldn't get out or in.
Animal rescue centers in France (S.P.A.) won't handle feral cats due to the danger of infection, and difficulty in handling them.
The only solution we had, was to catch the fellow in cage, and relocate him twenty or thirty miles away from home. However, it took him about a week,
but he managed to return, but a bit more mellowed