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"That Gisel is somehow a hot spot for out of Earth visitors is out of dispute. The frequency of sightings and the open hostility shown by the beings operating those objects have now a record spanning more than 50 years. Whatever they lost in Gisel seems to be extremely valuable for those violent visitors"
...non-terrestrial artifacts have been discovered and identified from the site of Gisel and the crash site in Sialk. The abundance of extraordinary biological findings, which coincided with the peak of UFO sightings in the area, has encouraged some team members to believe that those bodies have a special meaning for the visitors. With regard to the reason for the burials in Gisel, it is possible to provide two possible answers. One is that the bodies belonged to the crew of a previous mission to Earth that simply died by natural causes and were subsequently buried, and the other could be that this was done when the crew members were killed in an accident and buried altogether.
...the so called 1976 Tehran UFO Incident was probably the tip of the iceberg. No records exist of the previously 1970 and 1972 high level events, which prompted for the formation of the International Recovery Programme
The 2003 high level event involved the recovery of the downed craft from the depths of the Caspian Sea, which gave us the opportunity to gather information on the biology of those beings and their level of technological development
Gisel site is both amazing and frustrating. Amazing for the many artifacts and the five complete almost intact bodies recovered there; and frustrating because the site is located in a currently unfriendly country which makes operations hard
Some of the bodies found in the Gisel site deserve special mention for the pattern of disposal, as well as for the association with strange technological objects, in particular with the so called Cassini Diskus.
They are not mentioned in detail in his excavation report but are only discussed in a short technical addendum by L. Halm (Halm 1938: 206). From this text it appears that three nodules were found in the Chalcolithic Siyalk II “habitation area”. Her description is worth citing in full;
Three balls. (Siyalk, Period II) These balls, discovered in houses, probably had a household and were perhaps used as polishers. They had an approximately spherical shape and were very heavy and very hard. In addition, they showed in curie uses cristallisations surface. All three have been sensitive to the action of the magnet, and consisting of iron oxide, magnetic majority. It was also constate the presence of free iron. At certain points of their break, one ferric oxide trouvedes nests, easily recognizable by its red color, and a few quartz grains. In places also, there is a combination of silica and iron. Crystallizations very special mainly present as the ball C, and can highlight the midwife of a polished section, crystallization known as "de Widmannstatten structure" are characteristic of meteorites. It is therefore almost certain that these balls are fragments of the meteor, collected and used because of their weight and hardness
Mythology speaks of a rock which forms the foundation of the cosmos; of green colour it lies deep under the earth and is the basis of the vertical axis that goes through the universe whose central point on earth is the Kaaba. The black stone—a meteor—in the south-eastern corner of the Kaaba in Mecca is the point to which believers turn and which they strive to kiss during the pilgrimage for as a mystical ḥadīth claims: ‘The Black Stone is God's right hand’.4 This stone as legend tells is pre-existent and while it was white in the beginning it turned black from the hands of sinful people who touched it year after year.
Not only in Jerusalem can one see the imprint of the Prophet's foot qadam rasūl. One finds such stones in various countries often brought home by pious pilgrims especially in India—even Emperor Akbar otherwise rather critical of Islamic traditions welcomed the arrival of such a stone which his wife Salīma and his aunt Gulbadan had acquired during their pilgrimage.6 Often majestic buildings are erected over such stones which the faithful touch to participate in their baraka and then pass their hands over their body. As early as c. 1300 the reformer Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328) fought against the custom of touching a stone with the Prophet's footprint in Damascus something that appeared to him as pure superstition incompatible with the faith in the One God.7
The name of the range probably means “high watch/guard,” Av. harā- (fem. “watch, guard, defence,” not attested as an appellative) is from the OIr. har- “to pay attention to, watch over, protect”
The name of the Hamadān massif Alvand (Elvend, etc.) may well contain the same element harā/ă-, i.e., *haravant-, “furnished with watchers” in the sense of “protecting.
Zoroastrian scholastics continued to suppose that the Peak of Harā intercepted the light of the heavenly bodies, which they thought had their orbits in planes parallel to the earth. The ancient Iranians used a 360-day calendar, and in Pahlavi texts (Bd. 56.3; Pahl. Rivāyat 65) it is said that there were 180 windows on the eastern side of the Peak, and 180 on the western side. Each morning the sun passed through one on the eastern side, and each evening it departed through one on the western side. There were likewise 135 windows on either side for the moon, and 90 for the stars; and Vanant, the “Conquering One,” chief star of the southern quarter, is said to be entrusted with guarding these apertures against demons, so that they may not block the passage of sun, moon, and stars (Mēnōg ī xrad 48.12-13). The addition of five extra days—the so-called “Gāthā” days—to the 360-day calendar at the first Sasanian calendar reform threatened the symmetry of this scheme, and the problem thus created could be regarded only as a mystery, as in the following gloss: “And on those five Gāthā days it [the sun] enters and leaves by the same window—a window which is not spoken of, for if it had been spoken of the demons would have known the secret, and harm would have been done”
There was evidently a tendency from ancient times to attach legends to the great world mountain, which in one Pahlavi text is said to rise up from Ērānvēǰ (Av. Airyanəm Vaēǰah), the region which had come to be regarded as the mythical homeland of the Iranians (Dādestān ī dēnīg, pursišn 20.2). The following strange legend is preserved in Bundahišn 24.24: “Every third year many from non-Iranian lands gather together upon the summit of Mount Harborz, in order to go into the Iranian lands to cause harm and bring destruction on the world. Then the yazad Borz [i.e., Ahura bərəzant; see under Apam Napāt] comes up from the depths of the water Arang and arouses, upon the highest point of all that high mountain, the bird
The Sīmorḡ swoops down and carries the child up to her nest on Alborz, “whose top was midst the Pleiades. Thou wouldst have said "It will obstruct the stars."
a strong radar return of an object hovering over a spot some 2 miles north-west of the marked position near Gisel.
Early in the morning of the 19th, Tacksman 2 reported civilian comms UHF activity at the Mehrabad airport DENIED and the scramble of a Phantom jet by IIAF towards the last position known of the main unidentified object. Object showed inordinate maneuverability and the pattern of pulses suddenly changed to DENIED at 47 nm North of Tehran at 0105 hrs DENIED a big object positioned over the marked position near Gisel.
a third and a fourth object were visible over the Gisel area showing DENIED strong bleeps centered around the DENIED GHz channel... ... remains unexplained how multiple 121.12 MHz signals were received... as if the ground were covered with hundreds of emergency beacons...
... further confusion about whether military activities carried out around Gisel in order to recover the beacon were justified within the framework of the current treaties signed with the Iranians or not...
- Draft on potential locations of Giselian beacons in Mauritania
- Draft on potential locations of Giselian beacons in Algeria
- Draft on confirmed locations of Giselian beacons in Iran
- Preliminary disinformation report:
We were having problems since early Sept. with the system as we were receiving strong pulses of unknown origin that we wanted to ascertain were not due to a system malfunction. The pulses behave erratically and did not conform to any of our signal profiles in the signals database. We held the view those pulses had to do with Soviet ICBM beacons, yet no activity was shown about any ICBM test being carried out. We required support from both Tacksman 1 and 2 and asked them whether they could come up with an approximate location of the origin of the pulses. At some time on the evening of the 18th, we identified the origin of the pulses near a location called Gisel, in Gilan. We were totally confused as we were expecting the source to be in Soviet territory and not on Iranian soil.
edit on Kam22858vAmerica/ChicagoSaturday2828 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)