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Newborn Baby Almost Refused Treatment Because She Has Two Moms

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posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

What have you had to correct me on other than who told the gay couple first. Had the doctor told her colleagues to take over the patients care with as little fuss as possible then none of this would have happened. You seem to be blaming the other doctor for telling the couple.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: flammadraco

No, you blamed it on the couple being told, not me. I merely corrected who told them. Good job trying to shift your comments onto me.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 03:31 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

And you are arguing for arguments sake.

The Gay couple would never had gone to the press or even been aware of the doctors bigoted views had she handled the whole situation differently including not telling her colleagues the reason for not wanting to see the six day old baby. Had she done this, we would not be having this debate.

Dismiss and argue with everyone with oppossing views if you like, does not change the fact that the doctor is a bigot.

edit on 21.2.2015 by flammadraco because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 03:52 AM

originally posted by: flammadraco
Dismiss and argue with everyone with oppossing views if you like, does not change the fact that the doctor is a bigot.

Possibly she is, of the two of you your bigotry is far more noticeable.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 04:15 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

If my non belief in fairytales makes me a bigot, then so be it!

Nothing wrong with people having a belief in something but try and impose that belief onto others, then I've got a problem!

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 04:17 AM

originally posted by: flammadraco
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

If my non belief in fairytales makes me a bigot, then so be it!

Nothing wrong with people having a belief in something but try and impose that belief onto others, then I've got a problem!

And where did she try to impose her belief on anyone? She did not. It does seem to be exactly what you are doing though.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

By writing to them and informing her colleagues that after praying she could not see their six day old baby. By doing this. She wanted them to know her Christian views on their relationship.

What am I doing? Am I turning away people from my business due to their beliefs? No, I'd give service to anyone no matter what their beliefs as I'm not a bigot unless you or others try to impose 2000 year old babble on to society and try to judge me or others using fairytales.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 04:43 AM

originally posted by: flammadraco
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

By writing to them and informing her colleagues that after praying she could not see their six day old baby. By doing this. She wanted them to know her Christian views on their relationship.

False. Her colleague told them. They already knew when she wrote them, which appears to be an attempt to explain where she was coming from after they got mad. She actually intentionally avoided talking to them which is why she did not greet them to explain, which is what she would have done if the narrative you created was anything other than fantasy.

I can not know her mind, but her actions are those of someone who was trying to avoid the couple, not convert them.

As we already determined, you are a bigot, and you are actively trying to impose your views on others right here in this thread with your condescending nasty attitude no less.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 04:55 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

False. Her colleague told them. They already knew when she wrote them, which appears to be an attempt to explain where she was coming from after they got mad.

Then why tell the colleague? Why not ask the colleague to make an excuse mitigating any chance of bad publicity?

As we already determined, you are a bigot, and you are actively trying to impose your views on others right here in this thread with your condescending nasty attitude no less.

And how many threads do Christian members start on ATS about their beliefs on an HOURLY basis? I believe in Deism and a fundamental part of my belief is all religions are hoaxes and man made. So I am as much as a bigot for imposing that view as any Christian member on ATS is when starting a thread about their faith! Simple really!

I hope my directness in stating what an absurd notion religion is does not offend you, but I have the right to my view just as the MANY religious members here on ATS.

If anything is an invention of the devil, it's religion because nothing separates people from each other, people from themselves and if you insist, people from god as quickly, deeply and permanently as does religion.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 05:02 AM

originally posted by: flammadraco

Then why tell the colleague? Why not ask the colleague to make an excuse mitigating any chance of bad publicity?

Why is her telling the colleague bad? Fact is she intentionally avoided the couple and made no attempt to convert them. The opposite of your claim.

And how many threads do Christian members start on ATS about their beliefs on an HOURLY basis? I believe in Deism and a fundamental part of my belief is all religions are hoaxes and man made. So I am as much as a bigot for imposing that view as any Christian member on ATS is when starting a thread about their faith! Simple really!

Which has what to do with the topic? Nothing? Thought so, great logical fallacy though, keep them coming.

I hope my directness in stating what an absurd notion religion is does not offend you, but I have the right to my view just as the MANY religious members here on ATS.

You have the right to be offensive, you do not have the right to not suffer consequences for being offensive, such as people being offended and calling you out on your words. I am not offended though, just making sure to point out your many hypocritical statements.

If anything is an invention of the devil, it's religion because nothing separates people from each other, people from themselves and if you insist, people from god as quickly, deeply and permanently as does religion.

Which has nothing at all to do with the topic at hand.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Why is her telling the colleague bad? Fact is she intentionally avoided the couple and made no attempt to convert them. The opposite of your claim.

How many times can someone explain the same thing? She "intentionally" avoided the couple due to her religious dogma. She informed her colleague she had no intention to see the six day old baby as after praying she could not do it!

Did she tell her colleague to tell the gay woman what the reason for her not seeing them was? Who knows, but had she handled the whole situation in better way, then she would have made sure that the Doctor that saw her gave a different excuse rather than the one "The doctor prayed and decided she could not see your 6 day old child"

Which has what to do with the topic? Nothing? Thought so, great logical fallacy though, keep them coming.

You calling me a Bigot as I have no notion how anyone can be religious. Deism is just as important on ATS as Christians members. And we get a lot of opinions on a daily basis about our fellow Christian members views on the World. I hold an opposing view and you don't like it, so what! Religion is the reason why many are leaving the church and returning to god!. Religion is the Devils Work!

You have the right to be offensive, you do not have the right to not suffer consequences for being offensive, such as people being offended and calling you out on your words. I am not offended though, just making sure to point out your many hypocritical statements.

Hypocritical where?

Only offensive to those with an opposing view and more likely from those who believe in fairytales.

Which has nothing at all to do with the topic at hand.

If you believe that then I have nothing more to add and I'll reiterate my previous point that you are arguing for arguments sake.

This whole thread is about religion! read back and stop wasting everyone's time!

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 06:09 AM

originally posted by: flammadraco

How many times can someone explain the same thing? She "intentionally" avoided the couple due to her religious dogma.

Apparently as many times as it takes them to change their story to one that is accurate. You still aren't there yet. Keep changing it enough times you may get there. Let me remind you what you said earlier.

originally posted by: flammadracobut no she had to let them know that due to her "praying" she could not treat their six day old baby.

So did she avoid them, or did she intentionally let them know?

I await your next version of events where you change your story again.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 06:13 AM

originally posted by: flammadraco
You calling me a Bigot as I have no notion how anyone can be religious. Deism is just as important on ATS as Christians members. And we get a lot of opinions on a daily basis about our fellow Christian members views on the World. I hold an opposing view and you don't like it, so what!

You are a bigot, look up the definition, it's you. I could care less what your view is, and the fact you have to somehow feel attacked over your religious beliefs because I point out you are a hypocrite and quite simply wrong on most of your posts is hilarious. I never talked about your religious views. I never said I did not like it.

What I don't like is your hypocrisy and misrepresentations. Stop that and we won't have a problem. Your religious views don't factor into it whatsoever.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: Deaf Alien
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Again it does not matter. She has done it. She knew they were lesbians so she refused to service them. That makes her untrustworthy.

Who said their sexual orientation was the determining factor in her decision, or even a factor at all? I must have missed that part.

And even if it was because they are gay, wouldn't it have been easier for an untrustworthy person to just lie and say they were too busy to take on another patient?
edit on 21-2-2015 by Bone75 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 07:36 AM
Ok reading through the thread I have come to a opinion.

Navy Doc is right.

What she did is not illegal. Nor did it put anyone in danger.

I question here "ethics" and don't agree with what she did but she does have that right.

And though she should not face any legal action she should be liable for termination if she is employed.

If this had been a emergency situation my opinion would be different,

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: flammadraco
a reply to: ArcticLights

I'm not Atheist either. Stop labelling people when you don't had a clue. I believe in Deism meaning I believe a higher being created the universe but relgion is a man made thing and nothing to do with God, just bought about to control the masses two thousand years ago and written by men that believed the sun was magic and the earth was flat. Don't care if that's is your belief, but I have no respect for anyone using shepherds scripture as a reason to assert their relgion onto others.

Is that clear enough for you to try and label me again?

Edit - two peas in the same pod?? No, I would treat anyone if I was a doctor, don't care if you belief in fairytales or not I would still provide you with a service as I would any fellow human being! That makes me nothing like this nut job doctor!

Please show me where I labelled you or anyone else? I stated "Christian or Atheist, it's wrong. Period."

I stand by that statement, actually, I'll expand on it a little. How's this? No matter what your belief is, discrimination and bigotry are wrong. Period.

You are both discriminatory and a bigot. Your belief's have no relevance in that fact. Your prior comments are more than proof enough.

Please show me in "shepherds scripture" where not caring for someone based on their belief's is addressed? It isn't.

Both you and the Dr. are discriminatory bigots. She's a Christian and you aren't, but neither has any bearing on whether you are two peas in the same pod.

I don't agree with the Doctor. After reading some of NavyDoc's and Occam's post's it does appear that as far as the Medical Establishment goes, she did nothing wrong.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 12:51 AM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: CranialSponge

“To place the good of the patient at the center of my professional practice and, when the gravity of the situation demands, above my own self interest."

What was the gravity of this situation?

Sounded like a post-natal check up.

Don't agree with the decision, but I don't think this was Life & Death...

More closely related to Eternal Life & Eternal Damnation...


I'm from the area and know someone working there. They are getting death threats and have police stationed outside once this story broke. Their office has been flooded by hate calls, to the point where they don't answer out of area code calls. I find it very odd for a group of people who claim to just want to be treated "normally" and with respect , turn all bigoted themselves against those who don't accept them. Death threats and vulgar messages against someone who doesnot agree with them is somehow an acceptable and reasonable response?!? I just find the hateful and bigoted response to the doctor very insightful to how things are in US society. If you can't get your way, bully others until you do. I find it distasfull. I guess you can't have any beliefs that others don't agree with, wonderful paradigm there.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 01:05 AM
a reply to: pavil

As I have already shown, those screaming bigot the loudest are usually the loudest bigots of them all.

I come from Mass., and the term "open minded" actually meant "think like me". Anyone who did not fall in line was "closed minded". I would point out to people that both sides are two faces of the same coin, they both disagree with each other, and neither is "open minded" in the way the people there wanted the word to be defined.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 01:06 AM

originally posted by: pavil

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: CranialSponge

“To place the good of the patient at the center of my professional practice and, when the gravity of the situation demands, above my own self interest."

What was the gravity of this situation?

Sounded like a post-natal check up.

Don't agree with the decision, but I don't think this was Life & Death...

More closely related to Eternal Life & Eternal Damnation...


I'm from the area and know someone working there. They are getting death threats and have police stationed outside once this story broke. Their office has been flooded by hate calls, to the point where they don't answer out of area code calls. I find it very odd for a group of people who claim to just want to be treated "normally" and with respect , turn all bigoted themselves against those who don't accept them. Death threats and vulgar messages against someone who doesnot agree with them is somehow an acceptable and reasonable response?!? I just find the hateful and bigoted response to the doctor very insightful to how things are in US society. If you can't get your way, bully others until you do. I find it distasfull. I guess you can't have any beliefs that others don't agree with, wonderful paradigm there.

Reap What You Sow

Do you believe any minority fighting for their equality rights does it alone?

Men stood with women, whites stood with blacks, straights stand with gays.

PEOPLE ----- have let it be known how they feel.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 01:09 AM
a reply to: Annee

If you believe in reap what you sow then those making death threats should shortly find themselves in jail and you will applaud. Or you could just be a hypocrite.

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