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What happened to all the Indigo children?

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posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 03:30 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Hijinx
a reply to: johnb

They all realized indigo is just a fancy way to say purple,quietly took showers and rejoined society.

Indigo is blue. It refers to the aura color.

Nancy Ann Tappe had Synesthesia.

The term "indigo children" originated with parapsychologist and self-described synesthete and psychic Nancy Ann Tappe, who developed the concept in the 1970s. Tappe published the book Understanding Your Life Through Color in 1982 describing the concept, stating that during the mid-1960s she began noticing that many children were born with Indigo auras.

Lol. Then I am one of those indigo kids with violet aura.
Seriously though I think indigo child may mean him/her having psychic abilities. I remember Kerry Cassidy interviewed an indigo child, that claims to have lived on mars, in his previous life

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: dr1234

My ignorance of pharmaceuticals is astounding huh? Well I wasn't an addict, although I was diagnosed with 2 types of cancers in 2003 and given 18 months to "live" at that time I was on 7 oral Rx. and 2 "drips". So I moved 3,000 miles away from family/friends to "die". It'll be 12 years in Sept. that I have LIVED by getting off the "legal dope" that BigPHarma™ pushes on the Serfs.

Those on "The Spectrum" instead of being given free reign to "create" (Why they are actually HERE/Now..) are Rx. loads of medications that are NOT needed.

I'd argue ALL day w/You or whomever that the U.S. is overprescribed pharmaceuticals and would delve deeper that now w/the ACA/ObamaCare even MORE folks will fall prey to pens of Drs. that are all too willing to write a script.

Just to continue the argument:

What is "happy" "normal" and "successful" ?

Have a better day!

P.S. I didn't ask.

P.S.S. You don't think America is "doped up" ? really... Some might even argue that "SOME" of the illnesses are CAUSED by pharmaceuticals, wasn't there talk/interweb fodder about vaccinations causing some forms of Autism?

Oh, I'm also a medically retired cop that worked dope for years. One of My cancers was breathing in methamphetamine lab smells prior to OSHA™ masks. I was a State certified Expert in Narcotics and sales of..

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: Nochzwei

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Hijinx
a reply to: johnb

They all realized indigo is just a fancy way to say purple,quietly took showers and rejoined society.

Indigo is blue. It refers to the aura color.

Nancy Ann Tappe had Synesthesia.

The term "indigo children" originated with parapsychologist and self-described synesthete and psychic Nancy Ann Tappe, who developed the concept in the 1970s. Tappe published the book Understanding Your Life Through Color in 1982 describing the concept, stating that during the mid-1960s she began noticing that many children were born with Indigo auras.

Lol. Then I am one of those indigo kids with violet aura.
Seriously though I think indigo child may mean him/her having psychic abilities. I remember Kerry Cassidy interviewed an indigo child, that claims to have lived on mars, in his previous life

An Indigo aura can go toward the violet, but it's basically blue. I have no idea what color mine is.

My grandson has talked about being a girl in a past life. Must have been in her teens. He talks about getting a drivers license. But, gets a weird blank look on his face if I question him ---- like he's not suppose to talk about it.

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: Annee

Is it memory playing "tricks"? Or did each of us really have different life experiences in the same "time space"? Special?

If I claim to have certain talents. It is someone else, apart from me that usually makes a comment like, "So you think you're special". I just am who I am.

I don`t think it`s a memory issue and I do believe we have different experiences or at least how we percieve certain events and react to them. It can be similar events happening through our life times but not necessary that we will turn out the same way because of it. And this is the unique part of it. You could say that I`m a believer of soul, essence or energy which has gone through evolution, just like everything else. For example young souls will still have to go through what have old souls already experienced, but not excatly in the same order. Or not at all. It can be random ofc.

Just to take it into perspective. Ever heard someone to say for another person that he/she will never grow up? And the other person with different mindset could actually say the same thing about the original person who has said it. So who is right? I think both can be right and both wrong, just not at the same time
But since we cannot prove our disprove either person, yet, then at least be open to both posibillities right? So being in denial tells to me personally that the soul still has a lot to learn and experience...not saying that one is superior to another but just more experienced. The same way you could say about this life here on earth. As the age goes by you have more experience in this life than those who just jumped out of diapers, so to speak... and why this shouldn`t apply to souls also? It is all a process I believe. The only difference between old soul and young soul is the experience and the old soul will react and process certain event that has gone through already in the past with understanding and ease while the young one will take time to understand it...that`s what is happening here on earth, no matter of the age of the body. I have met younger people with more understanding and wisdom, but have also met lots of old people who are still far away from that. My point is that the age of this body and this life here on earth doesn`t have a more significant role to the life of the soul.

And here goes another question as to why ancient people believed in souls? To that extent that we can find it everywhere, in texts, art, buildings...Have they known something we don`t? Or were all together just delusional? And if so what that makes us then?

I know I never felt special, just completely lost --- as if I got dropped off on the wrong planet.

I can relate to that. I feel that I have lived a life in a pleasant society at some point thorugh my journey. Also can`t get rid of the feeling that the time is missing in each day here. Like it should have 30h instead of 24h. I mean I can, when not sick, easily stay up to 20h but then need at least 10h of sleep to function normally. And that has been the case since I can remember. That`s why I can`t get a steady rhythm. Don`t think of it as special but it is how I expereince it.

There was an old lady that lived next door to me when I was a kid. She was the only person I felt connected on the same wavelength. Not that I didn't want friends my own age, I did. It was very lonely.

I met a girl who was on the same frequency, we had very similar thoughts about everything. And when we were together for the first time, it took 5 minutes to realise we know each other from somewhere and had met already in the past. It was a mutual impression and we talked about it all night. It was so natural. But unfortunately our paths have only crossed once at that period of time in this life I suppose or might cross again and perhaps we even stay together in this life...who knows

a reply to: Bluesma

But that is just my opinion. I see a correlation between the big Indigo belief movement, and the social phenomenon of sense of entitlement and superiority illusions in the current young generation.
Psychologist Jean Twenge and her colleagues compiled the data and found that over the last four decades there's been a dramatic rise in the number of students who describe themselves as being 'above average' in the areas of academic ability, drive to achieve, mathematical ability, and self-confidence.

There is a difference, at least how I understand it. There are people and there always were people who had "above average" complex and will just do more so that they have more than you. These would be the young souls who still think they need to prove themselves. Just like the youngest souls who imitate others. Ever met a person who just thinks and does what everyone else around him/her does? And keep asking him/her self what do others think? And I don`t speak of children. I speak of healty older people. For the indigo movement I understand that these people are the ones who will recognise themselves, the personality, their souls...but like said we were, are or will be there at some point in our journey. Further, I understood it as the old souls coming to earth now in masses so we can finally evolve as civilization in this life. Just don`t like the terms indigo or starseed being used for it, sounds so alienated.

As for ascension being discussed here. If there is such thing, then we will all experience it at some point. Some faster, some later depends on the learning process of each soul.

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: pavil

What happen to them? I'll tell you what we did. We grew tired of "normal" people telling us it was all in our heads. Instead of constantly running into a wall with that, we decided it was better to take our spiritual pursuits to a higher plane. We don't talk much anymore to others and tend to keep to ourselves.

Haha, that`s what I thought after my first post just can`t break the wall, if there is no cooperation from the other side

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 03:17 PM
OK Ishot, So Maybe Occam's Razor is The Answer: It's just down to Lazy Parents! Makes sense to me

hmmm more children are given Adderall and less are proclaimed indigo children...COINCIDENCE???
But yeah as far as i am concerned that whole thing was just some nonsense parents made up to justify not doing a good job at parenting.
"It's not that i'm a bad parent, it's just that my child is some astral entity that transcends our notions of society!"

a reply to: IShotMyLastMuse

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 07:15 PM
I remember Indigo Children. They stopped being a thing because they were just more New Age hokum.

posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: obscurepanda
I remember Indigo Children. They stopped being a thing because they were just more New Age hokum.

As opposed to old age myth?

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: Annee

Most of that is purely fantasy, too.

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 05:46 PM
a reply to: obscurepanda

So you agree that only "most" of that is a fantasy? What about the rest of it? But the funny thing is you can`t prove it`s fantasy for any of it...Just like Troy and the Trojan war was a myth until they have actually found the remnants of Troy which opened again, a once dismissed as a myth, debate. Ignorance truly is arrogance in your case...

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 10:30 PM

originally posted by: obscurepanda
a reply to: Annee

Most of that is purely fantasy, too.

I'm atheist. But, I do believe everything is energy. That thought is energy. And energy connects everyone.

posted on Feb, 26 2015 @ 10:59 PM
a reply to: johnb

The indigo children probably went to college, got degrees that couldn't help them in the workplace and are now struggling to get by.

posted on Feb, 27 2015 @ 08:16 AM
I never once called them spoiled brats.
a reply to: Xarian6

posted on Feb, 28 2015 @ 03:16 AM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: pavil
What happen to them? I'll tell you what we did. We grew tired of "normal" people telling us it was all in our heads. Instead of constantly running into a wall with that, we decided it was better to take our spiritual pursuits to a higher plane. We don't talk much anymore to others and tend to keep to ourselves.

That's pretty much it.

And there's an increase in Humanists.

You do realize satire when you see it right? I wish the indigos would go to another plane already, their specialness is like chewing on aluminum foil to us mere homo sapians.

posted on Mar, 4 2015 @ 04:54 PM
I feel bad for those labeled Indigo children by their parents growing up. What a terrible thing to live under. For some, I imagine, it might have been reassuring. "You're special, you're destined for greatness, there's nothing wrong with you." For others, especially as they grew older, I'd think it would be difficult to grow up realizing you didn't have anything special like your parents said, or maybe doing things you knew disappointed their high hopes. Maybe they are one of the hundreds who grew up to be slightly smarter than average, and demanded people recognize them for it. Those folks have rarely ended well, but maybe some have.

Maybe some of you grew up and still believe you are one, and you are special. I saw one saying he was, and that they are more just "Hyper empathic" or something. I can believe that, but I suppose I'd be very empathetic if I grew up under a title that forced certain expectations from me.

Well. If they did/do truly exist, I hope you're achieving some kind of greatness for the world. Or at least your local community. But if you have drifted away to live some solitary life that's cool too. With the amount of scorn shown in this thread I'd be hesitant to claim myself anything other than normal too.

posted on Mar, 6 2015 @ 04:14 PM
Oh my, so little known unless you go within. They're here, growing up, some asleep at the wheels like everyone else.

Also you have to realize, the words: indigo, starseed, crystal, what do they mean? We take it to mean more recent arrivals, some with a mission, some already past the equality and tests on earth, so they're out of here, have teams and bungee cords. But I always wondered who the indigo's were. Some of them seem to have a bit of the control energy in them. Are they the various control serpents and reptilians and others in tests here? The annanuki in tests here? Venus and Saturn types in tests? Though the one indigo child I know was feline in source, from the moons of Sirius.

Its up to the people to wake up and do the work they came to do, but its not all about doing. Some are very hidden and working with their families and friends. And frequency.

Everyone is responsible for going within, shining up their love and shining it. They don't need modern ufology labels to do this.
edit on 6-3-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 6 2015 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: pavil
What happen to them? I'll tell you what we did. We grew tired of "normal" people telling us it was all in our heads. Instead of constantly running into a wall with that, we decided it was better to take our spiritual pursuits to a higher plane. We don't talk much anymore to others and tend to keep to ourselves.

Translation: I smoke a lot, a lot, a lot of weed and bought an X-box because "everybody sucks"

Seriously, being on a "higher plane" in any actuality would entail "doing" something if there was actually anything "special" going on here. Just sounds really Emo to me.

posted on Mar, 6 2015 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: Unity_99


Falling to under # 50 in Math Internationally while it's kids meet "Felines" from "The Moons of Sirius" in their heads and no one intervenes....


posted on Mar, 6 2015 @ 04:55 PM

I was wrong

I found the Indigo Children... all gathered here

All under the over pass, that's why we couldn't find them...


Seriously though, so this isn't a "total troll" and adds meaning to the thread...

"Creativity" isn't born from just "letting children express themselves anyway they want" and "telling them they are special" like anything else it needs a degree of direction, the actual building of talents, intellect and knowledge.

What telling kids they are "indigo Children" and letting them smear their feces on the wall as kids and patting them on the head like they did something amazing is actually doing is raising nitwits, okay girls in cosplay can be cute but in all reality I know that ring leader there has gotten his arse kicked a few times and let's not kid ourselves about this, not one of those kids can dance...not at all, it's not actually "original" in anyway, there is nothing "cyber" going on lol Hillary is better at keeping her e-mail closed then these kids, and even those effin gas masks were probably bought from some mega corp just like the stupid V for Vendetta masks giving money to some guys in suits anyway so there's not even a statement.

I'm not even joking, every one of those kids is a "indigo kid" i'm sure they are all quite sure of it, one has "empathy" another "astral projects" the third is in "communication" with aliens

Meanwhile in China.... Thousands of kids are studying and preparing to fill our Universities with PHD candidates

Just Put ART and MUSIC back in our curriculum and stop telling kids "doing their own thing" is Creativity

edit on 6-3-2015 by criticalhit because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-3-2015 by criticalhit because: additional words...

posted on Mar, 6 2015 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: criticalhit
a reply to: Unity_99


Falling to under # 50 in Math Internationally while it's kids meet "Felines" from "The Moons of Sirius" in their heads and no one intervenes....


You don't understand do you. This involved years of my closest friend sharing lions guarding her property, and then her grandson visiting us, the sighting we had, and scoop marks, and days of activity that won't go into on this thread, and then he woke up, at 16 years old he remembered in part who he was, what he was doing here and the family that watches over. He wrote to a friend from Finland and spoke that words with him that were impossible, then they tried their own language, and then he took all the words that had been written by 2 others including him, sang them to me and told me they were a psalm.

Sa'l me't ja'ri'n, the light within me greets the light within you.

Time to wake up. We're all from many different past steps trying to wake up and grow our consciousness as he said, many hundreds of thousands of times the current size. We all have family watching over and nudging us awake, sometimes in real sightings, sometimes in dreams, but its about getting out of the groove many are trapped in.

The ones trapped redoing Gaia's lessons, over and over, as he wrote, world without end, like being trapped for ages, going no where, were also star seeds, but they're not anymore. Thats what it means, those who came in.

He is an indigo, but has been here for a while.

And I mean. Literally. From someone who doesn't experience, and have shared experiences, there isn't much that can be said, you either are aware or you're not, but nothing you say changes it.
edit on 6-3-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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