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Britain first activists chase Muslim pedophiles off the streets of Newcastle

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posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: Bloodydagger
a reply to: dragonridr

And if that religion condones child molestation, then that's okay to you too, right?

Would you be "Okay" if some religions have always believed in sacrificing virgin children?

Are you okay with Satanic sacrifice? Killing cats and goats in the name of Beelzebub?

The morale of this story is, just because its "ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY", doesn't make it right.

Again non point they must abide by the laws of the land and do. You are trying to make excuses for unexceptable behavior of fascists . If that man who has a shop and probably a family was selling books to make a living. She has no right to go to his business threaten him and attack his religion. If that man has molested children he'd be in jail and deservedly so. But he's done nothing other than sell books. By the way hadiths are just one of them he sells. He knows his customers if he could sell bibles probably be there since he's trying to make money.

Your continued attack on muslims by trying to paint them all as child molesters is naive at best maybe even insidious. Tell you what if you don't want to buy the hadiths simple don't go there. Most muslims are just like everyone else they want to feed there families and live a peacefull life. UNFORTUNATELY PEOPLE LIKE YOU THINK ITS OK TO ATTACK HIM THAT HE IS SOME HOW INFERIOR TO YOU AND YOUR ILK.

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 07:22 PM
dragonridr :

Wrong it's not ok to attack anyone's religious beliefs, that's part of being in a free society.

And you, too, are wrong! Belief in a religious concept is the practice of an opinion, not the practice of something proven to be fact and true. I criticise religious belief because I think it is an absurdity. I don't care that a person may hold a religious belief, I care how religious beliefs impact upon society, and by that association, how they may impact upon me and my life.

It is quite irrelevant the tones and attitude of the past, we are discussing present-day religious belief and practices that are seen in modern society as child abuse, both mentally and physically. It is incumbent on the religion to change its creed, dogma, and practices if it seeks to sustain and be tolerated in modern society. Religious principles, tenets, and practices are not, and cannot be held higher than the law of the land, nor can they be considered equal, either.

There's no debate in this. There is no clever, sanctimonious argument that can worm its way around this. Until a child comes to the age of consent - and by that, it is meant that the child fully understands in both moral and self-preservation psychology, the consequential impact consent to sex can bring - no child can legally undertake any form of sex act. Of course, different countries have different ages where consent can be given, but at all times, the child is sovereign over his or her own mind and body.

The legal age of consent is there for a purpose, and that purpose is to protect the child's mind and body, and to prosecute adults against child abuse. Children under the age of ten most certainly do not understand adult ways and thinking, but can only trust adults and what adults tell them, which often places them in imperilment of adult sexuality. Children have to be protected from their own naivety and curiosity, and from the predatory sexuality of adults they have grown to trust.

Any religion that perpetuates under age sex as part of its practice is harming the child both physically and mentally, and cannot be condoned. Modern Western society does not allow under the age of consent sex, and one's religious beliefs don't change that.

It is right for a religion to be both criticised and attacked if its beliefs uphold a right for an adult to engage in under the age of consent sex, or even to alter a child's forming genitalia, simply out of belief in that religion's creed. The question to be asked what point does a religious belief cease to be beneficial, and turn into something that is abusive and oppressive, and dangerous? I'll tell you, it becomes the latter at a child's birth!

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: elysiumfire

One major problem with your argument Islam isn't telling people to molest children that is your own hate and bigotry. The bible had plenty of child brides I don't think you believe that christians or jews are molesting children. If it was about that Britain First would be in the front row of the church of England screaming they are child molesters. Yet oddly there not you can try to hide it all you like the reality is its an attack on 1 religion.

And trust me when I say I've called out Muslims on alot of things but this isn't them this is true bigotry. So hide behind a fake belief that Muslims are running around molesting kids it isn't happening any more than any other segment of society. In fact right now I'd say happens more often in the Brittish government than anywhere else. Why don't they start there is that's right the xenophobes oh that's right that can't be bigots.

edit on 2/21/15 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 08:16 PM
dragonridr :

One major problem with your argument Islam isn't telling people to molest children that is your own hate and bigotry.

I don't consider myself a bigot, and it isn't hatred that drives my criticism of religion. Nevertheless, even if I were a bigot or full of hatred, it doesn't alter the fact that any religion that allows for under the age of consent sex by its creed and practice, is seen here in the West as condoning paedophilia. If that is not a schism that needs sorting, then I don't know what is.

It is irrelevant what the Bible said and says, and yes, I do believe that some Jews and some Christians are equally condoning of sex with minors. Catholicism is rife with paedophile priests who have been abusing children for decades. Paedophilia is not just a religious problem, it is a societal problem, however, this thread is discussing how Islam condones under the age of consent sex...and if it condones, it IS definately telling people that it is okay to molest and have sex with children, even if the child is classed as a wife. The child had no is doing what it is told, and bearing what it is subjected to by adults.

Even bigotry tells the truth and gives the facts, that is why it is called bigotry. You have a very warped perception, and I think you get yourself into ludicrous debates because of it. Sometimes, it best just to admit to oneself, that one's thought process is plain wrong, and then move on and learn from the experience. I hope you can do that in this case?

posted on Feb, 21 2015 @ 09:44 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: Bloodydagger
a reply to: dragonridr

And if that religion condones child molestation, then that's okay to you too, right?

Would you be "Okay" if some religions have always believed in sacrificing virgin children?

Are you okay with Satanic sacrifice? Killing cats and goats in the name of Beelzebub?

The morale of this story is, just because its "ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY", doesn't make it right.

Again non point they must abide by the laws of the land and do. You are trying to make excuses for unexceptable behavior of fascists . If that man who has a shop and probably a family was selling books to make a living. She has no right to go to his business threaten him and attack his religion. If that man has molested children he'd be in jail and deservedly so. But he's done nothing other than sell books. By the way hadiths are just one of them he sells. He knows his customers if he could sell bibles probably be there since he's trying to make money.

Your continued attack on muslims by trying to paint them all as child molesters is naive at best maybe even insidious. Tell you what if you don't want to buy the hadiths simple don't go there. Most muslims are just like everyone else they want to feed there families and live a peacefull life. UNFORTUNATELY PEOPLE LIKE YOU THINK ITS OK TO ATTACK HIM THAT HE IS SOME HOW INFERIOR TO YOU AND YOUR ILK.

I will put it as plain as possible.
He is inferiror to the slothy sledge that started evolutiion, the primordial soup. He is the part of the soup that was discarded and all the new life deficated on.
edit on 21-2-2015 by TinfoilTP because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 01:44 AM
a reply to: elysiumfire

Please tell me where in the Koran it tells people to molest children. See it doesn't but you claim it does. so if it doesn't have it in the Koran and you claim that's why you hate muslims so please explain why you make false claims against a religion.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 04:35 AM
dragonridr :

Please tell me where in the Koran it tells people to molest children.

It's not just the Koran Muslims are following, they are following their so-called prophet Mohammed, who married a child of six, and consummated the marriage when she was just nine years old. It is that act by Mohammed Muslims follow and practice.

Let me ask you a couple of questions, they just need a simple 'yes' or 'no' you condone under the age of consent sex? Do you believe that Mohammed's sex act with his nine year old wife was right, and that it is okay to follow his example today? claim that's why you hate Muslims...

Show me where in my posts I make the claim I hate Muslims. I don't hate Muslims, I hate the harm that men (of all race, religious creed, and colour) perpetrate against others, and justify it either through their culture or their religious belief. Fact is, it is you who makes the claim that I hate Muslims.

Even if I did hate Muslims, it would be a far less serious issue than that of your condoning of religious or cultural paedophilia.
edit on 22/2/15 by elysiumfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: Bloodydagger

I think this is a testament to how far some will go to apologize for Islam.. unreal. Give it a minute, we'll have someone here trying to blame Christianity for this.

In a few years the heads of the lunatic fringe of the politically correct will start exploding. Cause of death? Deadly levels of cognitive dissonance.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr

originally posted by: Bloodydagger
a reply to: dragonridr

And if that religion condones child molestation, then that's okay to you too, right?

Would you be "Okay" if some religions have always believed in sacrificing virgin children?

Are you okay with Satanic sacrifice? Killing cats and goats in the name of Beelzebub?

The morale of this story is, just because its "ALWAYS BEEN THAT WAY", doesn't make it right.


At least me and my ilk don't condone child molestation

Pedophiles rarely last a month in prison for a reason.

posted on Feb, 22 2015 @ 08:04 PM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: elysiumfire

why you hate muslims

I don't think anyone here "hates Muslims" - However, people here hate pedophiles.

As I said before, if you condone this form of pedophilia, then you condone ALL forms of pedophilia. Its ALL sick and disgusting no matter which way you spin it.

edit on 22-2-2015 by Bloodydagger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 10:22 PM
US soldiers raped Iraqi boys in front of their mothers

veterans news

Evidence of these events are beginning to surface, unlike biblical aged theories
from the stone age.

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