Another good thread buddy and you thought the exact same thing I did. This Judge feels bad and the other man lost everything because of it.
Both sides liberals/conservatives here my voice......The war on drugs and drug laws in general are unconstitutional. This entire war on drugs is
illegal and brought about by the very same people pushing the vaccine agenda.......Drug companies.
Yeah, the cops dragging me to jail for my drug felony were quite sorry and lamented the injustice and stupidity of the drug war... didn't stop them
from locking me up, though.
It would be funny if it didn't create utter hell on Earth.
order followers are the most dangerous people because they haven`t got the courage or the moral compass to stand up for what is right they go along
with what they are told to do,they`ll follow anyone and do anything to save their own skin or their job.
The people who are giving the orders aren`t very dangerous because if nobody carried out their orders then nothing would happen.
I just don't understand how we, you and I, have let it come to this.
It's times like this that I am less than proud to be an American.
(Chin touches chest in shame)