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People Getting Even Dumber.

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posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 06:59 PM
It seems that people these days are getting dumber. I mean I can't stand the general pubic anymore.

People are not nessicarily getting dumber, just being logical must be tough for some people. This actually happened. I asked someone (day time) "did the power go out?"..."I dont know"..."well check the clock in the kitchen"....(they came back in) "Nope its still on"..........They looked at a clock on the by batteries.

Even peoples spelling and grammar on this site has been getting sloppier. we myte as well start talkin like this all da tyme, i mean dun u like it? i no i do.

People on this board have become less receptive, I have a couple theories out there, but when people respond just to say "NO, This is what Is right, this is what it is, you are wrong"...yet, they don't even take the time to clearly think through the theory I have presented, They just want to talk, not listen or think.

We are obviously getting purposely retarded, chemicals in our foods, even genetically altered. Think, why are all the best organic, less tampered with foods more expensive...keep the rich, smart and rich, keep the poor stupid, they dont know the difference anyways.

But ahh! the grammar, I can look at the main page and see atleast 1 error every catagory. I know mine isn't perfect, but atleast proof read or something...scan it over real quick or something.

Flame it up.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 07:11 PM
True, people are getting dumber all the time.

(But then when have the people been smart!)-LOL.

As far as the grammer is concerned. Give us a break B, Im in London and its 1.08am, Im tired and wanting my bed, but still I want to learn more, so like everyone else who is up in the wee hours wanting to know more or just have a chat. Dont be so hard, its probbaly that we are tired, or just plain lazy, Im not too sure but asking us to better our wording is a good start.

Anyway, nice post!

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 07:12 PM
Humm lets think about this for a minit just hat has our so called intellegence got us? Massive polution enviermental brake down
Nuks more nuks and created a world in wich its more important as to what you own as to how you got it .
thanks but no thanks i like being dumb .If I was smart I would probly be just like the rest of the sabor rattlers shrinks lawers politihions and bankers. But because I refuse to be smarter im poor and live in the country.
But I have this to say for the dumb life its much more quiet and the only time I even see your world is when I turn on the tv and thats not offton.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 07:12 PM
It's the Sodium Fluoride in the water, combined with Television...

Seriously, water fluoridation is product of Nazi war research into mind control, and the story of it's development and implementation is the best single example of an 'illuminati' conspiracy that I've ever read...

People can't spell because people don't read books anymore, many people I speak to really believe that you can learn everthing you need to learn by watching the television....

Sad, isn't it...

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 07:22 PM
There is a great Greenday lyric: Only stupid people are breeding.

There's some truth to that, as un PC as it may be. More intelligent and driven people tend to have less children, or no children. The lower end of society tends to have many more kids per mom who then stay at the bottom.

Many families today also don't exist the way they used to. Single parents, while they do an excellent job, may not have the time to devote to their kids the way two parents could. Also, people just dont have time to spend with a family unit.

Dinner is caught on the fly, and parents don't invest the time to teaching their kids or just talking to them. Early education and stimulation is very related to IQ, as is adequate nutrition, which seems to be nonexistant these days.

Yep, we will continue to get more and more stupid generation by generaton.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 08:36 PM
yea it seems on the average we are getting more idiotic...i mean reality tv just shows that...but on the whole as well...there are people getting smarter...knowledge is moving so fast and we are creating soo much that what we know now a farcry from what we will in the future [obviously..]

as homer puts it so eliquently....i am so smart...i am so smart....S..M..R...T...doh!!!

oh well..we try...but we are often just a little off

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 08:44 PM
My own mother thought that Viktor Yushchenko was a bad guy just by the way his face looks, please don't tell me intelligence is passed on through genes
It is true just by watching some reality TV you can see how plain stupid society is becoming.

God plz hlp us b4 we all tlk lyk dis argghhh.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 08:56 PM
i read a article about this, basically this will be a summary of what i remember.

...they said that "smart" people tend go on to have better, more time consuming jobs/activities after college, therefore they have less children that the average person. While "dumb" people tend to have "crappy" jobs or are unemployed and tend to have more free time and have more children. The offspring tend to follow the path that there parents set for them so "dumb" people will have children that will probably be like them and the same for the "smart" people. So this means that the world is getting dumber.

I dunno if its true but that is basically what the article said. I did a seach for the article but i didnt come up with anything.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 08:57 PM
I do think people are getting dumber. But, I think that is part of the plan. We know need the local news to tell us how to dress ourselves and our children for school and work. The onslaught of commercials tell us what drugs to ask our doctors to give us. The government and media tell us what they want us to know.
We have computers to tell us how to add and substract. In many cases, children are getting fought-rate educations. Television is by and large a wasteland.

"Sheeple"--to use an abused word--comes to mind.

Denying ignorance just ins't on the agenda for way too many people.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 09:01 PM
Telivision isn't the wasteland it's what that is put on the Telivision. I think that if inteligent things were put on TV some people wouldn't be so stupid.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 09:07 PM
DUMB - Definition
... Meaning of DUMB. Pronunciation: dum. WordNet Dictionary. Definition: [adj] unable
to speak because of hereditary deafness; [adj] lacking the power of human speech ... - 29k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ]

People are not getting "Dumber" and there is not any such word as "Dumber". They are getting lazy however, and murdering the queen's english!

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 09:13 PM
adj. dumb�er, dumb�est

Conspicuously unintelligent; stupid: dumb officials; a dumb decision.


[edit on 16-12-2004 by Th0r]

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Th0r
adj. dumb�er, dumb�est

Conspicuously unintelligent; stupid: dumb officials; a dumb decision.


[edit on 16-12-2004 by Th0r]

You make your own case Thor!

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by _BLiND_
It seems that people these days are getting dumber. I mean I can't stand the general pubic anymore.

Yea general pubic indeed.

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by instar

You make your own case Thor!

Thank you, I think?

posted on Dec, 16 2004 @ 09:44 PM
What's dis mess you all be talking bout people bein gettin dumber. I remembers when people didn't take a bath for nye near a month at a time. They cut up dem wristezez when they got demselves sick to let da blood out. Well man dey didn't even brush thems teeths. Theys just let them rot outtta their god given heads.

Peoplez used to ride on animalz backs just 100 yearz ago. Now we flyz landz on da moon and some other crazy poop man. Looks at what yez doin right now. Your surfin da internet man. Dis didn't barely not exist just 10 years ago. Nope peoplez aren't gettin no dumber man. You just must be gettin yourself surrounded bys dems dumb people.

posted on Dec, 17 2004 @ 01:14 AM

Originally posted by _BLiND_
It seems that people these days are getting dumber. I mean I can't stand the general pubic anymore.

I think you're generalizing way too much. Many people are capable of intelligent discussion if given the chance. There is beauty in each individual.

We are obviously getting purposely retarded, chemicals in our foods, even genetically altered. Think, why are all the best organic, less tampered with foods more expensive...keep the rich, smart and rich, keep the poor stupid, they dont know the difference anyways.

The reason organic food is pricier is the law of supply and demand. Many americans like quick and easy and therefore avoid raw foods that imply you actually taking 10 minutes out of your day to cook.

When more people start buying it, it will go down in price. Have you been bitten by the paranoia bug lately?

But ahh! the grammar, I can look at the main page and see atleast 1 error every catagory. I know mine isn't perfect, but atleast proof read or something...scan it over real quick or something.

In short, none of your arguments has to do with the decline in human cognitive ability. Most have to do with certain other human vices. Laziness is one.

posted on Dec, 22 2004 @ 06:33 PM
Yes, I have noticed the less intelligent a person is the more kids they have. Maybe it also deals with that they have kids while in school, and drop out, therefore not getting a full education, making them dumb. Also might explain why inner city families consist of one mom, 10 dads, 50 kids. Well, have 50 kids.... but drugs, gang fights, that usually thins the herd out. Don't see to many Harvard Grads who got good grades, that they earned not bought,(cheap shot at Bush I know) doing drugs while helping their West Side Crips or Bloods shoot up some hos crib cause she was taking some of the drug money for herself.

Maybe should ban channels like Life, or for me channel six and 82. Its always "God is great, now give me money" or "The Evils of Harry Potter". Start getting rid of these channels.... no one needs 125 channels.

posted on Dec, 23 2004 @ 01:51 AM

You see get to the heart of the matter, dummies need money to go to college, then they can go all the way through graduate school, even gaining tenure, while avoiding more pertinent books such as:


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