posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 04:41 AM
Phimes, like I have told people here at ATS, its not just one or two things that make him believe he is Christ. I will list some of the things here,
but this is a very basic list and not a complete list either.
Bloodline form both sides of his family goes back to David
His birthdate, time, size, sunrise to moonrise, conception date all relate to Jesus and the Bible.
Birthdates in his family members also are connected. Marriges and special dates
Even his Chromosomes are unusual and tie in.
Miracles though out his life
Healing and/or bringing back form the dead - animals
The ability to reveal the measurments of the temple as applied to the earth and what the Key of David is and how the second coming is via the Davidic
He has a way of rooting out things that are not apparent to most.
I don't know how much I can tell you here, they may pull my tongue out the rest of the way, if I dont stop.
If you or anyone else wants to know more, lets move this conversation to my forum.
Holy Conspiracy - Good against Evil and The Return of Christ