+3 more
posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 09:55 AM
'One Fish', along with 'Two Fish', are goldfish our daughter won at a school carnival 10 years ago. We were told that the fish would
probably live a month and then die because they were just carnival fish that wasn't from the best stock or care. Instead of dying young, both fish
did very well and quickly outgrew aquarium after aquarium. They both grew to be a foot long. We have (had) them in a 50 gallon tank.
Our daughter was 8 when she won them and she named them 'One Fish' and 'Two Fish' after the Dr Seuss story.
Yesterday we noticed One Fish had brown goop hanging from him and his entire body looked like it had red spiderwebs on it. He also wasn't acting
well. We found out he had a fungus and so we put the anti-fungal meds in the tank. Within a few hours he was struggling and it was very hard to
watch. We knew he was actively dying - gasping and struggling and swim/floating upside down. Two Fish was VERY upset. This is her lifelong
companion and they were very attached. They'd always swim around without leaving each others side.
We read that the humane thing to do with a fish that is actively dying is to put him in some water in the freezer and let him go off to sleep that
way. Well, One Fish was too big for a bucket in the freezer and the temp was zero with a windchill of -20 last night so we put him in a bucket and
put him on the back porch. He died within an hour. This was much better than having him linger and suffer for a day or two like was expected.
Now we have a one gallon block of ice with a big frozen fish in it sitting in the garage. We wanted to bury One Fish, but the ground is very frozen
and we are expecting subfreezing weather and snow all this week. I think we'll leave One Fish in the frozen bucket until things warm up and then try
to bury him.
Two Fish is very sad today. She's sitting on the bottom of the tank not doing anything and not eating. She just stares into the mirror I have at
the end of the tank. She's by herself now. I feel so sad for her!
We will keep up the fungal treatment. Fungal treatment is very hard on critters and on humans, but if we don't try then Two Fish will die too. She
has the red spider web looking stuff on her fins, but it's not all over the body like with One Fish. She might make it, if she doesn't die of
missing her fish friend.
Anyways, RIP One Fish. We miss you.