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Should we just focus on Building 7?

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posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: Jchristopher5

Yep...there is an expert.....Dan Rather. Well trained in engineering and demolition. You really should do more research on the man. His show on cable (after he got canned by CBS) covered 9/11 theories.

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: cardinalfan0596
a reply to: Jchristopher5

Yep...there is an expert.....Dan Rather. Well trained in engineering and demolition. You really should do more research on the man. His show on cable (after he got canned by CBS) covered 9/11 theories.

He was an experienced reporter, reporting what he witnessed.

I would also assume he is many times more astute, and smarter than you.

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: cardinalfan0596
a reply to: Jchristopher5

Well, let me respond..

1. Nope. Not even close.
2. Nope. Not even close.
3. Nope. Not even close. If anything your posts prove that you never look at anything outside of your conspiracy, oh, the FACTS. There is page after page after page of facts and evidence that has been pointed out to you, and yet, you refuse to accept anything.

So, again.....

1.The NIST report, was an educated guess, based on limited photos of the building and the reports of the FDNY (and one, that a lot of us do not necessarily agree with)
2.The FDNY, reported heavy damage to 7, that pieces of it were falling off all afternoon, that they were measuring a slow movement to the South, and that, in their opinion, 7 was going to fall, all by itself.
3. The FDNY Chief has said on NUMEROUS occasions that "pulling it" refers to him pulling his men and women OUT of the area.
4. No evidence of demolition charges in the debris.
5. No visual evidence of the thousands of explosions that would have been present had the building been rigged.
6. No AUDIO evidence of the thousands of explosions that would have been present had the building been rigged.
7. No seismograph evidence of the thousands of explosions that would have been present had the building been rigged.

And yet, you still cling to "It was demolished" Larry Silverstein said "Pull it" ......etc......

Okay, so I will put you down for number 4. Which is what I assumed about you.

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 07:48 AM
a reply to: Jchristopher5

Well then you should go ahead and post it. Please do so. Because you will only be showing just how uninformed you choose to be.

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: Jchristopher5

I really could only pass someone else's opinion on what type, sorry. I don't know.

Thats called heresay. With all due respect, a plane is a plane is a plane. Why hide a missile? They could have easily said someone stole xyz missile and used it, especially if the parts turn up in the rubble. Why go through the elaborate ruse of "switching out the debris" and then everyone anywhere near there keeping it quiet till now, and forever more?

For what purpose, really? Think about it.

Short of a nuclear weapon, a big airliner at five hundred miles per hour would be more destructive than anything in the US arsenal, anyway.

edit on 18-2-2015 by intrptr because: link

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Jchristopher5

I really could only pass someone else's opinion on what type, sorry. I don't know.

Thats called heresay. With all due respect, a plane is a plane is a plane. Why hide a missile? They could have easily said someone stole xyz missile and used it, especially if the parts turn up in the rubble. Why go through the elaborate ruse of "switching out the debris" and then everyone anywhere near there keeping it quiet till now, and forever more?

For what purpose, really? Think about it.

Short of a nuclear weapon, a big airliner at five hundred miles per hour would be more destructive than anything in the US arsenal, anyway.

I'm confused. Wasn't it you that asked me what I thought hit the Pentagon? To which I repied a missile. Yes, it's heresay, you asked me what I THOUGHT.

Then you asked me what type of missile, and I said I didn't know, then you say I am engaging in heresay.

Very strange. Why ask questions that you know I don't have answers to, only to then say I am engaging in heresay? What are you trying to accomplish here?

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 08:43 AM

originally posted by: cardinalfan0596
And yet, you still cling to "It was demolished" Larry Silverstein said "Pull it" ......etc......

What do you expect, I guess being reasonably smart doesn't cut it and you just have to be above average.
Still boggles the mind how they confuse context, seeing as Silverstein was talking to a fire commander it's going to be pretty obvious that he's talking in the context you would with the fire department and not a demolitions company.

The difference between a demolition company 'pulling' a building like with WTC6 (using cables I might add, nothing to do with explosives):

and the fire department (with a better view of how extensive the WTC7 fires were that truthers are always keen to forget about)

Finally they pulled us out. They said all right,
get out of that building because that 7, they were really
worried about. They pulled us out of there and then they
regrouped everybody on Vesey Street, between the water and
West Street. They put everybody back in there.

I have no political motivations - I'm not even American nor do I care for politics in general. Nor did I need the latest 'revelations' to realise what the general public are starting to understand. However I am scientifically minded and can't understand how so many layman think they are right just because they believe something parrot fashion without actually grasping the concepts.
I can only think of four explanations

1) Complete and utter stupidity
2) A religious like obsession that bypasses even common sense let alone any advanced thinking
3) An organised disinformation campaign to distract people from any real conspiracies, maybe not even specific to 9/11
4) A concerted effort to keep alive a dying joke of a movement in order to keep selling media

I do have to wonder, as this and another thread are the first new ones in nearly 5 months - what is going on that we are being distracted from? Has there been some genuine new revelation we should be discussing?
Because these tired, juvenile concepts that were laughed out of the arena long ago have to be a distraction? Surely no real, intelligent, person is still seriously using them as arguments?

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 08:49 AM
a reply to: Jchristopher5

Now dummy up…

You make factual statements (a Missile) but now claim you heard it somewhere…

Thats heresay…
edit on 18-2-2015 by intrptr because: BB code

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: intrptr

He's entire 'knowledge base' is made up of 'someone else's opinion'. Which is why he gets confused about people like us, he doesn't understand we're the types of people that think of the solutions and carry out original analysis, rather than just being a parrot/sheep.
It's quite telling in his obsession that anyone that doesn't agree must be some US patriot, which is ironic as I only stepped foot there once in transit, he thinks there are two sides and people like us parrot what the 'official' reports say and people like him parrot what some top echelon 'truthers' say. He simply doesn't understand we come to our own, original, conclusions based on raw available information.

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 08:57 AM

originally posted by: Jchristopher5

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: stosh64
a reply to: Jchristopher5

And please explain where this next video is wrong in their evaluation of the events you saw in the video posted above.

I know that some people point out that no steel framed building has every collapsed due to fire even after burning for a day, but the narrator explains that it's the only tower in history to burn uncontrolled for 7 hours.

I think this is case closed. Mods you can close the 911 forum, mystery solved.

I am tired of tangling with you debunkers, whatever your motivations might be. This video proves nothing to me,just as the evidence we have presented somehow proves nothing to the many of you who swarm on every 9/11 post in this forum, like flies to honey. It's the same ones, thread after thread. You all seem to use similar tactics, use the same tired talking points, and calling "truthers" names seems to be a common theme. I am done for this evening. If someone wants to entertain you folks for a while then that is great. We are getting no where.

Many of us "truthers" have came to this opinion with hundreds of hours of research, and in spite of the MSM and government would have you believe. I have posted as to why you can't trust what the government says, but it falls on deaf ears with the debunking crowd. You trust the governemnt, at their word, seemingly unconditionally.

Your minds are made up already, or there is something else motivating you. No matter, I am done for now.

Pot, meet kettle.

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: AgentSmith

Welcome to the 911 forum.

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 09:23 AM
My mom was an RN living in NJ at the time and volunteered to go into the city to help the wounded. Of course, there wasn't really anyone for her to help so they put her in charge of the makeshift morgue located in the basement of Building 7. She and the other volunteers were to collect pieces of bodies and catalog them in a big black leather book, at least that's what I remember it looking like. They were warned that the building (7) was going to come down and everyone was evacuated just as it did.

My mom took the book with her. She said she needed something to carry it in, so she ducked into a Dooney & Bourke store and looted a really nice oversized purse in her favorite color and carried it home. Once home she wasn't sure who to contact to retrieve the book and called our local police. The FBI showed up and took it, but we made copies before they left.

I attended William Patterson that semester and witnessed the towers fall. I've been a truther since the day it happened. Even as an 18 year old kid, I knew what a controlled demo looked like from watching old casinos in Atlantic City come down. I was always fascinated by that growing up and instantly recognized it. I was so relieved to find out there were people like me when I had the courage to google it a few sleepless months later.

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: intrptr

a reply to: Jchristopher5

Now dummy up…

You make factual statements (a Missile) but now claim you heard it somewhere…

Thats heresay…

Again, that was MY OPINION, for which I never claimed to have evidence, based on your repeated questions.

So, you dummy up. You are trying to play games on here, and I see right through you like the glass that didn't break at the Pentagon when it was hit by wings of a plane going 500 MPH.

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: ladyhelena
My mom was an RN living in NJ at the time and volunteered to go into the city to help the wounded. Of course, there wasn't really anyone for her to help so they put her in charge of the makeshift morgue located in the basement of Building 7. She and the other volunteers were to collect pieces of bodies and catalog them in a big black leather book, at least that's what I remember it looking like. They were warned that the building (7) was going to come down and everyone was evacuated just as it did.

My mom took the book with her. She said she needed something to carry it in, so she ducked into a Dooney & Bourke store and looted a really nice oversized purse in her favorite color and carried it home. Once home she wasn't sure who to contact to retrieve the book and called our local police. The FBI showed up and took it, but we made copies before they left.

I attended William Patterson that semester and witnessed the towers fall. I've been a truther since the day it happened. Even as an 18 year old kid, I knew what a controlled demo looked like from watching old casinos in Atlantic City come down. I was always fascinated by that growing up and instantly recognized it. I was so relieved to find out there were people like me when I had the courage to google it a few sleepless months later.

Excellent post. Congrats for seeing through this maze early on. It took me 13 years to deprogram the MSM and government garbage, which you can see clearly being displayed on here.

These folks are really desperate to hold on, against the rising tide of awareness about the 9/11 truth. Unless they shut off the internet, kill all of us, and/or lock us all up, they have to know they are slowly losing the battle.

Carry on my wise friend!
edit on 18-2-2015 by Jchristopher5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: Jchristopher5

originally posted by: intrptr

a reply to: Jchristopher5

Now dummy up…

You make factual statements (a Missile) but now claim you heard it somewhere…

Thats heresay…

Again, that was MY OPINION, for which I never claimed to have evidence, based on your repeated questions.

So, you dummy up. You are trying to play games on here, and I see right through you like the glass that didn't break at the Pentagon when it was hit by wings of a plane going 500 MPH.

What? You think it was a missile but you claim you have no evidence for why? Because it's your opinion?
OK I think I see why we have a problem here. You see as a scientist I'm used to working with hypothesis and theories (don't make the mistake of thinking it's a 'my mate down the pub theory', scientific theory is effectively fact).

Unless you have an hypothesis, which is the bare minimum for a forward moving discussion -

a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

- then we're all wasting our times really. So far through your own admission it seems you are only capable of seeing in black and white, don't understand anything but just repeat other people's opinions and make baseless statements based on your unfounded opinion.

I think I see why we have a problem here....

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 09:58 AM

originally posted by: AgentSmith

originally posted by: Jchristopher5

originally posted by: intrptr

a reply to: Jchristopher5

Now dummy up…

You make factual statements (a Missile) but now claim you heard it somewhere…

Thats heresay…

Again, that was MY OPINION, for which I never claimed to have evidence, based on your repeated questions.

So, you dummy up. You are trying to play games on here, and I see right through you like the glass that didn't break at the Pentagon when it was hit by wings of a plane going 500 MPH.

What? You think it was a missile but you claim you have no evidence for why? Because it's your opinion?
OK I think I see why we have a problem here. You see as a scientist I'm used to working with hypothesis and theories (don't make the mistake of thinking it's a 'my mate down the pub theory', scientific theory is effectively fact).

Unless you have an hypothesis, which is the bare minimum for a forward moving discussion -

a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

- then we're all wasting our times really. So far through your own admission it seems you are only capable of seeing in black and white, don't understand anything but just repeat other people's opinions and make baseless statements based on your unfounded opinion.

I think I see why we have a problem here....

You guys are amazing and unbelievably obstinate. I was asked a serious of questions, "what do you think hit the pentagon". "What type of missile". I never once said I had proof of this, and stated it as an opinion. Not fact.

Then you proceed to give me the lesson above. I have learned a lesson out of all of this.

I won't answer your questions any more regarding my opinion, from you or your like-thinking compadres. Your games are so obvious to anyone reading this thread. Not sure how you can stand yourselves.

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 10:07 AM
a reply to: Jchristopher5

Three words:

Patriotic Cognitive Dissonance

You yourself said it took 13 years for you to see it, it took me 5, just remember some people are where we used to be.
It's like a wife who ignores all her instincts that her child is being sexually abused by her husband which is the child's step father, because it's too terrible to fathom. Unless the husband admits his guilt and directly tells her, this actually happened, she ignores her original instincts which is correct.

The fact is if elements within the American government, killed almost 3000 of it's own citizens viewing them as collateral damage to gain a stronger control of the world, this also to is too terrible to fathom.
Because it means the American Constitution has because a worthless piece of paper, and that is very sad.

And so you have literally millions of Americans who's instincts on 9/11 has been activated to wonder about the OS, but cognitive dissonance has kicked in, and the barrage of patriotic propaganda blankets them as well.

edit on 18-2-2015 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
a reply to: Jchristopher5

Three words:

Patriotic Cognitive Dissonance

You yourself said it took 13 years for you to see it, it took me 5, just remember some people are where we used to be.
It's like a wife who ignores all her instincts that her child is being sexually abused by her husband which is the child's step father, because it's too terrible to fathom. Unless the husband admits his guilt and directly tells her, this actually happened, she ignores her original instincts which is correct.

The fact is if elements within the American government, killed almost 3000 of it's own citizens viewing them as collateral damage to gain a stronger control of the world, this also to is too terrible to fathom.
Because it means the American Constitution has because a worthless piece of paper, and that is very sad.

And so you have literally millions of Americans who's instincts on 9/11 has been activated to wonder about the OS, but cognitive dissonance has kicked in, and the barrage of patriotic propaganda blankets them as well.

Very well put, much better than I could have.
edit on 18-2-2015 by Jchristopher5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 10:16 AM

originally posted by: Jchristopher5
You guys are amazing and unbelievably obstinate. I was asked a serious of questions, "what do you think hit the pentagon". "What type of missile". I never once said I had proof of this, and stated it as an opinion. Not fact.

Then you proceed to give me the lesson above. I have learned a lesson out of all of this.

I won't answer your questions any more regarding my opinion, from you or your like-thinking compadres. Your games are so obvious to anyone reading this thread. Not sure how you can stand yourselves.

Yes yes I see... I've learned a lesson too, in fact it's more a case of being reminded a lesson a learnt years ago - don't try and discuss anything remotely complicated with a '9/11 truther'. I feel like I'm trying to explain calculus to a brain damaged rat.

posted on Feb, 18 2015 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: AgentSmith

originally posted by: Jchristopher5
You guys are amazing and unbelievably obstinate. I was asked a serious of questions, "what do you think hit the pentagon". "What type of missile". I never once said I had proof of this, and stated it as an opinion. Not fact.

Then you proceed to give me the lesson above. I have learned a lesson out of all of this.

I won't answer your questions any more regarding my opinion, from you or your like-thinking compadres. Your games are so obvious to anyone reading this thread. Not sure how you can stand yourselves.

Yes yes I see... I've learned a lesson too, in fact it's more a case of being reminded a lesson a learnt years ago - don't try and discuss anything remotely complicated with a '9/11 truther'. I feel like I'm trying to explain calculus to a brain damaged rat.

Two insults for the price of one, very well done.

FYI, I know you mean to offend me with Truther, but it doesn't offend me one bit. I am proud that I seek truth, unlike you who deals in deception and insults to get your point across. Shame on you, on at least two levels.

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