posted on Feb, 16 2015 @ 07:44 AM
Didn't you hear that Nutty-yahoo speaks for ALL Jews, Globally? He said so himself.
To be honest, the reporting of the massive rises in "anti-semitism" in Europe is laughable. Just the report into the rise within the UK is a joke,
given the criteria and how they come up with the figures. Of course, the agenda is always for more special treatment and funding to protect them,
including any criticism of their religion and Israel, which must be considered anti-semitic and a hate crime.
We can say anything we like about any other religion and it's followers, as that is considered freedom of speech and expression, but must NEVER saqy
anything critical of the chosen ones as we could end up in pokey for having an opinion.
The trouble is, nobody questions the BS at a high level as journalists or politicians who do seem to get dropped very quickly in favour of more
compliant drones. Thus, Nutty-yahoo stating that he speaks for ALL Jews, worldwide, gets reported as fact, even when there are Jewish groups around
the world stating otherwise and trying to distance themselves from him and the Israeli state.