a reply to:
You jumped from a relatively interesting thought to conclusions that have nothing to do with it.
First of all, we are not limited by the speed of light. Who told you you couldn't go faster? Are you able to imagine being able to go faster? So, at
least in imagination you can travel faster. That's already breaking the limit in one way.
How about in thought? How about in your astral body? How about when you elevate the vibration frequency of your physical body or the field surrounding
the craft that surrounds your physical body? The effect is almost the same as astral projection - but instead of your soul and astral body leaving
your physical body, it's just a larger scale operation, where a whole spacecraft leaves a physical planet.
There are no speed limits, except those falsely imposed by the limited mind (and agenda-ridden monsters that want to rule planets, like this one).
Normal space travel is easy, after you know how to do it - and trust me (well, probably better not trust a stranger in the internet on second
thought), 'they' have known the secret and had operational craft for a long time.
Visitors from other planets have formed the phenomena that Terrans usually call "UFOs".
They are already proof that it is possible. All you need next, is the method, and then the manufacturing process.
But of course it's best to have a mature soul first - and most of this planet's half-animals have not reached that kind of state, where they would
be ready to do it peacefully. They would install guns to the spaceships and try to dominate others.
So.. galaxies being 'closer' or 'farther' from each other - has no bearance on the matter of whether it's faster or slower to travel in space.
Besides, your theory sounds to me like a Terran mind who cannot and won't grasp the vastness of the space, and the enormous astronomical sizes and
distances, and wants to 'cheat' to bring them closer and thus to a more 'comprehensible' range, easier to process and subjugate under the scrutiny
of the ever-searching, ever-restless mind of a Terran.
But the Universe is enormous, it's huge, and it's wiser to accept it and realize just how tiny we are as individuals. Because that is the truth. We
cannot cheat and compress the Universe so we could feel bigger and our egos would be more bloated.