posted on Feb, 15 2015 @ 04:41 PM
After years of her bullying, aggression and general nastiness, I, with two colleagues, managed to get our concerns about our boss heArd by a (new)
management team.
No other co worker would lodge official grievances; that's how nasty this woman was. She was asked not to come into work until investigations were
We all felt she wouldn't relinquish power so easily, so when my line manager (D) mentioned that he had come into the office one Monday morning to
find the urn overflowed, water all over the place, we suspected she had sneaked in to create a little havoc, send a little 'I still control you'
Only...we had all left together for the pub on Fri afternoon, and even if we had, for the first time in six years, forgotten to turn the urn off, by
the time D came in early on Mon, the urn would have boiled dry, and would have tripped to stop it blowing up., with the wall switch still in the
'on' position. Instead, it was half full with water boiled over the work surfaces, the windows steamed with condensation, but, crucially, the urn
switched off at the wall. Which means someone turned it on not long ago. Then switched it off and scarpered.
The staff room was also found with all lights blazing, that Mon morning. But I know that I turned them off myself, because the room is at the end of a
long corridor, and, as I was faffing,my colleagues all left to wait by the lift and I had to negotiate down the dim and gloomy hallway. I distinctly
recall that, because they heard me trip over something and laughed at me.
There were other small but distinct aspects of that Monday morning... A soft toy a Client had given me moved from wedged behind a shelf to sitting as
though looking at the computer etc
So far, so not spooky. But we decided to catch her out, so called the security group that manage the buildings to see when she deactivated the alarm
to sneak in to do all this, and when she activated it again. They told us no-one had entered the building since we left on Fri until D turned off the
alarm early on Mon.
So all of what happened is physically impossible. There's no way the urn could be switched off at the wall but be boiled over and then switched off
recently enough to leave condensation and flooding. No way the lights were on, without someone entering and triggering the alarm. Be too much of a
coincidence that that morning a soft toy, which has not moved in four years, moves significantly.....a Tulpa?
Sorry for the length...