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Forced Vaccinations: What Could Possibly go Wrong?

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posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
I don't need stories for or against immunization, I know through personal experience they don't work.

Have you personally experienced smallpox? If not, why not?
edit on 24-2-2015 by FurvusRexCaeli because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: Prezbo369

originally posted by: yuniorsan
Wow diagnosed with bipolar disorder?

Are you giving an official alternative oriental medicine diagnosis using western medical terms?

Why do all of your prescriptions contain endangered species?

LOLOL--- I'm putting it on terms you could understand, because if I say Liver-qi stagnation with a disturbed shen it will go over your head.

What fun will it be, if I tell you Dog Penis Soup, not very appealing right?

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: FurvusRexCaeli
AH, the personal fear factor. If you don't immunize against it you will get it scenario.
Like if I don't want Ebola I wont go to Africa. That does not mean there isn't a slight chance I could get Ebola from an unknown carrier but that's the luck of the draw.
If there was an epidemic in the offing then yes I can see the reasoning behind immunization but to use the "what if" scenario is no valid excuse for mass immunization.
What I was really trying to get over was the immunization injection I was given was totally useless (as they admitted in the press in January) so if they lied about that can they be trusted not to lie about other immunizations.
By the way they only admitted it was useless after quite a number of cases showed that it had NO EFFECT whatsoever.
I'll say again(forget smallpox) this lie could have killed me. Yes flu not smallpox.

posted on Feb, 24 2015 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
I'll say again(forget smallpox) this lie could have killed me. Yes flu not smallpox.

No, I won't forget smallpox (though I could if I wanted to, as no one gets it any more).

You said immunizations don't work, and you knew this based on personal experience.

What does your personal experience with smallpox tell you about immunizations?

posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 06:30 AM

originally posted by: yuniorsan

LOLOL--- I'm putting it on terms you could understand, because if I say Liver-qi stagnation with a disturbed shen it will go over your head.

Yes a condition such as bipolar disorder obviously stems from the liver........and a disturbed shen? never mentioned my midichlorian count?

It's clearly made up nonsense that has no bearing in reality. You may fool a few people that know no better, but make no mistake that's all you're doing.

Ancient Chinese medicine is an ancient Chinese scam that selfishly and arrogantly promotes the loss of endangered species for absolutely no medical benefits whatsoever.

I anticipate the day that the Chinese government makes those peddling traditional/ancient Chinese medicine accountable and puts it out of business.

What fun will it be, if I tell you Dog Penis Soup, not very appealing right?

Yes the best way to treat any such sexual problems is to eat a penis....

edit on 25-2-2015 by Prezbo369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 09:14 AM

edit on 25-2-2015 by yuniorsan because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: Prezbo369

originally posted by: yuniorsan

LOLOL--- I'm putting it on terms you could understand, because if I say Liver-qi stagnation with a disturbed shen it will go over your head.

It's clearly made up nonsense that has no bearing in reality. You may fool a few people that know no better, but make no mistake that's all you're doing.

Yeap, so far we have fooled:
1- The World Health Organization (WHO) -
2- Cleveland Clinic -
3- Mayo Clinic -
4- Duke University Medical Center -
5- Department of Defense -

and many many more... but until we don't fool the whole world we won’t stop.

originally posted by: Prezbo369

originally posted by: yuniorsan

LOLOL--- I'm putting it on terms you could understand, because if I say Liver-qi stagnation with a disturbed shen it will go over your head.

Yes the best way to treat any such sexual problems is to eat a penis....

Well if that's your fixation then eat the penis, but because is in a soup, you don't necessarily have to eat it.

posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: yuniorsan

Yeap, so far we have fooled:
1- The World Health Organization (WHO) -

From that report:

In recognition of the increasing worldwide interest in the subject,
the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a symposium on acupuncture
in June 1979 in Beijing, China. Physicians practising acupuncture in different
countries were invited to identify the conditions that might benefit from this
therapy. The participants drew up a list of 43 suitable diseases. However, this list
of indications was not based on formal clinical trials conducted in a rigorous
scientific manner, and its credibility has been questioned.

No fooling there....

2- Cleveland Clinic -

Yep the Cleveland Clinic surely seems fooled, even going so far as to say:

Acupuncture draws on the belief that an energy called Qi (pronounced “chee”) circulates throughout our bodies, from the tops of our head to the soles of our feet.

Not very formal or scientific....

3- Mayo Clinic -

Yep three more clinics in the US fooled, no doubt giving people what they want, and not what they need.

4- Duke University Medical Center -

'Integrative medicine' says it all really, and the organisation above has been criticized for compromising the effectiveness of mainstream medicine through inclusion of ineffective alternative remedies, and for claiming it is distinctive in taking a rounded view of a person's health, as have all such 'Integrative' organisations....

5- Department of Defense -

An anecdotal tale, not the DoD's opinion on acupuncture, very misleading.

Well if that's your fixation then eat the penis, but because is in a soup, you don't necessarily have to eat it.

Do you bath in it then?

Ive not come across eating a plethora of animal penises in any other context ever, its a ridiculous and ignorant practice that is emblematic of the entire collection of superstitions and nonsense.

posted on Feb, 25 2015 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: Prezbo369

Well your comprehension skills failed again... if you keep reading that same page it states:

In 1996, a draft report on the clinical practice of acupuncture was reviewed at the
WHO Consultation on Acupuncture held in Cervia, Italy. The participants
recommended that WHO should revise the report, focusing on data from
controlled clinical trials. This publication is the outcome of that process.

So is not the study from 1979 but a revised publication from controlled clinical trials done in 1996.

Yep the Cleveland Clinic surely seems fooled, even going so far as to say:

Acupuncture draws on the belief that an energy called Qi (pronounced “chee”) circulates throughout our bodies, from the tops of our head to the soles of our feet.

Not very formal or scientific....

Oddly enough they still offer the services... weird right...

4- Duke University Medical Center -

'Integrative medicine' says it all really, and the organisation above has been criticized for compromising the effectiveness of mainstream medicine through inclusion of ineffective alternative remedies, and for claiming it is distinctive in taking a rounded view of a person's health, as have all such 'Integrative' organisations...

Well besides the fact that you did not provide any link, but lets say they have been criticized, is there irrefutable proof for that criticism? or is just been criticized by vested interest in not allowing a cheap alternative to help the body heal?

5- Department of Defense -

An anecdotal tale, not the DoD's opinion on acupuncture, very misleading.

How is so? what is misleading of the following paragraph:

“The Air Force Acupuncture Center is the first facility of its kind in DOD ever,” Air Force Col. (Dr.) John Baxter said. “It is a full-time acupuncture facility, and not only is it here to treat patients, it’s here to teach other providers and to do research.”

Baxter is director of the Pentagon Flight Medicine Clinic and a credentialed acupuncturist.

Acupuncture is being used as a treatment everywhere in the Defense Department, “but the Air Force led the way with two formal training programs of 20 physicians each,” Baxter said. “The Navy has one training program with 20 physicians and efforts are underway to have another tri-service training program.”

I still don't see the misleading statement anywhere... did you reading comprehension skills failed you once again?


3- Mayo Clinic -

Yep three more clinics in the US fooled, no doubt giving people what they want, and not what they need.

And finally we come full circle, you just admitted that or health system gives people what they want not what they need... It took me a while, but I see you finally saw what we all have been saying all along, do not trust big pharma, they give you what you want not what you need... Thank you for opening your eyes.

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