posted on Feb, 14 2015 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to:
The part about creation was not put in there to cause Chaos. It was put there to try to explain a way things were created. It is man that blew this
all out of proportion, not the person who wrote that explanation. Back in those days people had some of the same questions we have today. So someone
tried to make an answer.
I don't think either side should be bashing each other over the creation theory passed on from over twenty five hundred years ago. We know more now
but still, I think that the present Big Bang theory is just about as absurd as the one in the bible. We will never know how the universe was formed
for sure. The Big Bang theory is just something science wants us to believe in so all their efforts to explain the creation were not in vain.
Another words, it is not real science, the evidence they have gathered can be used to prove other theories we will have in the future too. I just
prefer to say we don't know how the universe was formed or when. Now, maybe we could get a general idea when this planet was formed, but the basis
for the testing is not proven to work beyond a certain amount of time correctly, way less than a million years.
It's not really that important anyway, what is important is to make sure we do not mess up what we have and ruin this garden of Eden that has been
created. The whole planet is the Garden of Eden, even with it's deserts, we never got kicked out of it, people just think the grass is greener on
the other side.