posted on Feb, 13 2015 @ 05:59 AM
Hello, let me cut right into cake.
People often tell me that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Ive never really been a breakfast kinda person. If i eat breakfast then no
doubt im also going to eat lunch and dinner to - 3 square meals as recommended.
Im a firm believer that to loose weight and be healthy it all comes down to diet and exercise - Assuming you have no underlying medical issues. Im 26
in april, female, 5'4 in height and around 10 stone (140lbs for you americans) I know right now im carrying extra weight that in a modern society i
just dont need.
Im finding my diet very difficult right now for 2 reasons:
1) Everything i eat has sugar in it - It feels impossible to escape.
2) Ive suffered from a cold since January that i have only just shifted.
Not to mention, i work full time and i do not plan my meals, so most times, i come home and throw something from the freezer into the oven and presto,
dinner. Cooking is not beyond me, its just the planning and execution of those meals!
But yeah, how the hell do you improve your diet when you're surrounded by food that is full of fat and sugar? If i based my diet around consuming
2000 cal's of healthy food i dont think id be able to meet that amount. Part of the struggle is when your already eating sh!t food your body begins
to crave it in a strange way. The only way i know how to get rid of these cravings is to either meet them or exercise AND drink alot of water - But
that's difficult when your stuck at work for 8hrs.
So recently ive been trying to, in effect, help my stomach shrink itself so i get full more easier. Skip breakfast, take a berocca on a morning
instead, maybe some fruit later on, sandwich for lunch and a meal when i get home from work...
I dunno, im just completely lost right now as to how to help myself. I want to be healthy and i want to be able to run half marathons (Im a big fan of
running, just haven't been able to do it since getting my cold in jan)
Any advise would be greatly appreciated.