I dont know why people get so miffed up over this stuff. We have been living in a corporatocracy for a long time, not to mention the whole fascist
leanings, may as well call it a fascist corporatocracy. Its like Mussolini and Hitlers dream come true, only diluted and not yet fully concentrated.
Really that is the whole point of government, or the greater part of it. I mean offcourse there gonna look out and use government for there
interests, its what they do, and what they are, corporations are not only made of people, but under the law they are people to. As of yet its not
even all that bad yet. You can say your living in the golden age, but after the golden age, always comes the fall. And then it will really get
heated up and interesting. Though not in this generation yet.
In all if your so worried about it, well they do have a separation of church and state for obvious reasons. You can always do the same, that is have
a separation of corporation or business and state. Good luck with that though, because really there would be very little or any other purpose to
having government then other then social maintaining reasons, dont want to be a socialist now do we. It's just not the capitalist or communist way,
or whatever you all are.
As soon as you cant make money off it, or get stinking rich, or set things up to your way, well who would want to go into politics or government then?
It would be pointless of even having a government then or the whole pony and dog show. I mean what would people watch on the nightly news then? Or
think of all the social commentary people or comedians, who will they have then to make the butt of a joke then if not the rich assholes which you
people seem to always put into power every time? The whole scope of late night television and corporate media may change, lots of people may even
lose there jobs because there really wont be anything for them to comment on.
Besides its not the constructs which are the problem, its the people. All the people on this planet, there are no exemptions, no matter what other
way you come up with or how much you change things around. Its always going to come to this point anyways, by a million other routes it will always
come to the same place eventually.
Or we can really do like in NASCAR. I think its a good idea, and much more hilarious. You know force everybody to wear a suit with the logos of there
corporate masters on them. That way at least you know what your dealing with. Plus it will make for one hell of a hilarious showings during all
these presidential races, and all the other goofy things people get up to.
That way finally presidential running's and all these voting shenanigans were they slowly remove one freedom or another in the name of social
interest by way of all these fancy named bills, well that way it may finally get more ratings and more people watching then the honey bubu show or
Americas got talent....Ok probably not, but it would still be hilarious. I mean more so then it is now.
Whats that expression. To hell in a handbasket.